Commit 3cea4131 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

archive/zip: write data descriptor signature for OS X; fix bugs reading it

We now always write the "optional" streaming data descriptor
signature, which turns out to be required for OS X.

Also, handle reading the data descriptor with or without the
signature, per the spec's recommendation. Fix data descriptor
reading bugs found in the process.

Fixes #3252

R=golang-dev, alex.brainman, nigeltao, rsc
parent ece0d0e7
......@@ -124,10 +124,6 @@ func (f *File) Open() (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {
size := int64(f.CompressedSize)
if size == 0 && f.hasDataDescriptor() {
// permit SectionReader to see the rest of the file
size = f.zipsize - (f.headerOffset + bodyOffset)
r := io.NewSectionReader(f.zipr, f.headerOffset+bodyOffset, size)
switch f.Method {
case Store: // (no compression)
......@@ -136,10 +132,13 @@ func (f *File) Open() (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {
rc = flate.NewReader(r)
err = ErrAlgorithm
if rc != nil {
rc = &checksumReader{rc, crc32.NewIEEE(), f, r}
var desr io.Reader
if f.hasDataDescriptor() {
desr = io.NewSectionReader(f.zipr, f.headerOffset+bodyOffset+size, dataDescriptorLen)
rc = &checksumReader{rc, crc32.NewIEEE(), f, desr, nil}
......@@ -147,23 +146,31 @@ type checksumReader struct {
rc io.ReadCloser
hash hash.Hash32
f *File
zipr io.Reader // for reading the data descriptor
desr io.Reader // if non-nil, where to read the data descriptor
err error // sticky error
func (r *checksumReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if r.err != nil {
return 0, r.err
n, err = r.rc.Read(b)
if err != io.EOF {
if err == nil {
if r.f.hasDataDescriptor() {
if err = readDataDescriptor(r.zipr, r.f); err != nil {
if r.hash.Sum32() != r.f.CRC32 {
if err == io.EOF && r.desr != nil {
if err1 := readDataDescriptor(r.desr, r.f); err1 != nil {
err = err1
} else if r.hash.Sum32() != r.f.CRC32 {
err = ErrChecksum
// TODO(bradfitz): even if there's not a data
// descriptor, we could still compare our accumulated
// crc32 on EOF with the content-precededing file
// header's crc32, if it's non-zero.
r.err = err
......@@ -226,10 +233,31 @@ func readDirectoryHeader(f *File, r io.Reader) error {
func readDataDescriptor(r io.Reader, f *File) error {
var buf [dataDescriptorLen]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:]); err != nil {
// The spec says: "Although not originally assigned a
// signature, the value 0x08074b50 has commonly been adopted
// as a signature value for the data descriptor record.
// Implementers should be aware that ZIP files may be
// encountered with or without this signature marking data
// descriptors and should account for either case when reading
// ZIP files to ensure compatibility."
// dataDescriptorLen includes the size of the signature but
// first read just those 4 bytes to see if it exists.
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:4]); err != nil {
return err
b := readBuf(buf[:])
off := 0
maybeSig := readBuf(buf[:4])
if maybeSig.uint32() != dataDescriptorSignature {
// No data descriptor signature. Keep these four
// bytes.
off += 4
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[off:12]); err != nil {
return err
b := readBuf(buf[:12])
f.CRC32 = b.uint32()
f.CompressedSize = b.uint32()
f.UncompressedSize = b.uint32()
......@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ import (
type ZipTest struct {
Name string
Source func() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) // if non-nil, used instead of testdata/<Name> file
Comment string
File []ZipTestFile
Error error // the error that Opening this file should return
......@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ type ZipTest struct {
type ZipTestFile struct {
Name string
Content []byte // if blank, will attempt to compare against File
ContentErr error
File string // name of file to compare to (relative to testdata/)
Mtime string // modified time in format "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss"
Mode os.FileMode
......@@ -107,6 +110,59 @@ var tests = []ZipTest{
Name: "",
File: crossPlatform,
// created by Go, before we wrote the "optional" data
// descriptor signatures (which are required by OS X)
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:10",
Mode: 0644,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mtime: "03-08-12 16:59:12",
Mode: 0644,
// created by Go, after we wrote the "optional" data
// descriptor signatures (which are required by OS X)
Name: "",
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mode: 0666,
Name: "Bad-CRC32-in-data-descriptor",
Source: returnCorruptCRC32Zip,
File: []ZipTestFile{
Name: "foo.txt",
Content: []byte("foo\n"),
Mode: 0666,
ContentErr: ErrChecksum,
Name: "bar.txt",
Content: []byte("bar\n"),
Mode: 0666,
var crossPlatform = []ZipTestFile{
......@@ -139,7 +195,18 @@ func TestReader(t *testing.T) {
func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
z, err := OpenReader("testdata/" + zt.Name)
var z *Reader
var err error
if zt.Source != nil {
rat, size := zt.Source()
z, err = NewReader(rat, size)
} else {
var rc *ReadCloser
rc, err = OpenReader(filepath.Join("testdata", zt.Name))
if err == nil {
z = &rc.Reader
if err != zt.Error {
t.Errorf("error=%v, want %v", err, zt.Error)
......@@ -149,11 +216,6 @@ func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
if err == ErrFormat {
defer func() {
if err := z.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error %q when closing zip file", err)
// bail here if no Files expected to be tested
// (there may actually be files in the zip, but we don't care)
......@@ -170,7 +232,7 @@ func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
// test read of each file
for i, ft := range zt.File {
readTestFile(t, ft, z.File[i])
readTestFile(t, zt, ft, z.File[i])
// test simultaneous reads
......@@ -179,7 +241,7 @@ func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
for j, ft := range zt.File {
go func(j int, ft ZipTestFile) {
readTestFile(t, ft, z.File[j])
readTestFile(t, zt, ft, z.File[j])
done <- true
}(j, ft)
......@@ -188,26 +250,11 @@ func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) {
for ; n > 0; n-- {
// test invalid checksum
if !z.File[0].hasDataDescriptor() { // skip test when crc32 in dd
z.File[0].CRC32++ // invalidate
r, err := z.File[0].Open()
if err != nil {
var b bytes.Buffer
_, err = io.Copy(&b, r)
if err != ErrChecksum {
t.Errorf("%s: copy error=%v, want %v", z.File[0].Name, err, ErrChecksum)
func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
func readTestFile(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
if f.Name != ft.Name {
t.Errorf("name=%q, want %q", f.Name, ft.Name)
t.Errorf("%s: name=%q, want %q", zt.Name, f.Name, ft.Name)
if ft.Mtime != "" {
......@@ -217,11 +264,11 @@ func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
if ft := f.ModTime(); !ft.Equal(mtime) {
t.Errorf("%s: mtime=%s, want %s", f.Name, ft, mtime)
t.Errorf("%s: %s: mtime=%s, want %s", zt.Name, f.Name, ft, mtime)
testFileMode(t, f, ft.Mode)
testFileMode(t, zt.Name, f, ft.Mode)
size0 := f.UncompressedSize
......@@ -238,7 +285,9 @@ func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
_, err = io.Copy(&b, r)
if err != nil {
if err != ft.ContentErr {
t.Errorf("%s: copying contents: %v", zt.Name, err)
......@@ -264,12 +313,12 @@ func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) {
func testFileMode(t *testing.T, f *File, want os.FileMode) {
func testFileMode(t *testing.T, zipName string, f *File, want os.FileMode) {
mode := f.Mode()
if want == 0 {
t.Errorf("%s mode: got %v, want none", f.Name, mode)
t.Errorf("%s: %s mode: got %v, want none", zipName, f.Name, mode)
} else if mode != want {
t.Errorf("%s mode: want %v, got %v", f.Name, want, mode)
t.Errorf("%s: %s mode: want %v, got %v", zipName, f.Name, want, mode)
......@@ -294,3 +343,13 @@ func TestInvalidFiles(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("sigs: error=%v, want %v", err, ErrFormat)
func returnCorruptCRC32Zip() (r io.ReaderAt, size int64) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("testdata", ""))
if err != nil {
// Corrupt one of the CRC32s in the data descriptor:
return bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data))
......@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ const (
fileHeaderSignature = 0x04034b50
directoryHeaderSignature = 0x02014b50
directoryEndSignature = 0x06054b50
dataDescriptorSignature = 0x08074b50 // de-facto standard; required by OS X Finder
fileHeaderLen = 30 // + filename + extra
directoryHeaderLen = 46 // + filename + extra + comment
directoryEndLen = 22 // + comment
dataDescriptorLen = 12
dataDescriptorLen = 16 // four uint32: descriptor signature, crc32, compressed size, size
// Constants for the first byte in CreatorVersion
creatorFAT = 0
......@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ func (w *fileWriter) close() error {
// write data descriptor
var buf [dataDescriptorLen]byte
b := writeBuf(buf[:])
b.uint32(dataDescriptorSignature) // de-facto standard, required by OS X
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func testReadFile(t *testing.T, f *File, wt *WriteTest) {
if f.Name != wt.Name {
t.Fatalf("File name: got %q, want %q", f.Name, wt.Name)
testFileMode(t, f, wt.Mode)
testFileMode(t, wt.Name, f, wt.Mode)
rc, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("opening:", err)
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