Commit 752c9380 authored by Chris Broadfoot's avatar Chris Broadfoot

api: update next.txt

Change-Id: I824fc5a62977140ccc62d55e8b42cfd01da935e9
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 82dba192
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ pkg crypto, const BLAKE2b_512 = 19
pkg crypto, const BLAKE2b_512 Hash
pkg crypto, const BLAKE2s_256 = 16
pkg crypto, const BLAKE2s_256 Hash
pkg crypto/x509, type Certificate struct, ExcludedDNSDomains []string
pkg database/sql, method (*Conn) BeginTx(context.Context, *TxOptions) (*Tx, error)
pkg database/sql, method (*Conn) Close() error
pkg database/sql, method (*Conn) ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (Result, error)
......@@ -15,11 +16,22 @@ pkg database/sql, method (*Conn) QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interf
pkg database/sql, method (*Conn) QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *Row
pkg database/sql, method (*DB) Conn(context.Context) (*Conn, error)
pkg database/sql, type Conn struct
pkg database/sql, type Out struct
pkg database/sql, type Out struct, Dest interface{}
pkg database/sql, type Out struct, In bool
pkg database/sql, var ErrConnDone error
pkg database/sql/driver, type NamedValueChecker interface { CheckNamedValue }
pkg database/sql/driver, type NamedValueChecker interface, CheckNamedValue(*NamedValue) error
pkg database/sql/driver, var ErrRemoveArgument error
pkg encoding/asn1, const TagNull = 5
pkg encoding/asn1, const TagNull ideal-int
pkg encoding/asn1, var NullBytes []uint8
pkg encoding/asn1, var NullRawValue RawValue
pkg encoding/base32, const NoPadding = -1
pkg encoding/base32, const NoPadding int32
pkg encoding/base32, const StdPadding = 61
pkg encoding/base32, const StdPadding int32
pkg encoding/base32, method (Encoding) WithPadding(int32) *Encoding
pkg encoding/csv, type Reader struct, ReuseRecord bool
pkg encoding/json, func Valid([]uint8) bool
pkg go/ast, type TypeSpec struct, Assign token.Pos
......@@ -75,7 +87,16 @@ pkg math/bits, func TrailingZeros64(uint64) int
pkg math/bits, func TrailingZeros8(uint8) int
pkg mime, var ErrInvalidMediaParameter error
pkg mime/multipart, type FileHeader struct, Size int64
pkg mime/multipart, var ErrMessageTooLarge error
pkg net, method (*IPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
pkg net, method (*TCPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
pkg net, method (*UDPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
pkg net, method (*UnixConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
pkg net, type Resolver struct, Dial func(context.Context, string, string) (Conn, error)
pkg net, type Resolver struct, StrictErrors bool
pkg net/http, func ServeTLS(net.Listener, Handler, string, string) error
pkg net/http, method (*Server) RegisterOnShutdown(func())
pkg net/http, method (*Server) ServeTLS(net.Listener, string, string) error
pkg net/http/fcgi, func ProcessEnv(*http.Request) map[string]string
pkg net/http/httptest, method (*Server) Certificate() *x509.Certificate
pkg net/http/httptest, method (*Server) Client() *http.Client
......@@ -93,42 +114,48 @@ pkg sync, method (*Map) LoadOrStore(interface{}, interface{}) (interface{}, bool
pkg sync, method (*Map) Range(func(interface{}, interface{}) bool)
pkg sync, method (*Map) Store(interface{}, interface{})
pkg sync, type Map struct
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (darwin-386-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func Pipe2([]int, int) error
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type Credential struct, NoSetGroups bool
pkg syscall (windows-386), const WSAECONNABORTED = 10053
pkg syscall (windows-386), const WSAECONNABORTED Errno
pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const WSAECONNABORTED = 10053
pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const WSAECONNABORTED Errno
pkg syscall, type Conn interface { SyscallConn }
pkg syscall, type Conn interface, SyscallConn() (RawConn, error)
pkg syscall, type RawConn interface { Control, Read, Write }
pkg syscall, type RawConn interface, Control(func(uintptr)) error
pkg syscall, type RawConn interface, Read(func(uintptr) bool) error
pkg syscall, type RawConn interface, Write(func(uintptr) bool) error
pkg testing, method (*B) Helper()
pkg testing, method (*T) Helper()
pkg testing, type TB interface, Helper()
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