Commit 2b39165f authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

clean stack trace code.

format is unchanged but shows all frames
(old loop stopped one frame early).

wreck=; 6.out
cannot convert type *main.S·interface2 to interface main.I·interface2: missing method Foo
throw: interface conversion
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: 0x256d

throw+0x46 /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/runtime.c:68
	throw(0x863a, 0x0)
hashmap+0x188 /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/iface.c:167
	hashmap(0x8760, 0x0, 0x85b0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
sys·ifaceT2I+0xa8 /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/iface.c:201
	sys·ifaceT2I(0x8760, 0x0, 0x85b0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
main·main+0x4e /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/rt0_amd64_darwin.s:87
mainstart+0xf /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/rt0_amd64.s:70
sys·goexit /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/proc.c:110

DELTA=44  (5 added, 15 deleted, 24 changed)
parent 32a1ee85
......@@ -9,64 +9,49 @@ extern int32 debug;
extern uint8 end;
traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, void* r15)
traceback(byte *pc0, byte *sp, G *g)
uint8* callpc;
int32 counter;
int32 i;
string name;
Stktop *stk;
uint64 pc;
int32 i, n;
Func *f;
G g;
Stktop *stktop;
// store local copy of per-process data block that we can write as we unwind
mcpy((byte*)&g, (byte*)r15, sizeof(G));
pc = (uint64)pc0;
// if the PC is zero, it's probably due to a nil function pointer.
// pop the failed frame.
if(pc == nil) {
pc = ((uint8**)sp)[0];
// If the PC is zero, it's likely a nil function call.
// Start in the caller's frame.
if(pc == 0) {
pc = *(uint64*)sp;
sp += 8;
counter = 0;
callpc = pc;
if((uint8*)retfromnewstack == pc) {
// call site is retfromnewstack(); pop to earlier stack block to get true caller
stktop = (Stktop*)g.stackbase;
g.stackbase = stktop->oldbase;
g.stackguard = stktop->oldguard;
sp = stktop->oldsp;
pc = ((uint8**)sp)[1];
sp += 16; // two irrelevant calls on stack - morestack, plus the call morestack made
stk = (Stktop*)g->stackbase;
for(n=0; n<100; n++) {
while(pc == (uint64)retfromnewstack) {
// pop to earlier stack block
sp = stk->oldsp;
stk = (Stktop*)stk->oldbase;
pc = *(uint64*)(sp+8);
sp += 16; // two irrelevant calls on stack: morestack plus its call
f = findfunc((uint64)callpc);
f = findfunc(pc);
if(f == nil) {
printf("%p unknown pc\n", callpc);
printf("%p unknown pc\n", pc);
name = f->name;
if(f->frame < 8) // assembly funcs say 0 but lie
sp += 8;
sp += f->frame;
if(counter++ > 100){
prints("stack trace terminated\n");
if((pc = ((uint8**)sp)[-1]) <= (uint8*)0x1000)
// print this frame
// main+0xf /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/x.go:23
// main(0x1, 0x2, 0x3)
printf("%S", name);
if((uint64)callpc > f->entry)
printf("+%X", (uint64)callpc - f->entry);
printf(" %S:%d\n", f->src, funcline(f, (uint64)callpc-1)); // -1 to get to CALL instr.
printf("\t%S(", name);
printf("%S", f->name);
if(pc > f->entry)
printf("+%X", pc - f->entry);
printf(" %S:%d\n", f->src, funcline(f, pc-1)); // -1 to get to CALL instr.
printf("\t%S(", f->name);
for(i = 0; i < f->args; i++) {
if(i != 0)
prints(", ");
......@@ -77,5 +62,10 @@ traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, void* r15)
pc = *(uint64*)(sp-8);
if(pc <= 0x1000)
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