Commit 20e101a4 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

Merge pull request #74 from matrixik/master

Clean and fix docs markdown
parents 67511dee 10417dd6
......@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ Have this features:
beego is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0
## Use Case
- API documentation [gowalker](
- CMS [toropress](
##What is hot update?
## What is hot update?
If you have used nginx, you may know that nginx supports hot update, which means you can update your nginx without stopping and restarting it. It serves old connections with old version, and accepts new connections with new version. Notice that hot compiling is different from hot update, where hot compiling is monitoring your source files and recompile them when the content changes, it requires stop and restart your applications, `bee start` is a tool for hot compiling.
##Is hot update necessary?
## Is hot update necessary?
Some people says that hot update is not as useful as its cool name. In my opinion, this is absolutely necessary because zero-down server is our goal for our services. Even though sometimes some errors or hardware problems may occur, but it belongs to design of high availability, don't mix them up. Service update is a known issue, so we need to fix this problem.
##How Beego support hot update?
## How Beego support hot update?
The basic principle of hot update: main process fork a process, and child process execute corresponding programs. So what happens? We know that after forked a process, main process will have all handles, data and stack, etc, but all handles are saved in `CloseOnExec`, so all copied handles will be closed when you execute it unless you clarify this, and we need child process to reuse the handle of `net.Listener`. Once a process calls exec functions, it is "dead", system replaces it with new code. The only thing it left is the process ID, which is the same number but it is a new program after executed.
Therefore, the first thing we need to do is that let child process fork main process and through `os.StartProcess` to append files that contains handle that is going to be inherited.
......@@ -15,7 +20,8 @@ The final step is that we want to serve old connections with old version of appl
Above are three problems that we need to solve, you can see my code logic for specific implementation.
##Show time
## Show time
1. Write code in your Get method:
......@@ -29,7 +35,7 @@ Above are three problems that we need to solve, you can see my code logic for sp
One execute: ` ps -ef|grep <application name>`
Another one execute:`curl ""`
Another one execute: `curl ""`
3. Hot update
# Installation
Beego is a simple web framework, but it uses many third-party packages, so you have to install all dependency packages also.
- Before anything you do, you have to check that you installed Go in your computer, see more detail about Go installation in my book: [Chapter 1](
......@@ -16,10 +17,10 @@ Good job, you're ready to Beego with powerful bee tools!
Beego has following dependency packages:
- Session module: [](
- To support redis engine: [](
- To support mysql engine: [](
- To support markdown as template function: [](
- Session module: [](
- To support redis engine: [](
- To support mysql engine: [](
- To support markdown as template function: [](
- [Introduction](
- [Quick start](
# Quick start
Hey, you say you've never heard about Beego and don't know how to use it? Don't worry, after you read this section, you will know a lot about Beego. Before you start reading, make sure you installed Beego in your computer, if not, check this tutorial: [Installation](
......@@ -23,7 +24,9 @@ Hey, you say you've never heard about Beego and don't know how to use it? Don't
- [Integrated third-party applications](#integrated-third-party-applications)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
## Hello world
This is an example of "Hello world" in Beego:
package main
......@@ -54,14 +57,21 @@ Open address []( in your browser and
What happened in behind above example?
1. We import package ``. As we know that Go initialize packages and runs init() function in every package(more detail [here](, so Beego initializes the BeeApp application at this time.
1. We import package ``. As we know that Go initialize packages and runs init() function in every package ([more details](, so Beego initializes the BeeApp application at this time.
2. Define controller. We define a struct called `MainController` with a anonymous field `beego.Controller`, so the `MainController` has all methods that `beego.Controller` has.
3. Define RESTful methods. Once we use anonymous combination, `MainController` has already had `Get`, `Post`, `Delete`, `Put` and other methods, these methods will be called when user sends corresponding request, like `Post` method for requests that are using POST method. Therefore, after we overloaded `Get` method in `MainController`, all GET requests will use `Get` method in `MainController` instead of in `beego.Controller`.
4. Define main function. All applications in Go use main function as entry point as C does.
5. Register routers, it tells Beego which controller is responsibility for specific requests. Here we register `/` for `MainController`, so all requests in `/` will be handed to `MainController`. Be aware that the first argument is the path and the second one is pointer of controller that you want to register.
6. Run application in port 8080 as default, press `Ctrl+c` to exit.
## New project
Get into your $GOPATH, then use following command to setup Beego project:
bee create hello
......@@ -82,7 +92,9 @@ It generates folders and files for your project, directory structure as follows:
└── views
└── index.tpl
## Development mode
Beego uses development mode as default, you can use following code to change mode in your application:
beego.RunMode = "pro"
......@@ -104,7 +116,9 @@ In development mode, you have following effects:
## Router
The main function of router is to connect request URL and handler. Beego wrapped `Controller`, so it connects request URL and `ControllerInterface`. The `ControllerInterface` has following methods:
type ControllerInterface interface {
......@@ -160,7 +174,9 @@ For more convenient configure route rules, Beego references the idea from sinatr
Match type string // match :hi is string type, Beego uses regular expression ([\w]+) automatically
##Static files
## Static files
Go provides `http.ServeFile` for static files, Beego wrapped this function and use following way to register static file folder:
......@@ -176,7 +192,9 @@ Beego supports multiple static file directories as follows:
After you setting static directory, when users visit `/images/login/login.png`,Beego accesses `images/login/login.png` in related to your application directory. One more example, if users visit `/static/img/logo.png`, Beego accesses file `public/img/logo.png`.
##Filter and middleware
## Filter and middleware
Beego supports customized filter and middleware, such as security verification, force redirect, etc.
Here is an example of verify user name of all requests, check if it's admin.
......@@ -202,7 +220,9 @@ Filter by prefix is also available:
## Controller
Use `beego.controller` as anonymous in your controller struct to implement the interface in Beego:
type xxxController struct {
......@@ -266,7 +286,7 @@ Overload all methods for all customized logic processes, let's see an example:
func (this *AddController) Get() {
this.Data["content"] ="value"
this.Data["content"] = "value"
this.Layout = "admin/layout.html"
this.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl"
......@@ -290,13 +310,19 @@ Overload all methods for all customized logic processes, let's see an example:
this.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/admin/index")
###Template directory
## Template
### Template directory
Beego uses `views` as the default directory for template files, parses and caches them as needed(cache is not enable in develop mode), but you can **change**(because only one directory can be used for template files) its directory using following code:
beego.ViewsPath = "/myviewpath"
### Auto-render
You don't need to call render function manually, Beego calls it automatically after corresponding methods executed. If your application is somehow doesn't need templates, you can disable this feature either in code of `main.go` or configuration file.
To disable auto-render in configuration file:
......@@ -307,13 +333,17 @@ To disable auto-render in `main.go`(before you call `beego.Run()` to run the app
beego.AutoRender = false
###Template data
### Template data
You can use `this.Data` in controller methods to access the data in templates. Suppose you want to get content of `{{.Content}}`, you can use following code to do this:
this.Data["Context"] = "value"
###Template name
Beego uses built-in template engine of Go, so there is no different in syntax. As for how to write template file, please visit [Template tutorial](
### Template name
Beego uses built-in template engine of Go, so there is no different in syntax. As for how to write template file, please visit [Template tutorial](
Beego parses template files in `viewpath` and render it after you set the name of the template file in controller methods. For example, Beego finds the file `add.tpl` in directory `admin` in following code:
......@@ -329,7 +359,9 @@ If you enabled auto-render and you don't tell Beego which template file you are
Which is `<corresponding controller name>/<request method name>.<template extension>`. For example, your controller name is `AddController` and the request method is POST, and the default file extension is `tpl`, so Beego will try to find file `/<viewpath>/AddController/POST.tpl`.
###Layout design
### Layout design
Beego supports layout design, which means if you are working on an administration application, and some part of its user interface is exactly same all the time, then you can make this part as a layout.
this.Layout = "admin/layout.html"
......@@ -347,7 +379,9 @@ Right now, Beego caches all template files, so you can use following way to impl
Handle logic
{{template "footer.html"}}
###Template function
### Template function
Beego supports customized template functions that are registered before you call `beego.Run()`.
func hello(in string)(out string){
......@@ -366,32 +400,42 @@ There are some built-in template functions:
* markdown
This function converts markdown content to HTML format, use {{markdown .Content}} in template files.
* dateformat
This function converts time to formatted string, use {{dateformat .Time "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}} in template files.
* date
This function implements date function like in PHP, use formatted string to get corresponding time, use {{date .T "Y-m-d H:i:s"}} in template files.
* compare
This functions compares two objects, returns true if they are same, false otherwise, use {{compare .A .B}} in template files.
* substr
This function cuts out string from another string by index, it supports UTF-8 characters, use {{substr .Str 0 30}} in template files.
* html2str
This function escapes HTML to raw string, use {{html2str .Htmlinfo}} in template files.
* str2html
This function outputs string in HTML format without escaping, use {{str2html .Strhtml}} in template files.
* htmlquote
This functions implements basic HTML escape, use {{htmlquote .quote}} in template files.
* htmlunquote
This functions implements basic invert-escape of HTML, use {{htmlunquote .unquote}} in template files.
##Handle request
## Handle request
We always need to get data from users, including methods like GET, POST, etc. Beego parses these data automatically, and you can access them by following code:
- GetString(key string) string
......@@ -417,10 +461,12 @@ If you need other types that are not included above, like you need int64 instead
To use `this.Ctx.Request` for more information about request, and object properties and method please read [Request](
###File upload
### File upload
It's very easy to upload file through Beego, but don't forget to add `enctype="multipart/form-data"` in your form, otherwise the browser will not upload anything.
Files will be saved in memory, if the size is greater than cache memory, the rest part will be saved as temporary file. The default cache memory is 64 MB, and you can using following ways to change this size.
Files will be saved in memory, if the size is greater than cache memory, the rest part will be saved as temporary file. The default cache memory is 64 MB, and you can use following ways to change this size.
In code:
......@@ -446,7 +492,9 @@ This is an example to save file that is uploaded:
###Output Json and XML
### Output Json and XML
Beego considered API function design at the beginning, and we often use Json or XML format data as output. Therefore, it's no reason that Beego doesn't support it:
Set `content-type` to `application/json` for output raw Json format data:
......@@ -465,7 +513,9 @@ Set `content-type` to `application/xml` for output raw XML format data:
##Redirect and error
## Redirect and error
You can use following to redirect:
func (this *AddController) Get() {
......@@ -493,15 +543,15 @@ Then Beego will not execute rest code of the function body when you call `this.A
Beego supports following error code: 404, 401, 403, 500 and 503, you can customize your error handle, for example, use following code to replace 404 error handle process:
func page_not_found(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
t,_:= template.New("beegoerrortemp").ParseFiles(beego.ViewsPath+"/404.html")
data :=make(map[string]interface{})
func page_not_found(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t, _ := template.New("beegoerrortemp").ParseFiles(beego.ViewsPath + "/404.html")
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["content"] = "page not found"
t.Execute(rw, data)
func main() {
beego.Errorhandler("404", page_not_found)
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
......@@ -510,22 +560,24 @@ You may be able to use your own `404.html` for your 404 error.
Beego also gives you ability to modify error message that shows on the error page, the following example shows how to set more meaningful error message when database has problems:
func dbError(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
t,_:= template.New("beegoerrortemp").ParseFiles(beego.ViewsPath+"/dberror.html")
data :=make(map[string]interface{})
func dbError(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t, _ := template.New("beegoerrortemp").ParseFiles(beego.ViewsPath + "/dberror.html")
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["content"] = "database is now down"
t.Execute(rw, data)
func main() {
beego.Errorhandler("dbError", dbError)
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
After you registered this customized error, you can use `this.Abort("dbError")` for any database error in your applications.
##Handle response
## Handle response
There are some situations that you may have in response:
1. Output template
......@@ -542,7 +594,9 @@ There are some situations that you may have in response:
## Sessions
Beego has a built-in session module and supports four engines, including memory, file, MySQL and redis. You can implement your own engine based on the interface.
It's easy to use session in Beego, use following code in your main() function:
......@@ -626,7 +680,9 @@ When the SessionProvider is redis, SessionSavePath is link address of redis, it
beego.SessionProvider = "redis"
beego.SessionSavePath = ""
## Cache
Beego has a built-in cache module, it's like memcache, which caches data in memory. Here is an example of using cache module in Beego:
var (
......@@ -670,7 +726,9 @@ To use cache, you need to initialize a `beego.NewBeeCache` object and set expire
- Delete(name string) (ok bool, err error)
- IsExist(name string) bool
##Safe map
## Safe map
We know that map is not thread safe in Go, if you don't know it, this article may be helpful for you: [atomic_maps]( However, we need a kind of thread safe map in practice, especially when we are using goroutines. Therefore, Beego provides a simple built-in thread safe map implementation.
bm := NewBeeMap()
......@@ -697,7 +755,9 @@ This map has following interfaces:
- Check(k interface{}) bool
- Delete(k interface{})
## Log
Beego has a default BeeLogger object that outputs log into stdout, and you can use your own logger as well:
......@@ -712,7 +772,8 @@ You can output everything that implemented `*log.Logger`, for example, write to
lg := log.New(fd, "", log.Ldate|log.Ltime)
###Different levels of log
### Different levels of log
* Trace(v ...interface{})
* Debug(v ...interface{})
......@@ -731,36 +792,48 @@ Your project may have a lot of log outputs, but you don't want to output everyth
Then Beego will not output log that has lower level of LevelWarning. Here is the list of all log levels, order from lower to higher:
LevelTrace、LevelDebug、LevelInfo、LevelWarning、 LevelError、LevelCritical
LevelTrace, LevelDebug, LevelInfo, LevelWarning, LevelError, LevelCritical
You can use different log level to output different error messages, it's based on how critical the error you think it is:
### Examples of log messages
- Trace
* "Entered parse function validation block"
* "Validation: entered second 'if'"
* "Dictionary 'Dict' is empty. Using default value"
- Debug
* "Web page requested: Params='...'"
* "Response generated. Response size: 10000. Sending."
* "New file received. Type:PNG Size:20000"
- Info
* "Web server restarted"
* "Hourly statistics: Requested pages: 12345 Errors: 123 ..."
* "Service paused. Waiting for 'resume' call"
- Warn
* "Cache corrupted for file='test.file'. Reading from back-end"
* "Database not responding. Using backup"
* "No response from statistics server. Statistics not sent"
- Error
* "Internal error. Cannot process request #12345 Error:...."
* "Cannot perform login: credentials DB not responding"
- Critical
* "Critical panic received: .... Shutting down"
* "Fatal error: ... App is shutting down to prevent data corruption or loss"
### Example
func internalCalculationFunc(x, y int) (result int, err error) {
......@@ -827,7 +900,9 @@ You can use different log level to output different error messages, it's based o
## Configuration
Beego supports to parse .ini file in path `conf/app.conf`, and you have following options:
appname = beepkg
......@@ -862,7 +937,9 @@ AppConfig supports following methods:
- Float(key string) (float64, error)
- String(key string) string
##Beego arguments
## Beego arguments
Beego has many configurable arguments, let me introduce to you all of them, so you can use them for more usage in your application:
* BeeApp
......@@ -944,7 +1021,9 @@ Beego has many configurable arguments, let me introduce to you all of them, so y
This value indicate whether enable gzip or not, default is false.
##Integrated third-party applications
## Integrated third-party applications
Beego supports to integrate third-party application, you can customized `http.Handler` as follows:
beego.RouterHandler("/chat/:info(.*)", sockjshandler)
......@@ -998,7 +1077,9 @@ Beego has an example for supporting chat of sockjs, here is the code:
The above example implemented a simple chat room for sockjs, and you can use `http.Handler` for more extensions.
## Deployment
Go compiles program to binary file, you only need to copy this binary to your server and run it. Because Beego uses MVC model, so you may have folders for static files, configuration files and template files, so you have to copy those files as well. Here is a real example for deployment.
$ mkdir /opt/app/beepkg
# Beego
Beego is a lightweight, open source, non-blocking and scalable web framework for the Go programming language. It's like tornado in Python. This web framework has already been using for building web server and tools in SNDA's CDN system. Documentation and downloads available at [](
It has following main features:
......@@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ The working principles of Beego as follows:
Beego is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0
#Simple example
# Simple example
The following example prints string "Hello world" to your browser, it shows how easy to build a web application with Beego.
package main
......@@ -41,7 +44,9 @@ The following example prints string "Hello world" to your browser, it shows how
# Handbook
- [Purposes](
- [Installation](
- [Quick start](
......@@ -49,5 +54,7 @@ The following example prints string "Hello world" to your browser, it shows how
- [Real world usage](
- [Hot update](
# Documentation
[Go Walker](
## supervisord
1. Installation
# 一步一步跟我写博客
## 创建项目
## 数据库结构设计
## 控制器设计
## 模板设计
## 用户登陆退出
## 数据库操作
# Design purposes and ideas
People may ask me why I want to build a new web framework rather than use other good ones. I know there are many excellent web frameworks on the internet and almost all of them are open source, and I have my reasons to do this.
Remember when I was writing the book about how to build web applications with Go, I just wanted to tell people what were my valuable experiences with Go in web development, especially I have been working with PHP and Python for almost ten years. At first, I didn't realize that a small web framework can give great help to web developers when they are learning to build web applications in a new programming language, and it also helps people more by studying its source code. Finally, I decided to write a open source web framework called Beego as supporting materiel for my book.
......@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ I used to use CI in PHP and tornado in Python, there are both lightweight, so th
2. Learn more about languages by studying their source code, it's not hard to read and understand them because they are both lightweight frameworks.
3. It's quite easy to make secondary development of these frameworks for specific purposes.
Those reasons are my original intention of implementing Beego, and used two chapters in my book to introduce and design this lightweight web framework in GO.
Those reasons are my original intention of implementing Beego, and used two chapters in my book to introduce and design this lightweight web framework in Go.
Then I started to design logic execution of Beego. Because Go and Python have somewhat similar, I referenced some ideas from tornado to design Beego. As you can see, there is no different between Beego and tornado in RESTful processing; they both use GET, POST or some other methods to implement RESTful. I took some ideas from []( at the beginning of designing routes. It uses regular expression in route rules processing, which is an excellent idea that to make up for the default Mux router function in Go. However, I have to design my own interface in order to implement RESTful and use inherited ideas in Python.
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
热升级是什么呢?了解nginx的同学都知道,nginx是支持热升级的,可以用老进程服务先前链接的链接,使用新进程服务新的链接,即在不停止服务的情况下完成系统的升级与运行参数修改。那么热升级和热编译是不同的概念,热编译是通过监控文件的变化重新编译,然后重启进程,例如bee start就是这样的工具
## 热升级有必要吗?
## beego如何支持热升级
......@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
## 如何演示热升级
1. 编写代码,在beego应用的控制器中Get方法实现大概如下:
# 安装入门
- 当然第一步你需要安装Go,如何安装Go请参考我的书[第一章](
......@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ beego虽然是一个简单的框架,但是其中用到了很多第三方的包
> - session模块
> - session模块中支持redis引擎
> - session模块中支持mysql引擎
# 快速入门
......@@ -23,7 +24,9 @@
- [第三方应用集成](#-19)
- [部署编译应用](#-20)
## 最小应用
package main
......@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@
## 新建项目
......@@ -90,6 +94,7 @@
└── views
└── index.tpl
## 开发模式
......@@ -115,6 +120,7 @@
## 路由设置
......@@ -173,7 +179,9 @@
## 静态文件
......@@ -189,7 +197,9 @@ beego支持多个目录的静态文件注册,用户可以注册如下的静态
## 过滤和中间件
......@@ -215,7 +225,9 @@ beego支持自定义过滤中间件,例如安全验证,强制跳转等
## 控制器设计
type xxxController struct {
......@@ -279,7 +291,7 @@ beego支持自定义过滤中间件,例如安全验证,强制跳转等
func (this *AddController) Get() {
this.Data["content"] ="value"
this.Data["content"] = "value"
this.Layout = "admin/layout.html"
this.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl"
......@@ -303,12 +315,19 @@ beego支持自定义过滤中间件,例如安全验证,强制跳转等
this.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/admin/index")
## 模板处理
### 模板目录
beego.ViewsPath = "/myviewpath"
### 自动渲染
......@@ -319,12 +338,16 @@ main.go文件中设置如下:
beego.AutoRender = false
### 模板数据
this.Data["Context"] = "value"
### 模板名称
......@@ -341,7 +364,9 @@ beego采用了Go语言内置的模板引擎,所有模板的语法和Go的一
### layout设计
this.Layout = "admin/layout.html"
......@@ -359,7 +384,9 @@ beego就会首先解析TplNames指定的文件,获取内容赋值给LayoutCont
{{template "footer.html"}}
### 模板函数
func hello(in string)(out string){
......@@ -378,32 +405,42 @@ beego支持用户定义模板函数,但是必须在`beego.Run()`调用之前
* markdown
实现了把markdown文本转化为html信息,使用方法{{markdown .Content}}
* dateformat
实现了时间的格式化,返回字符串,使用方法{{dateformat .Time "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}}
* date
实现了类似PHP的date函数,可以很方便的根据字符串返回时间,使用方法{{date .T "Y-m-d H:i:s"}}
* compare
实现了比较两个对象的比较,如果相同返回true,否者false,使用方法{{compare .A .B}}
* substr
实现了字符串的截取,支持中文截取的完美截取,使用方法{{substr .Str 0 30}}
* html2str
实现了把html转化为字符串,剔除一些script、css之类的元素,返回纯文本信息,使用方法{{html2str .Htmlinfo}}
* str2html
实现了把相应的字符串当作HTML来输出,不转义,使用方法{{str2html .Strhtml}}
* htmlquote
实现了基本的html字符转义,使用方法{{htmlquote .quote}}
* htmlunquote
实现了基本的反转移字符,使用方法{{htmlunquote .unquote}}
## request处理
- GetString(key string) string
......@@ -429,7 +466,9 @@ beego支持用户定义模板函数,但是必须在`beego.Run()`调用之前
### 文件上传
......@@ -456,7 +495,9 @@ beego提供了两个很方便的方法来处理文件上传:
### JSON和XML输出
......@@ -475,7 +516,9 @@ XML数据直接输出,设置`content-type`为`application/xml`:
## 跳转和错误
func (this *AddController) Get() {
......@@ -535,7 +578,9 @@ beego更加人性化的还有一个设计就是支持用户自定义字符串错
## response处理
1. 模板输出
......@@ -552,7 +597,9 @@ response可能会有集中情况:
## Sessions
......@@ -637,7 +684,9 @@ sess对象具有如下方法:
beego.SessionProvider = "redis"
beego.SessionSavePath = ""
## Cache设置
var (
......@@ -681,7 +730,9 @@ beego内置了一个cache模块,实现了类似memcache的功能,缓存数
- Delete(name string) (ok bool, err error)
- IsExist(name string) bool
## 安全的Map
bm := NewBeeMap()
......@@ -708,7 +759,9 @@ beego内置了一个cache模块,实现了类似memcache的功能,缓存数
- Check(k interface{}) bool
- Delete(k interface{})
## 日志处理
......@@ -722,6 +775,8 @@ beego默认有一个初始化的BeeLogger对象输出内容到stdout中,你可
lg := log.New(fd, "", log.Ldate|log.Ltime)
### 不同级别的log日志函数
* Trace(v ...interface{})
......@@ -741,56 +796,68 @@ beego默认有一个初始化的BeeLogger对象输出内容到stdout中,你可
LevelTrace、LevelDebug、LevelInfo、LevelWarning、 LevelError、LevelCritical
### Examples of log messages
- Trace
* "Entered parse function validation block"
* "Validation: entered second 'if'"
* "Dictionary 'Dict' is empty. Using default value"
- Debug
* "Web page requested: Params='...'"
* "Response generated. Response size: 10000. Sending."
* "New file received. Type:PNG Size:20000"
- Info
* "Web server restarted"
* "Hourly statistics: Requested pages: 12345 Errors: 123 ..."
* "Service paused. Waiting for 'resume' call"
- Warn
* "Cache corrupted for file='test.file'. Reading from back-end"
* "Database not responding. Using backup"
* "No response from statistics server. Statistics not sent"
- Error
* "Internal error. Cannot process request #12345 Error:...."
* "Cannot perform login: credentials DB not responding"
- Critical
* "Critical panic received: .... Shutting down"
* "Fatal error: ... App is shutting down to prevent data corruption or loss"
### Example
func internalCalculationFunc(x, y int) (result int, err error) {
beego.Debug("calculating z. x:",x," y:",y)
beego.Debug("calculating z. x:", x, " y:", y)
z := y
switch {
case x == 3 :
case x == 3:
beego.Trace("x == 3")
case y == 1 :
case y == 1:
beego.Trace("y == 1")
return 0, errors.New("Error!")
case y == 2 :
case y == 2:
beego.Trace("y == 2")
z = x
default :
z += x
retVal := z-3
retVal := z - 3
beego.Debug("Returning ", retVal)
return retVal, nil
......@@ -800,18 +867,18 @@ LevelTrace、LevelDebug、LevelInfo、LevelWarning、 LevelError、LevelCritical
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
beego.Error("Unexpected error occurred: ", r)
outputs <- outputData{result : 0, error : true}
outputs <- outputData{result: 0, error: true}
beego.Info("Received input signal. x:",input.x," y:", input.y)
beego.Info("Received input signal. x:", input.x, " y:", input.y)
res, err := internalCalculationFunc(input.x, input.y)
if err != nil {
beego.Warn("Error in calculation:", err.Error())
beego.Info("Returning result: ",res," error: ",err)
outputs <- outputData{result : res, error : err != nil}
beego.Info("Returning result: ", res, " error: ", err)
outputs <- outputData{result: res, error: err != nil}
func main() {
......@@ -828,16 +895,18 @@ LevelTrace、LevelDebug、LevelInfo、LevelWarning、 LevelError、LevelCritical
for {
select {
case input := <- inputs:
case input := <-inputs:
case <- criticalChan:
case <-criticalChan:
beego.Critical("Caught value from criticalChan: Go shut down.")
panic("Shut down due to critical fault.")
## 配置管理
beego支持解析ini文件, beego默认会解析当前应用下的`conf/app.conf`文件
......@@ -874,7 +943,9 @@ AppConfig支持如下方法
- Float(key string) (float64, error)
- String(key string) string
## 系统默认参数
* BeeApp
......@@ -959,7 +1030,9 @@ beego中带有很多可配置的参数,我们来一一认识一下它们,这
## 第三方应用集成
beego.RouterHandler("/chat/:info(.*)", sockjshandler)
......@@ -1013,7 +1086,9 @@ sockjshandler实现了接口`http.Handler`。
## 部署编译应用
$ mkdir /opt/app/beepkg
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ beego是一个类似tornado的Go应用框架,采用了RESTFul的方式来实
# beego 指南
* [为什么设计beego](
......@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ beego是一个类似tornado的Go应用框架,采用了RESTFul的方式来实
* [beego案例](
* [热升级](
# API接口
# 一步一步跟我写博客
## 创建项目
## 数据库结构设计
## 控制器设计
## 模板设计
## 用户登陆退出
## 数据库操作
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