Commit 9105fee4 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

Merge pull request #1503 from fuxiaohei/develop

simplfy config.go and controller.go
parents 130ce7eb 92711e80
......@@ -177,8 +177,7 @@ func ParseConfig() (err error) {
if utils.FileExists(filepath.Join("conf", "app.conf")) {
AppConfigPath = filepath.Join("conf", "app.conf")
} else {
ac := config.NewFakeConfig()
AppConfig = &beegoAppConfig{ac}
AppConfig = &beegoAppConfig{config.NewFakeConfig()}
......@@ -186,9 +185,8 @@ func ParseConfig() (err error) {
if err != nil {
return err
envRunMode := os.Getenv("BEEGO_RUNMODE")
// set the runmode first
if envRunMode != "" {
if envRunMode := os.Getenv("BEEGO_RUNMODE"); envRunMode != "" {
BConfig.RunMode = envRunMode
} else if runmode := AppConfig.String("RunMode"); runmode != "" {
BConfig.RunMode = runmode
......@@ -277,109 +275,95 @@ func newAppConfig(AppConfigProvider, AppConfigPath string) (*beegoAppConfig, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rac := &beegoAppConfig{ac}
return rac, nil
return &beegoAppConfig{ac}, nil
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Set(key, val string) error {
err := b.innerConfig.Set(BConfig.RunMode+"::"+key, val)
if err == nil {
if err := b.innerConfig.Set(BConfig.RunMode+"::"+key, val); err != nil {
return err
return b.innerConfig.Set(key, val)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) String(key string) string {
v := b.innerConfig.String(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if v == "" {
return b.innerConfig.String(key)
if v := b.innerConfig.String(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); v != "" {
return v
return b.innerConfig.String(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Strings(key string) []string {
v := b.innerConfig.Strings(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if v[0] == "" {
return b.innerConfig.Strings(key)
if v := b.innerConfig.Strings(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); v[0] != "" {
return v
return b.innerConfig.Strings(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Int(key string) (int, error) {
v, err := b.innerConfig.Int(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if err != nil {
return b.innerConfig.Int(key)
if v, err := b.innerConfig.Int(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); err == nil {
return v, nil
return b.innerConfig.Int(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Int64(key string) (int64, error) {
v, err := b.innerConfig.Int64(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if err != nil {
return b.innerConfig.Int64(key)
if v, err := b.innerConfig.Int64(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); err == nil {
return v, nil
return b.innerConfig.Int64(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Bool(key string) (bool, error) {
v, err := b.innerConfig.Bool(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if err != nil {
return b.innerConfig.Bool(key)
if v, err := b.innerConfig.Bool(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); err == nil {
return v, nil
return b.innerConfig.Bool(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) Float(key string) (float64, error) {
v, err := b.innerConfig.Float(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key)
if err != nil {
return b.innerConfig.Float(key)
if v, err := b.innerConfig.Float(BConfig.RunMode + "::" + key); err == nil {
return v, nil
return b.innerConfig.Float(key)
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultString(key string, defaultval string) string {
v := b.String(key)
if v != "" {
if v := b.String(key); v != "" {
return v
return defaultval
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultStrings(key string, defaultval []string) []string {
v := b.Strings(key)
if len(v) != 0 {
if v := b.Strings(key); len(v) != 0 {
return v
return defaultval
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultInt(key string, defaultval int) int {
v, err := b.Int(key)
if err == nil {
if v, err := b.Int(key); err == nil {
return v
return defaultval
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultInt64(key string, defaultval int64) int64 {
v, err := b.Int64(key)
if err == nil {
if v, err := b.Int64(key); err == nil {
return v
return defaultval
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultBool(key string, defaultval bool) bool {
v, err := b.Bool(key)
if err == nil {
if v, err := b.Bool(key); err == nil {
return v
return defaultval
func (b *beegoAppConfig) DefaultFloat(key string, defaultval float64) float64 {
v, err := b.Float(key)
if err == nil {
if v, err := b.Float(key); err == nil {
return v
return defaultval
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Session(key interface{}) interface{} {
// CopyBody returns the raw request body data as bytes.
func (input *BeegoInput) CopyBody(MaxMemory int64) []byte {
safe := &io.LimitedReader{R:input.Context.Request.Body, N:MaxMemory}
safe := &io.LimitedReader{R: input.Context.Request.Body, N: MaxMemory}
requestbody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(safe)
bf := bytes.NewBuffer(requestbody)
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
......@@ -57,22 +56,31 @@ type ControllerComments struct {
// Controller defines some basic http request handler operations, such as
// http context, template and view, session and xsrf.
type Controller struct {
// context data
Ctx *context.Context
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
// route controller info
controllerName string
actionName string
methodMapping map[string]func() //method:routertree
gotofunc string
AppController interface{}
// template data
TplNames string
Layout string
LayoutSections map[string]string // the key is the section name and the value is the template name
TplExt string
EnableRender bool
// xsrf data
_xsrfToken string
gotofunc string
CruSession session.Store
XSRFExpire int
AppController interface{}
EnableRender bool
EnableXSRF bool
methodMapping map[string]func() //method:routertree
// session
CruSession session.Store
// ControllerInterface is an interface to uniform all controller handler.
......@@ -110,14 +118,10 @@ func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, controllerName, actionName strin
// Prepare runs after Init before request function execution.
func (c *Controller) Prepare() {
func (c *Controller) Prepare() {}
// Finish runs after request function execution.
func (c *Controller) Finish() {
func (c *Controller) Finish() {}
// Get adds a request function to handle GET request.
func (c *Controller) Get() {
......@@ -164,8 +168,7 @@ func (c *Controller) HandlerFunc(fnname string) bool {
// URLMapping register the internal Controller router.
func (c *Controller) URLMapping() {
func (c *Controller) URLMapping() {}
// Mapping the method to function
func (c *Controller) Mapping(method string, fn func()) {
......@@ -195,14 +198,14 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderString() (string, error) {
// RenderBytes returns the bytes of rendered template string. Do not send out response.
func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
//if the controller has set layout, then first get the tplname's content set the content to the layout
var buf bytes.Buffer
if c.Layout != "" {
if c.TplNames == "" {
c.TplNames = strings.ToLower(c.controllerName) + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.actionName) + "." + c.TplExt
if BConfig.RunMode == "dev" {
buildFiles := make([]string, 1)
buildFiles = append(buildFiles, c.TplNames)
buildFiles := []string{c.TplNames}
if c.LayoutSections != nil {
for _, sectionTpl := range c.LayoutSections {
if sectionTpl == "" {
......@@ -213,17 +216,15 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
BuildTemplate(BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath, buildFiles...)
newbytes := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if _, ok := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames]; !ok {
panic("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames)
err := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames].ExecuteTemplate(newbytes, c.TplNames, c.Data)
err := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames].ExecuteTemplate(&buf, c.TplNames, c.Data)
if err != nil {
Trace("template Execute err:", err)
return nil, err
tplcontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(newbytes)
c.Data["LayoutContent"] = template.HTML(string(tplcontent))
c.Data["LayoutContent"] = template.HTML(buf.String())
if c.LayoutSections != nil {
for sectionName, sectionTpl := range c.LayoutSections {
......@@ -232,25 +233,23 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
sectionBytes := bytes.NewBufferString("")
err = BeeTemplates[sectionTpl].ExecuteTemplate(sectionBytes, sectionTpl, c.Data)
err = BeeTemplates[sectionTpl].ExecuteTemplate(&buf, sectionTpl, c.Data)
if err != nil {
Trace("template Execute err:", err)
return nil, err
sectionContent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(sectionBytes)
c.Data[sectionName] = template.HTML(string(sectionContent))
c.Data[sectionName] = template.HTML(buf.String())
ibytes := bytes.NewBufferString("")
err = BeeTemplates[c.Layout].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, c.Layout, c.Data)
err = BeeTemplates[c.Layout].ExecuteTemplate(&buf, c.Layout, c.Data)
if err != nil {
Trace("template Execute err:", err)
return nil, err
icontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ibytes)
return icontent, nil
return buf.Bytes(), nil
if c.TplNames == "" {
......@@ -259,17 +258,16 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
if BConfig.RunMode == "dev" {
BuildTemplate(BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath, c.TplNames)
ibytes := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if _, ok := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames]; !ok {
panic("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames)
err := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, c.TplNames, c.Data)
err := BeeTemplates[c.TplNames].ExecuteTemplate(&buf, c.TplNames, c.Data)
if err != nil {
Trace("template Execute err:", err)
return nil, err
icontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ibytes)
return icontent, nil
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Redirect sends the redirection response to url with status code.
......@@ -306,7 +304,7 @@ func (c *Controller) StopRun() {
// URLFor does another controller handler in this request function.
// it goes to this controller method if endpoint is not clear.
func (c *Controller) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string {
if len(endpoint) <= 0 {
if len(endpoint) == 0 {
return ""
if endpoint[0] == '.' {
......@@ -317,37 +315,33 @@ func (c *Controller) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string {
// ServeJSON sends a json response with encoding charset.
func (c *Controller) ServeJSON(encoding ...bool) {
var hasIndent bool
var hasencoding bool
var (
hasIndent = true
hasEncoding = false
if BConfig.RunMode == "prod" {
hasIndent = false
} else {
hasIndent = true
if len(encoding) > 0 && encoding[0] == true {
hasencoding = true
hasEncoding = true
c.Ctx.Output.JSON(c.Data["json"], hasIndent, hasencoding)
c.Ctx.Output.JSON(c.Data["json"], hasIndent, hasEncoding)
// ServeJSONP sends a jsonp response.
func (c *Controller) ServeJSONP() {
var hasIndent bool
hasIndent := true
if BConfig.RunMode == "prod" {
hasIndent = false
} else {
hasIndent = true
c.Ctx.Output.JSONP(c.Data["jsonp"], hasIndent)
// ServeXML sends xml response.
func (c *Controller) ServeXML() {
var hasIndent bool
hasIndent := true
if BConfig.RunMode == "prod" {
hasIndent = false
} else {
hasIndent = true
c.Ctx.Output.XML(c.Data["xml"], hasIndent)
......@@ -380,15 +374,13 @@ func (c *Controller) ParseForm(obj interface{}) error {
// GetString returns the input value by key string or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (c *Controller) GetString(key string, def ...string) string {
var defv string
if len(def) > 0 {
defv = def[0]
if v := c.Ctx.Input.Query(key); v != "" {
return v
return defv
if len(def) > 0 {
return def[0]
return ""
// GetStrings returns the input string slice by key string or the default value while it's present and input is blank
......@@ -399,15 +391,14 @@ func (c *Controller) GetStrings(key string, def ...[]string) []string {
defv = def[0]
f := c.Input()
if f == nil {
if f := c.Input(); f == nil {
return defv
vs := f[key]
if len(vs) > 0 {
} else {
if vs := f[key]; len(vs) > 0 {
return vs
return defv
......@@ -511,8 +502,7 @@ func (c *Controller) GetFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader,
// }
// }
func (c *Controller) GetFiles(key string) ([]*multipart.FileHeader, error) {
files, ok := c.Ctx.Request.MultipartForm.File[key]
if ok {
if files, ok := c.Ctx.Request.MultipartForm.File[key]; ok {
return files, nil
return nil, http.ErrMissingFile
......@@ -601,11 +591,9 @@ func (c *Controller) SetSecureCookie(Secret, name, value string, others ...inter
// XSRFToken creates a CSRF token string and returns.
func (c *Controller) XSRFToken() string {
if c._xsrfToken == "" {
var expire int64
expire := int64(BConfig.WebConfig.XSRFExpire)
if c.XSRFExpire > 0 {
expire = int64(c.XSRFExpire)
} else {
expire = int64(BConfig.WebConfig.XSRFExpire)
c._xsrfToken = c.Ctx.XSRFToken(BConfig.WebConfig.XSRFKEY, expire)
......@@ -629,6 +617,6 @@ func (c *Controller) XSRFFormHTML() string {
// GetControllerAndAction gets the executing controller name and action name.
func (c *Controller) GetControllerAndAction() (controllerName, actionName string) {
func (c *Controller) GetControllerAndAction() (string, string) {
return c.controllerName, c.actionName
......@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ type QueryM2Mer interface {
Count() (int64, error)
// RawPreparer raw query statement
type RawPreparer interface {
Exec(...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
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