Commit 8e46decc authored by chendingxing's avatar chendingxing

fix routing bug for splat

parent 323a1c42
......@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ func (t *Tree) Match(pattern string, ctx *context.Context) (runObject interface{
return nil
w := make([]string, 0, 20)
return t.match(pattern, w, ctx)
return t.match(pattern[1:], pattern, w, ctx)
func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (runObject interface{}) {
func (t *Tree) match(treePattern string, pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (runObject interface{}) {
if len(pattern) > 0 {
i := 0
for ; i < len(pattern) && pattern[i] == '/'; i++ {
......@@ -301,13 +301,13 @@ func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Conte
// Handle leaf nodes:
if len(pattern) == 0 {
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok := l.match(wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
if ok := l.match(treePattern, wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
if t.wildcard != nil {
for _, l := range t.wildcard.leaves {
if ok := l.match(wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
if ok := l.match(treePattern, wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
......@@ -327,7 +327,12 @@ func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Conte
for _, subTree := range t.fixrouters {
if subTree.prefix == seg {
runObject = subTree.match(pattern, wildcardValues, ctx)
if len(pattern) != 0 && pattern[0] == '/' {
treePattern = pattern[1:]
} else {
treePattern = pattern
runObject = subTree.match(treePattern, pattern, wildcardValues, ctx)
if runObject != nil {
......@@ -339,7 +344,7 @@ func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Conte
if strings.HasSuffix(seg, str) {
for _, subTree := range t.fixrouters {
if subTree.prefix == seg[:len(seg)-len(str)] {
runObject = subTree.match(pattern, wildcardValues, ctx)
runObject = subTree.match(treePattern, pattern, wildcardValues, ctx)
if runObject != nil {
ctx.Input.SetParam(":ext", str[1:])
......@@ -349,7 +354,7 @@ func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Conte
if runObject == nil && t.wildcard != nil {
runObject = t.wildcard.match(pattern, append(wildcardValues, seg), ctx)
runObject = t.wildcard.match(treePattern, pattern, append(wildcardValues, seg), ctx)
if runObject == nil && len(t.leaves) > 0 {
......@@ -368,7 +373,7 @@ func (t *Tree) match(pattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Conte
wildcardValues = append(wildcardValues, pattern[start:i])
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok := l.match(wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
if ok := l.match(treePattern, wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
......@@ -386,7 +391,7 @@ type leafInfo struct {
runObject interface{}
func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (ok bool) {
func (leaf *leafInfo) match(treePattern string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (ok bool) {
//fmt.Println("Leaf:", wildcardValues, leaf.wildcards, leaf.regexps)
if leaf.regexps == nil {
if len(wildcardValues) == 0 && len(leaf.wildcards) == 0 { // static path
......@@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (ok b
// match *
if len(leaf.wildcards) == 1 && leaf.wildcards[0] == ":splat" {
ctx.Input.SetParam(":splat", path.Join(wildcardValues...))
ctx.Input.SetParam(":splat", treePattern)
return true
// match *.* or :id
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func init() {
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/", "/", nil})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/customer/login", "/customer/login", nil})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/customer/login", "/customer/login.json", map[string]string{":ext": "json"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*", "/customer/123", map[string]string{":splat": "customer/123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*", "/http://customer/123/", map[string]string{":splat": "http://customer/123/"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*", "/customer/2009/12/11", map[string]string{":splat": "customer/2009/12/11"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/aa/*/bb", "/aa/2009/bb", map[string]string{":splat": "2009"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/cc/*/dd", "/cc/2009/11/dd", map[string]string{":splat": "2009/11"}})
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