Commit d5ddd0a9 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

support user define function

parent dff36a18
......@@ -13,11 +13,14 @@ import (
var HTTPMETHOD = []string{"get", "post", "put", "delete", "patch", "options", "head"}
type controllerInfo struct {
pattern string
regex *regexp.Regexp
params map[int]string
controllerType reflect.Type
methods map[string]string
type userHandler struct {
......@@ -38,7 +41,16 @@ func NewControllerRegistor() *ControllerRegistor {
return &ControllerRegistor{routers: make([]*controllerInfo, 0), userHandlers: make(map[string]*userHandler)}
func (p *ControllerRegistor) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface) {
//methods support like this:
//default methods is the same name as method
func (p *ControllerRegistor) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) {
parts := strings.Split(pattern, "/")
j := 0
......@@ -82,13 +94,35 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface) {
t := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)).Type()
methods := make(map[string]string)
if len(mappingMethods) > 0 {
semi := strings.Split(mappingMethods[0], ";")
for _, v := range semi {
colon := strings.Split(v, ":")
if len(colon) != 2 {
panic("method mapping fomate is error")
comma := strings.Split(colon[0], ",")
for _, m := range comma {
if m == "*" || inSlice(strings.ToLower(m), HTTPMETHOD) {
if _, ok := t.MethodByName(colon[1]); ok {
methods[strings.ToLower(m)] = colon[1]
} else {
panic(colon[1] + " method don't exist in the controller " + t.Name())
} else {
panic(v + " is an error method mapping,Don't exist method named " + m)
if j == 0 {
//now create the Route
t := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)).Type()
route := &controllerInfo{}
route.pattern = pattern
route.controllerType = t
route.methods = methods
p.fixrouters = append(p.fixrouters, route)
} else { // add regexp routers
//recreate the url pattern, with parameters replaced
......@@ -102,11 +136,12 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface) {
//now create the Route
t := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)).Type()
route := &controllerInfo{}
route.regex = regex
route.params = params
route.pattern = pattern
route.methods = methods
route.controllerType = t
p.routers = append(p.routers, route)
......@@ -397,25 +432,53 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
//if response has written,yes don't run next
if !w.started {
if r.Method == "GET" {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["get"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Get")
} else if r.Method == "HEAD" {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["head"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Head")
} else if r.Method == "DELETE" || (r.Method == "POST" && r.Form.Get("_method") == "delete") {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["delete"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Delete")
} else if r.Method == "PUT" || (r.Method == "POST" && r.Form.Get("_method") == "put") {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["put"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Put")
} else if r.Method == "POST" {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["post"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Post")
} else if r.Method == "PATCH" {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["patch"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Patch")
} else if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["options"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Options")
gotofunc := vc.Elem().FieldByName("gotofunc").String()
......@@ -432,12 +495,10 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
method = vc.MethodByName("Render")
if !w.started {
method = vc.MethodByName("Finish")
method = vc.MethodByName("Destructor")
......@@ -170,3 +170,12 @@ func Htmlunquote(src string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(text)
func inSlice(v string, sl []string) bool {
for _, vv := range sl {
if vv == v {
return true
return false
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