Commit dea45a3d authored by hurisheng's avatar hurisheng

fix TestAll()

parent 1bd3fb7a
......@@ -1011,13 +1011,13 @@ func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
qs = dORM.QueryTable("user")
num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "nothing").All(&users)
throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(err, ErrNoRows))
throwFailNow(t, err)
throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 0))
var users3 []*User
qs = dORM.QueryTable("user")
num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "nothing").All(&users3)
throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(err, ErrNoRows))
throwFailNow(t, err)
throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 0))
throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users3 == nil, false))
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