Commit 736e66fc authored by nukc's avatar nukc

orm: support filter raw sql

parent f64e6b72
......@@ -372,7 +372,13 @@ func (t *dbTables) getCondSQL(cond *Condition, sub bool, tz *time.Location) (whe
operator = "exact"
operSQL, args := t.base.GenerateOperatorSQL(mi, fi, operator, p.args, tz)
var operSQL string
var args []interface{}
if p.isRaw {
operSQL = p.sql
} else {
operSQL, args = t.base.GenerateOperatorSQL(mi, fi, operator, p.args, tz)
leftCol := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s%s", index, Q, fi.column, Q)
t.base.GenerateOperatorLeftCol(fi, operator, &leftCol)
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ type condValue struct {
isOr bool
isNot bool
isCond bool
isRaw bool
sql string
// Condition struct.
......@@ -45,6 +47,15 @@ func NewCondition() *Condition {
return c
// Raw add raw sql to condition
func (c Condition) Raw(expr string, sql string) *Condition {
if len(sql) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.Raw> sql cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), sql: sql, isRaw: true})
return &c
// And add expression to condition
func (c Condition) And(expr string, args ...interface{}) *Condition {
if expr == "" || len(args) == 0 {
......@@ -79,6 +79,15 @@ func (o querySet) Filter(expr string, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
return &o
// add raw sql to querySeter.
func (o querySet) FilterRaw(expr string, sql string) QuerySeter {
if o.cond == nil {
o.cond = NewCondition()
o.cond = o.cond.Raw(expr, sql)
return &o
// add NOT condition to querySeter.
func (o querySet) Exclude(expr string, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
if o.cond == nil {
......@@ -899,6 +899,18 @@ func TestOperators(t *testing.T) {
num, err = qs.Filter("id__between", []int{2, 3}).Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2))
num, err = qs.FilterRaw("user_name", "= 'slene'").Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1))
num, err = qs.FilterRaw("status", "IN (1, 2)").Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2))
num, err = qs.FilterRaw("profile_id", "IN (SELECT id FROM user_profile WHERE age=30)").Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1))
func TestSetCond(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -924,6 +936,11 @@ func TestSetCond(t *testing.T) {
num, err = qs.SetCond(cond4).Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3))
cond5 := cond.Raw("user_name", "= 'slene'").OrNotCond(cond.And("user_name", "slene"))
num, err = qs.SetCond(cond5).Count()
throwFail(t, err)
throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3))
func TestLimit(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ type QuerySeter interface {
// // time compare
// qs.Filter("created", time.Now())
Filter(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// add raw sql to querySeter.
// for example:
// qs.FilterRaw("user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)")
// //sql-> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)
FilterRaw(string, string) QuerySeter
// add NOT condition to querySeter.
// have the same usage as Filter
Exclude(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
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