Commit 78547ca1 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

time: do not segment time strings by character class.

instead use pure substring matching to find template values.

this makes stdZulu unnecessary and allows formats
like "20060102 030405" (used in some internet protocols).

this makes Parse not handle years < 0000 or > 9999 anymore.
that seems like an okay price to pay, trading hypothetical
functionality for real functionality.

also changed the comments on the Time struct to use the
same reference date as the format and parse routines.

parent 8fbe8bee
......@@ -58,14 +58,83 @@ const (
stdZeroSecond = "05"
stdLongYear = "2006"
stdYear = "06"
stdZulu = "1504"
stdPM = "PM"
stdpm = "pm"
stdTZ = "MST"
stdISO8601TZ = "Z" // prints Z for UTC
stdNumTZ = "0700" // always numeric
stdISO8601TZ = "Z" // prints Z for UTC
stdNumTZ = "-0700" // always numeric
// nextStdChunk finds the first occurrence of a std string in
// layout and returns the text before, the std string, and the text after.
func nextStdChunk(layout string) (prefix, std, suffix string) {
for i := 0; i < len(layout); i++ {
switch layout[i] {
case 'J': // January, Jan
if len(layout) >= i+7 && layout[i:i+7] == stdLongMonth {
return layout[0:i], stdLongMonth, layout[i+7:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i:i+3] == stdMonth {
return layout[0:i], stdMonth, layout[i+3:]
case 'M': // Monday, Mon, MST
if len(layout) >= i+6 && layout[i:i+6] == stdLongWeekDay {
return layout[0:i], stdLongWeekDay, layout[i+6:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 {
if layout[i:i+3] == stdWeekDay {
return layout[0:i], stdWeekDay, layout[i+3:]
if layout[i:i+3] == stdTZ {
return layout[0:i], stdTZ, layout[i+3:]
case '0': // 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
if len(layout) >= i+2 && '1' <= layout[i+1] && layout[i+1] <= '6' {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+2], layout[i+2:]
case '1': // 15, 1
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == '5' {
return layout[0:i], stdHour, layout[i+2:]
return layout[0:i], stdNumMonth, layout[i+1:]
case '2': // 2006, 2
if len(layout) >= i+4 && layout[i:i+4] == stdLongYear {
return layout[0:i], stdLongYear, layout[i+4:]
return layout[0:i], stdDay, layout[i+1:]
case '_': // _2
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == '2' {
return layout[0:i], stdUnderDay, layout[i+2:]
case '3', '4', '5', 'Z': // 3, 4, 5, Z
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+1], layout[i+1:]
case 'P': // PM
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == 'M' {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+2], layout[i+2:]
case 'p': // pm
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == 'm' {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+2], layout[i+2:]
case '-': // -0700
if len(layout) >= i+5 && layout[i:i+5] == stdNumTZ {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+5], layout[i+5:]
return layout, "", ""
var longDayNames = []string{
......@@ -118,29 +187,13 @@ var longMonthNames = []string{
func lookup(tab []string, val string) (int, os.Error) {
func lookup(tab []string, val string) (int, string, os.Error) {
for i, v := range tab {
if v == val {
return i, nil
if len(val) >= len(v) && val[0:len(v)] == v {
return i, val[len(v):], nil
return -1, errBad
func charType(c uint8) int {
switch {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return numeric
case c == '_': // underscore; treated like a number when printing
return numeric
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'z', 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z':
return alphabetic
case c == '+':
return plus
case c == '-':
return minus
return separator
return -1, val, errBad
func pad(i int, padding string) string {
......@@ -160,17 +213,15 @@ func zeroPad(i int) string { return pad(i, "0") }
// ISO8601 and others describe standard representations.
func (t *Time) Format(layout string) string {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Each iteration generates one piece
for len(layout) > 0 {
c := layout[0]
pieceType := charType(c)
i := 0
for i < len(layout) && charType(layout[i]) == pieceType {
// Each iteration generates one std value.
for {
prefix, std, suffix := nextStdChunk(layout)
if std == "" {
p := layout[0:i]
layout = layout[i:]
switch p {
var p string
switch std {
case stdYear:
p = strconv.Itoa64(t.Year % 100)
case stdLongYear:
......@@ -207,37 +258,22 @@ func (t *Time) Format(layout string) string {
p = strconv.Itoa(t.Second)
case stdZeroSecond:
p = zeroPad(t.Second)
case stdZulu:
p = zeroPad(t.Hour) + zeroPad(t.Minute)
case stdISO8601TZ, stdNumTZ:
// Ugly special case. We cheat and take "Z" to mean "the time
// zone as formatted for ISO 8601".
zone := t.ZoneOffset / 60 // convert to minutes
if p == stdISO8601TZ && t.ZoneOffset == 0 {
if std == stdISO8601TZ && t.ZoneOffset == 0 {
p = "Z"
zone := t.ZoneOffset / 60 // convert to minutes
if zone < 0 {
p = "-"
zone = -zone
} else {
// If the reference time is stdNumTZ (0700), the sign has already been
// emitted but may be wrong. For stdISO8601TZ we must print it.
if p == stdNumTZ && b.Len() > 0 {
soFar := b.Bytes()
if soFar[len(soFar)-1] == '-' && zone >= 0 {
// fix the sign
soFar[len(soFar)-1] = '+'
} else {
zone = -zone
p = ""
} else {
if zone < 0 {
p = "-"
zone = -zone
} else {
p = "+"
p += zeroPad(zone / 60)
p += zeroPad(zone % 60)
p = "+"
p += zeroPad(zone / 60)
p += zeroPad(zone % 60)
case stdPM:
if t.Hour >= 12 {
p = "PM"
......@@ -268,6 +304,7 @@ func (t *Time) Format(layout string) string {
layout = suffix
return b.String()
......@@ -299,20 +336,49 @@ func (e *ParseError) String() string {
strconv.Quote(e.Value) + e.Message
// To simplify comparison, collapse an initial run of spaces into a single space.
func collapseSpaces(s string) string {
if len(s) <= 1 || s[0] != ' ' {
return s
// getnum parses s[0:1] or s[0:2] (fixed forces the latter)
// as a decimal integer and returns the integer and the
// remainder of the string.
func getnum(s string, fixed bool) (int, string, os.Error) {
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '9' {
return 0, s, errBad
var i int
for i = 1; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] != ' ' {
return s[i-1:]
if len(s) == 1 || s[1] < '0' || s[1] > '9' {
if fixed {
return 0, s, errBad
return int(s[0] - '0'), s[1:], nil
return " "
return int(s[0]-'0')*10 + int(s[1]-'0'), s[2:], nil
func cutspace(s string) string {
for len(s) > 0 && s[0] == ' ' {
s = s[1:]
return s
// skip removes the given prefix from value,
// treating runs of space characters as equivalent.
func skip(value, prefix string) (string, os.Error) {
for len(prefix) > 0 {
if prefix[0] == ' ' {
if len(value) > 0 && value[0] != ' ' {
return "", errBad
prefix = cutspace(prefix)
value = cutspace(value)
if len(value) == 0 || value[0] != prefix[0] {
return "", errBad
prefix = prefix[1:]
value = value[1:]
return value, nil
// Parse parses a formatted string and returns the time value it represents.
// The layout defines the format by showing the representation of a standard
......@@ -325,74 +391,35 @@ func collapseSpaces(s string) string {
// (such as having the wrong day of the week), the returned value will also
// be inconsistent. In any case, the elements of the returned time will be
// sane: hours in 0..23, minutes in 0..59, day of month in 0..31, etc.
// Years must be in the range 0000..9999.
func Parse(alayout, avalue string) (*Time, os.Error) {
var t Time
const formatErr = ": different format from "
rangeErrString := "" // set if a value is out of range
pmSet := false // do we need to add 12 to the hour?
// Each iteration steps along one piece
layout, value := alayout, avalue
sign := "" // pending + or - from previous iteration
for len(layout) > 0 && len(value) > 0 {
c := layout[0]
pieceType := charType(c)
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(layout) && charType(layout[i]) == pieceType; i++ {
reference := layout[0:i]
prevLayout := layout
layout = layout[i:]
// Ugly time zone handling.
if reference == "Z" {
// Special case for ISO8601 time zone: "Z" or "-0800"
if value[0] == 'Z' {
i = 1
} else if len(value) >= 5 {
i = 5
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{Layout: alayout, Value: avalue, Message: formatErr + alayout}
} else {
c = value[0]
if charType(c) != pieceType {
// Ugly management of signs. Reference and data might differ.
// 1. Could be a minus sign introducing a negative year.
if c == '-' && pieceType != minus {
value = value[1:]
layout = prevLayout // don't consume reference item
sign = "-"
// 2. Could be a plus sign for a +0100 time zone, represented by -0700 in the standard.
if c == '+' && pieceType == minus {
value = value[1:]
layout = prevLayout[1:] // absorb sign in both value and layout
sign = "+"
return nil, &ParseError{Layout: alayout, Value: avalue, Message: formatErr + alayout}
for i = 0; i < len(value) && charType(value[i]) == pieceType; i++ {
// Each iteration processes one std value.
for {
var err os.Error
prefix, std, suffix := nextStdChunk(layout)
value, err = skip(value, prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, prefix, value, ""}
p := value[0:i]
value = value[i:]
switch pieceType {
case separator:
// Separators must match but initial run of spaces is treated as a single space.
if collapseSpaces(p) != collapseSpaces(reference) {
return nil, &ParseError{Layout: alayout, Value: avalue, Message: formatErr + alayout}
case plus, minus:
if len(p) == 1 { // ++ or -- don't count as signs.
sign = p
if len(std) == 0 {
if len(value) != 0 {
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, "", value, ": extra text: " + value}
var err os.Error
switch reference {
layout = suffix
var p string
switch std {
case stdYear:
if len(value) < 2 {
err = errBad
p, value = value[0:2], value[2:]
t.Year, err = strconv.Atoi64(p)
if t.Year >= 69 { // Unix time starts Dec 31 1969 in some time zones
t.Year += 1900
......@@ -400,70 +427,66 @@ func Parse(alayout, avalue string) (*Time, os.Error) {
t.Year += 2000
case stdLongYear:
t.Year, err = strconv.Atoi64(p)
if sign == "-" {
t.Year = -t.Year
if len(value) < 4 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '9' {
err = errBad
p, value = value[0:4], value[4:]
t.Year, err = strconv.Atoi64(p)
case stdMonth:
t.Month, err = lookup(shortMonthNames, p)
t.Month, value, err = lookup(shortMonthNames, value)
case stdLongMonth:
t.Month, err = lookup(longMonthNames, p)
t.Month, value, err = lookup(longMonthNames, value)
case stdNumMonth, stdZeroMonth:
t.Month, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
t.Month, value, err = getnum(value, std == stdZeroMonth)
if t.Month <= 0 || 12 < t.Month {
rangeErrString = "month"
case stdWeekDay:
t.Weekday, err = lookup(shortDayNames, p)
t.Weekday, value, err = lookup(shortDayNames, value)
case stdLongWeekDay:
t.Weekday, err = lookup(longDayNames, p)
t.Weekday, value, err = lookup(longDayNames, value)
case stdDay, stdUnderDay, stdZeroDay:
t.Day, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
if std == stdUnderDay && len(value) > 0 && value[0] == ' ' {
value = value[1:]
t.Day, value, err = getnum(value, std == stdZeroDay)
if t.Day < 0 || 31 < t.Day {
// TODO: be more thorough in date check?
rangeErrString = "day"
case stdHour:
t.Hour, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
t.Hour, value, err = getnum(value, false)
if t.Hour < 0 || 24 <= t.Hour {
rangeErrString = "hour"
case stdHour12, stdZeroHour12:
t.Hour, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
t.Hour, value, err = getnum(value, std == stdZeroHour12)
if t.Hour < 0 || 12 < t.Hour {
rangeErrString = "hour"
case stdMinute, stdZeroMinute:
t.Minute, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
t.Minute, value, err = getnum(value, std == stdZeroMinute)
if t.Minute < 0 || 60 <= t.Minute {
rangeErrString = "minute"
case stdSecond, stdZeroSecond:
t.Second, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
t.Second, value, err = getnum(value, std == stdZeroSecond)
if t.Second < 0 || 60 <= t.Second {
rangeErrString = "second"
case stdZulu:
if len(p) != 4 {
err = os.ErrorString("HHMM value must be 4 digits")
case stdISO8601TZ, stdNumTZ:
if std == stdISO8601TZ && len(value) >= 1 && value[0] == 'Z' {
value = value[1:]
t.Zone = "UTC"
t.Hour, err = strconv.Atoi(p[0:2])
if err != nil {
t.Minute, err = strconv.Atoi(p[2:4])
case stdISO8601TZ, stdNumTZ:
if reference == stdISO8601TZ {
if p == "Z" {
t.Zone = "UTC"
// len(p) known to be 5: "-0800"
sign = p[0:1]
p = p[1:]
} else {
// len(p) known to be 4: "0800" and sign is set
if len(value) < 5 {
err = errBad
var sign string
sign, p, value = value[0:1], value[1:5], value[5:]
var hr, min int
hr, err = strconv.Atoi(p[0:2])
if err != nil {
......@@ -478,12 +501,22 @@ func Parse(alayout, avalue string) (*Time, os.Error) {
err = errBad
case stdPM:
if len(value) < 2 {
err = errBad
p, value = value[0:2], value[2:]
if p == "PM" {
pmSet = true
} else if p != "AM" {
err = errBad
case stdpm:
if len(value) < 2 {
err = errBad
p, value = value[0:2], value[2:]
if p == "pm" {
pmSet = true
} else if p != "am" {
......@@ -491,13 +524,18 @@ func Parse(alayout, avalue string) (*Time, os.Error) {
case stdTZ:
// Does it look like a time zone?
if p == "UTC" {
t.Zone = p
if len(value) >= 3 && value[0:3] == "UTC" {
t.Zone, value = value[0:3], value[3:]
// All other time zones look like XXT or XXXT.
if len(p) != 3 && len(p) != 4 || p[len(p)-1] != 'T' {
if len(value) >= 3 && value[2] == 'T' {
p, value = value[0:3], value[3:]
} else if len(value) >= 4 && value[3] == 'T' {
p, value = value[0:4], value[4:]
} else {
err = errBad
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
if p[i] < 'A' || 'Z' < p[i] {
......@@ -519,12 +557,11 @@ func Parse(alayout, avalue string) (*Time, os.Error) {
if rangeErrString != "" {
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, reference, p, ": " + rangeErrString + " out of range"}
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, std, value, ": " + rangeErrString + " out of range"}
if err != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, reference, p, ""}
return nil, &ParseError{alayout, avalue, std, value, ""}
sign = ""
if pmSet && t.Hour < 12 {
t.Hour += 12
......@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ const (
// Time is the struct representing a parsed time value.
type Time struct {
Year int64 // 2008 is 2008
Month, Day int // Sep-17 is 9, 17
Hour, Minute, Second int // 10:43:12 is 10, 43, 12
Weekday int // Sunday, Monday, ...
ZoneOffset int // seconds east of UTC
Zone string
Year int64 // 2006 is 2006
Month, Day int // Jan-2 is 1, 2
Hour, Minute, Second int // 15:04:05 is 15, 4, 5.
Weekday int // Sunday, Monday, ...
ZoneOffset int // seconds east of UTC, e.g. -7*60 for -0700
Zone string // e.g., "MST"
var nonleapyear = []int{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
......@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ var parseTests = []ParseTest{
ParseTest{"RFC850", RFC850, "Thursday, 04-Feb-10 21:00:57 PST", true, true, 1},
ParseTest{"RFC1123", RFC1123, "Thu, 04 Feb 2010 21:00:57 PST", true, true, 1},
ParseTest{"ISO8601", ISO8601, "2010-02-04T21:00:57-0800", true, false, 1},
// Negative year
ParseTest{"ANSIC", ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:57 -2010", false, true, -1},
// Amount of white space should not matter.
ParseTest{"ANSIC", ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:57 2010", false, true, 1},
ParseTest{"ANSIC", ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:57 2010", false, true, 1},
......@@ -239,6 +237,10 @@ func TestFormatAndParse(t *testing.T) {
const fmt = "Mon MST " + ISO8601 // all fields
f := func(sec int64) bool {
t1 := SecondsToLocalTime(sec)
if t1.Year < 1000 || t1.Year > 9999 {
// not required to work
return true
t2, err := Parse(fmt, t1.Format(fmt))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error: %s", err)
......@@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ type ParseErrorTest struct {
var parseErrorTests = []ParseErrorTest{
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Feb 4 21:00:60 2010", "parse"}, // cannot parse Feb as Mon
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:57 @2010", "format"},
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:57 @2010", "parse"},
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:00:60 2010", "second out of range"},
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 21:61:57 2010", "minute out of range"},
ParseErrorTest{ANSIC, "Thu Feb 4 24:00:60 2010", "hour out of range"},
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