Commit a22c11b9 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: fix line number in first stack frame in printed stack trace

Originally traceback was only used for printing the stack
when an unexpected signal came in. In that case, the
initial PC is taken from the signal and should be used
unaltered. For the callers, the PC is the return address,
which might be on the line after the call; we subtract 1
to get to the CALL instruction.

Traceback is now used for a variety of things, and for
almost all of those the initial PC is a return address,
whether from getcallerpc, or gp->sched.pc, or gp->syscallpc.
In those cases, we need to subtract 1 from this initial PC,
but the traceback code had a hard rule "never subtract 1
from the initial PC", left over from the signal handling days.

Change gentraceback to take a flag that specifies whether
we are tracing a trap.

Change traceback to default to "starting with a return PC",
which is the overwhelmingly common case.

Add tracebacktrap, like traceback but starting with a trap PC.

Use tracebacktrap in signal handlers.

Fixes #7690.

LGTM=iant, r
R=r, iant
parent 8db71d4e
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ dumpgoroutine(G *gp)
child.sp = nil;
child.depth = 0;
fn = dumpframe;
runtime·gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &fn, &child, false);
runtime·gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &fn, &child, 0);
// dump defer & panic records
for(d = gp->defer; d != nil; d = d->link) {
......@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ scanstack(G *gp)
runtime·throw("can't scan gchelper stack");
fn = scanframe;
runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &fn, nil, false);
runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &fn, nil, 0);
runtime·tracebackdefers(gp, &fn, nil);
......@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@ runtime·getgcmask(byte *p, Type *t, byte **mask, uintptr *len)
frame.fn = nil;
frame.sp = (uintptr)p;
cb = getgcmaskcb;
runtime·gentraceback(g->m->curg->sched.pc, g->m->curg->sched.sp, 0, g->m->curg, 0, nil, 1000, &cb, &frame, false);
runtime·gentraceback(g->m->curg->sched.pc, g->m->curg->sched.sp, 0, g->m->curg, 0, nil, 1000, &cb, &frame, 0);
if(frame.fn != nil) {
Func *f;
StackMap *stackmap;
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ func GoroutineProfile(p []StackRecord) (n int, ok bool) {
func saveg(pc, sp uintptr, gp *g, r *StackRecord) {
n := gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, gp, 0, &r.Stack0[0], len(r.Stack0), nil, nil, false)
n := gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, gp, 0, &r.Stack0[0], len(r.Stack0), nil, nil, 0)
if n < len(r.Stack0) {
r.Stack0[n] = 0
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Throw:
if(runtime·gotraceback(&crash)) {
runtime·traceback(ureg->pc, ureg->sp, 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(ureg->pc, ureg->sp, 0, gp);
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Throw:
if(runtime·gotraceback(&crash)) {
runtime·traceback(ureg->ip, ureg->sp, 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(ureg->ip, ureg->sp, 0, gp);
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ runtime·lastcontinuehandler(ExceptionRecord *info, Context *r, G *gp)
runtime·traceback(r->Eip, r->Esp, 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(r->Eip, r->Esp, 0, gp);
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ runtime·lastcontinuehandler(ExceptionRecord *info, Context *r, G *gp)
runtime·traceback(r->Rip, r->Rsp, 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(r->Rip, r->Rsp, 0, gp);
......@@ -2532,7 +2532,7 @@ runtime·sigprof(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, uint8 *lr, G *gp, M *mp)
n = 0;
n = runtime·gentraceback((uintptr)pc, (uintptr)sp, (uintptr)lr, gp, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, false);
n = runtime·gentraceback((uintptr)pc, (uintptr)sp, (uintptr)lr, gp, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, TraceTrap);
if(!traceback || n <= 0) {
// Normal traceback is impossible or has failed.
// See if it falls into several common cases.
......@@ -2542,13 +2542,13 @@ runtime·sigprof(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, uint8 *lr, G *gp, M *mp)
// Cgo, we can't unwind and symbolize arbitrary C code,
// so instead collect Go stack that leads to the cgo call.
// This is especially important on windows, since all syscalls are cgo calls.
n = runtime·gentraceback(mp->curg->syscallpc, mp->curg->syscallsp, 0, mp->curg, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, false);
n = runtime·gentraceback(mp->curg->syscallpc, mp->curg->syscallsp, 0, mp->curg, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, 0);
#ifdef GOOS_windows
if(n == 0 && mp->libcallg != nil && mp->libcallpc != 0 && mp->libcallsp != 0) {
// Libcall, i.e. runtime syscall on windows.
// Collect Go stack that leads to the call.
n = runtime·gentraceback(mp->libcallpc, mp->libcallsp, 0, mp->libcallg, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, false);
n = runtime·gentraceback(mp->libcallpc, mp->libcallsp, 0, mp->libcallg, 0, stk, nelem(stk), nil, nil, 0);
if(n == 0) {
......@@ -719,9 +719,15 @@ struct Stkframe
BitVector* argmap; // force use of this argmap
intgo runtime·gentraceback(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, G*, intgo, uintptr*, intgo, bool(**)(Stkframe*, void*), void*, bool);
TraceRuntimeFrames = 1<<0, // include frames for internal runtime functions.
TraceTrap = 1<<1, // the initial PC, SP are from a trap, not a return PC from a call
intgo runtime·gentraceback(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, G*, intgo, uintptr*, intgo, bool(**)(Stkframe*, void*), void*, uintgo);
void runtime·tracebackdefers(G*, bool(**)(Stkframe*, void*), void*);
void runtime·traceback(uintptr pc, uintptr sp, uintptr lr, G* gp);
void runtime·tracebacktrap(uintptr pc, uintptr sp, uintptr lr, G* gp);
void runtime·tracebackothers(G*);
bool runtime·haszeroargs(uintptr pc);
bool runtime·topofstack(Func*);
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ runtime·sighandler(int32 sig, Siginfo *info, void *ctxt, G *gp)
runtime·traceback(SIG_EIP(info, ctxt), SIG_ESP(info, ctxt), 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(SIG_EIP(info, ctxt), SIG_ESP(info, ctxt), 0, gp);
runtime·dumpregs(info, ctxt);
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ runtime·sighandler(int32 sig, Siginfo *info, void *ctxt, G *gp)
runtime·traceback(SIG_RIP(info, ctxt), SIG_RSP(info, ctxt), 0, gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(SIG_RIP(info, ctxt), SIG_RSP(info, ctxt), 0, gp);
runtime·dumpregs(info, ctxt);
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ runtime·sighandler(int32 sig, Siginfo *info, void *ctxt, G *gp)
runtime·traceback(SIG_PC(info, ctxt), SIG_SP(info, ctxt), SIG_LR(info, ctxt), gp);
runtime·tracebacktrap(SIG_PC(info, ctxt), SIG_SP(info, ctxt), SIG_LR(info, ctxt), gp);
runtime·dumpregs(info, ctxt);
......@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ copystack(G *gp, uintptr newsize)
adjinfo.old = old; = new.hi - old.hi;
cb = adjustframe;
runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &cb, &adjinfo, false);
runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, &cb, &adjinfo, 0);
// adjust other miscellaneous things that have pointers into stacks.
adjustctxt(gp, &adjinfo);
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func tracebackdefers(gp *g, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v uns
// the runtime.Callers function (pcbuf != nil), as well as the garbage
// collector (callback != nil). A little clunky to merge these, but avoids
// duplicating the code and all its subtlety.
func gentraceback(pc0 uintptr, sp0 uintptr, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, printall bool) int {
func gentraceback(pc0 uintptr, sp0 uintptr, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, flags uint) int {
if goexitPC == 0 {
gothrow("gentraceback before goexitPC initialization")
......@@ -297,13 +297,13 @@ func gentraceback(pc0 uintptr, sp0 uintptr, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf
if printing {
if printall || showframe(f, gp) {
if (flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames) != 0 || showframe(f, gp) {
// Print during crash.
// main(0x1, 0x2, 0x3)
// /home/rsc/go/src/runtime/x.go:23 +0xf
tracepc := frame.pc // back up to CALL instruction for funcline.
if n > 0 && frame.pc > f.entry && !waspanic {
if (n > 0 || flags&_TraceTrap == 0) && frame.pc > f.entry && !waspanic {
print(gofuncname(f), "(")
......@@ -475,17 +475,32 @@ func printcreatedby(gp *g) {
func traceback(pc uintptr, sp uintptr, lr uintptr, gp *g) {
traceback1(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0)
// tracebacktrap is like traceback but expects that the PC and SP were obtained
// from a trap, not from gp->sched or gp->syscallpc/gp->syscallsp or getcallerpc/getcallersp.
// Because they are from a trap instead of from a saved pair,
// the initial PC must not be rewound to the previous instruction.
// (All the saved pairs record a PC that is a return address, so we
// rewind it into the CALL instruction.)
func tracebacktrap(pc uintptr, sp uintptr, lr uintptr, gp *g) {
traceback1(pc, sp, lr, gp, _TraceTrap)
func traceback1(pc uintptr, sp uintptr, lr uintptr, gp *g, flags uint) {
var n int
if readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Gsyscall {
// Override signal registers if blocked in system call.
// Override registers if blocked in system call.
pc = gp.syscallpc
sp = gp.syscallsp
flags &^= _TraceTrap
// Print traceback. By default, omits runtime frames.
// If that means we print nothing at all, repeat forcing all frames printed.
n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, false)
if n == 0 {
n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, true)
n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags)
if n == 0 && (flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames) == 0 {
n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags|_TraceRuntimeFrames)
if n == _TracebackMaxFrames {
print("...additional frames elided...\n")
......@@ -496,11 +511,11 @@ func traceback(pc uintptr, sp uintptr, lr uintptr, gp *g) {
func callers(skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, m int) int {
sp := getcallersp(unsafe.Pointer(&skip))
pc := uintptr(getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&skip)))
return gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, getg(), skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false)
return gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, getg(), skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, 0)
func gcallers(gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, m int) int {
return gentraceback(^uintptr(0), ^uintptr(0), 0, gp, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false)
return gentraceback(^uintptr(0), ^uintptr(0), 0, gp, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, 0)
func showframe(f *_func, gp *g) bool {
// run
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// issue 7690 - Stack and other routines did not back up initial PC
// into CALL instruction, instead reporting line number of next instruction,
// which might be on a different line.
package main
import (
func main() {
buf1 := make([]byte, 1000)
buf2 := make([]byte, 1000)
runtime.Stack(buf1, false) // CALL is last instruction on this line
n := runtime.Stack(buf2, false) // CALL is followed by load of result from stack
buf1 = buf1[:bytes.IndexByte(buf1, 0)]
buf2 = buf2[:n]
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^main\.main\(\)\n.*/issue7690.go:([0-9]+)`)
m1 := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(buf1))
if m1 == nil {
println("BUG: cannot find main.main in first trace")
m2 := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(buf2))
if m2 == nil {
println("BUG: cannot find main.main in second trace")
n1, _ := strconv.Atoi(m1[1])
n2, _ := strconv.Atoi(m2[1])
if n1+1 != n2 {
println("BUG: expect runtime.Stack on back to back lines, have", n1, n2)
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