Commit 85cae877 authored by Luuk van Dijk's avatar Luuk van Dijk

runtime: parallel definitions in Go for all C structs.

parent 37b7e3db
......@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ GOFILES=\
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is chan.c
package runtime
type sudoG struct {
g *g_
selgen uint32
offset int16
isfree int8
link *sudoG
elem [8]byte
type waitQ struct {
first *sudoG
last *sudoG
type hChan struct {
qcount uint32
dataqsiz uint32
elemsize uint16
closed uint16
elemalign uint8
elemalg *alg
senddataq *link
recvdataq *link
recvq waitQ
sendq waitQ
free sudoG
type link struct {
link *link
elem [8]byte
type scase struct {
chan_ *hChan
pc *byte
send uint16
so uint16
elemp *byte // union elem [8]byte
type select_ struct {
tcase uint16
ncase uint16
link *select_
scase [1]*scase
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
type lock struct {
key uint32
sema uint32
type usema struct {
u uint32
k uint32
type note struct {
wakeup int32
sema usema
......@@ -35,24 +35,6 @@ func Callers(skip int, pc []uintptr) int
// given program counter address, or else nil.
func FuncForPC(pc uintptr) *Func
// NOTE(rsc): Func must match struct Func in runtime.h
// Func records information about a function in the program,
// in particular the mapping from program counters to source
// line numbers within that function.
type Func struct {
name string
typ string
src string
pcln []byte
entry uintptr
pc0 uintptr
ln0 int32
frame int32
args int32
locals int32
// Name returns the name of the function.
func (f *Func) Name() string { return }
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// OS-Specific Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
type lock struct {
key uint32
sema uint32
type note lock
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is hashmap.[c,h]
package runtime
type hash_hash uintptr
type hash_entry struct {
hash hash_hash
key byte // dwarf.c substitutes the real type
val byte // for key and val
type hash_subtable struct {
power uint8
used uint8
datasize uint8
max_probes uint8
limit_bytes int16
end *hash_entry
entry hash_entry // TODO: [0]hash_entry
type hash struct {
count uint32
datasize uint8
max_power uint8
max_probes uint8
indirectval uint8
changes int32
data_hash func(uint32, uintptr) hash_hash
data_eq func(uint32, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
data_del func(uint32, uintptr, uintptr)
st *hash_subtable
keysize uint32
valsize uint32
datavo uint32
ko0 uint32
vo0 uint32
ko1 uint32
vo1 uint32
po1 uint32
ko2 uint32
vo2 uint32
po2 uint32
keyalg *alg
valalg *alg
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
* Must match iface.c:/Itable and compilers.
* NOTE: type.go has an Itable, that is the version of Itab used by the reflection code.
type itab struct {
Itype *Type
Type *Type
link *itab
bad int32
unused int32
Fn func() // TODO: [0]func()
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// OS-Specific Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
type lock struct {
key uint32
sema uint32
type note lock
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is malloc.h
package runtime
import "unsafe"
const (
pageShift = 12
pageSize = 1 << pageShift
pageMask = pageSize - 1
type pageID uintptr
const (
numSizeClasses = 67
maxSmallSize = 32 << 10
fixAllocChunk = 128 << 10
maxMCacheListLen = 256
maxMCacheSize = 2 << 20
maxMHeapList = 1 << 8 // 1 << (20 - pageShift)
heapAllocChunk = 1 << 20
type mLink struct {
next *mLink
type fixAlloc struct {
size uintptr
alloc func(uintptr)
first func(unsafe.Pointer, *byte)
arg unsafe.Pointer
list *mLink
chunk *byte
nchunk uint32
inuse uintptr
sys uintptr
// MStats? used to be in extern.go
type mCacheList struct {
list *mLink
nlist uint32
nlistmin uint32
type mCache struct {
list [numSizeClasses]mCacheList
size uint64
local_alloc int64
local_objects int64
next_sample int32
type mSpan struct {
next *mSpan
prev *mSpan
allnext *mSpan
start pageID
npages uintptr
freelist *mLink
ref uint32
sizeclass uint32
state uint32
// union {
gcref *uint32 // sizeclass > 0
// gcref0 uint32; // sizeclass == 0
// }
type mCentral struct {
sizeclass int32
nonempty mSpan
empty mSpan
nfree int32
type mHeap struct {
free [maxMHeapList]mSpan
large mSpan
allspans *mSpan
map_ mHeapMap
min *byte
max *byte
closure_min *byte
closure_max *byte
central [numSizeClasses]struct {
pad [64]byte
// union: mCentral
spanalloc fixAlloc
cachealloc fixAlloc
const (
refFree = iota
refcountOverhead = 4
refNoPointers = 0x80000000
refHasFinalizer = 0x40000000
refProfiled = 0x20000000
refNoProfiling = 0x10000000
refFlags = 0xFFFF0000
const (
mProf_None = iota
type finalizer struct {
next *finalizer
fn func(unsafe.Pointer)
arg unsafe.Pointer
nret int32
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
const (
mHeapMap_Level1Bits = 10
mHeapMap_Level2Bits = 10
mHeapMap_TotalBits = mHeapMap_Level1Bits + mHeapMap_Level2Bits
mHeapMap_Level1Mask = (1 << mHeapMap_Level1Bits) - 1
mHeapMap_Level2Mask = (1 << mHeapMap_Level2Bits) - 1
type mHeapMap struct {
allocator func(uintptr)
p [1 << mHeapMap_Level1Bits]*mHeapMapNode2
type mHeapMapNode2 struct {
s [1 << mHeapMap_Level2Bits]*mSpan
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
const (
mHeapMap_Level1Bits = 18
mHeapMap_Level2Bits = 18
mHeapMap_Level3Bits = 16
mHeapMap_TotalBits = mHeapMap_Level1Bits + mHeapMap_Level2Bits + mHeapMap_Level3Bits
mHeapMap_Level1Mask = (1 << mHeapMap_Level1Bits) - 1
mHeapMap_Level2Mask = (1 << mHeapMap_Level2Bits) - 1
mHeapMap_Level3Mask = (1 << mHeapMap_Level3Bits) - 1
type mHeapMap struct {
allocator func(uintptr)
p [1 << mHeapMap_Level1Bits]*mHeapMapNode2
type mHeapMapNode2 struct {
p [1 << mHeapMap_Level2Bits]*mHeapMapNode3
type mHeapMapNode3 struct {
s [1 << mHeapMap_Level3Bits]*mSpan
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// OS-Specific Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
type lock struct {
key uint32
sema uint32
type note lock
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
// TODO(lvd): automate conversion to all the _defs.go files
package runtime
import "unsafe"
const (
gidle = iota
// const ( Structrnd = sizeof(uintptr) )
type string_ struct {
str *byte
len int32
type iface struct {
tab *itab
data unsafe.Pointer
type eface struct {
type_ *Type
data unsafe.Pointer
type complex64 struct {
real float32
imag float32
type complex128 struct {
real float64
imag float64
type slice struct {
array *byte
len uint32
cap uint32
type gobuf struct {
sp *byte
pc *byte
g *g_
type g_ struct {
stackguard *byte
stackbase *byte
defer_ *defer_
panic_ *panic_
sched gobuf
stack0 *byte
entry *byte
alllink *g_
param unsafe.Pointer
status int16
goid int32
selgen uint32
schedlink *g_
readyonstop bool
ispanic bool
m *m_
lockedm *m_
sig int32
sigcode0 uintptr
sigcode1 uintptr
type m_ struct {
g0 *g_
morepc unsafe.Pointer
morefp unsafe.Pointer
morebuf gobuf
moreframe uint32
moreargs uint32
cret uintptr
procid uint64
gsignal *g_
tls [8]uint32
sched gobuf
curg *g_
id int32
mallocing int32
gcing int32
locks int32
nomemprof int32
waitnextg int32
havenextg note
nextg *g_
alllink *m_
schedlink *m_
machport uint32
mcache *mCache
lockedg *g_
freg [8]uint64
// gostack unsafe.Pointer // __WINDOWS__
type stktop struct {
stackguard *uint8
stackbase *uint8
gobuf gobuf
args uint32
fp *uint8
free bool
panic_ bool
type alg struct {
hash func(uint32, unsafe.Pointer) uintptr
equal func(uint32, unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) uint32
print func(uint32, unsafe.Pointer)
copy func(uint32, unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer)
type sigtab struct {
flags int32
name *int8
const (
sigCatch = (1 << iota)
type Func struct {
name string
typ string
src string
pcln []byte
entry uintptr
pc0 uintptr
ln0 int32
frame int32
args int32
locals int32
const (
aMEM = iota
type defer_ struct {
siz int32
sp *byte
pc *byte
fn *byte
link *defer_
args [8]byte // padded to actual size
type panic_ struct {
arg eface
stackbase *byte
link *panic_
recovered bool
* external data
// extern register G* g;
// extern register M* m;
var (
algarray [amax]Alg
emptystring String
allg *g_
allm *M
goidgen int32
gomaxprocs int32
panicking int32
fd int32
gcwaiting int32
goos *int8
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// OS-Specific Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
type lock struct {
key uint32
sema uint32
type note lock
......@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ type StructType struct {
* Must match iface.c:/Itab and compilers.
* NOTE: this is the version used by the reflection code, there is another
* one in iface_defs.go that is closer to the original C version.
type Itable struct {
Itype *Type // (*tab.inter).(*InterfaceType) is the interface type
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is runtime.h
package runtime
const (
Windows = 1
// const ( Structrnd = sizeof(uintptr) )
type lock struct {
key uint32
event unsafe.Pointer
type note lock
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