Commit a4292c31 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

api: refresh next.txt

Change-Id: I5e902bb3a3a51620b21840783087ed3cc410dbc5
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent a901d7fb
pkg archive/zip, method (*Writer) SetOffset(int64)
pkg bufio, method (*Reader) Discard(int) (int, error)
pkg bufio, method (ReadWriter) Discard(int) (int, error)
pkg bytes, func LastIndexByte([]uint8, uint8) int
pkg bytes, method (*Buffer) Cap() int
pkg bytes, method (*Reader) Size() int64
pkg crypto, type Decrypter interface { Decrypt, Public }
......@@ -18,16 +19,56 @@ pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 49196
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 49200
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16
pkg crypto/tls, method (*Config) SetSessionTicketKeys([][32]uint8)
pkg crypto/tls, type Certificate struct, SignedCertificateTimestamps [][]uint8
pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, OCSPResponse []uint8
pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, SignedCertificateTimestamps [][]uint8
pkg crypto/x509, method (*CertificateRequest) CheckSignature() error
pkg crypto/x509, type Certificate struct, UnhandledCriticalExtensions []asn1.ObjectIdentifier
pkg crypto/x509/pkix, type Name struct, ExtraNames []AttributeTypeAndValue
pkg database/sql, method (*DB) Stats() DBStats
pkg database/sql, type DBStats struct
pkg database/sql, type DBStats struct, OpenConnections int
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddress = 1
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassAddress Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassBlock = 2
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassBlock Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassConstant = 3
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassConstant Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassExprLoc = 4
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassExprLoc Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassFlag = 5
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassFlag Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLinePtr = 6
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLinePtr Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocListPtr = 7
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassLocListPtr Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassMacPtr = 8
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassMacPtr Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRangeListPtr = 9
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassRangeListPtr Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReference = 10
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReference Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceAlt = 13
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceAlt Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceSig = 11
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassReferenceSig Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassString = 12
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassString Class
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStringAlt = 14
pkg debug/dwarf, const ClassStringAlt Class
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Data) LineReader(*Entry) (*LineReader, error)
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Entry) AttrField(Attr) *Field
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Next(*LineEntry) error
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Reset()
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Seek(LineReaderPos)
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) SeekPC(uint64, *LineEntry) error
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Tell() LineReaderPos
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Reader) AddressSize() int
pkg debug/dwarf, method (Class) GoString() string
pkg debug/dwarf, method (Class) String() string
pkg debug/dwarf, type Class int
pkg debug/dwarf, type Field struct, Class Class
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, Address uint64
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, BasicBlock bool
......@@ -227,48 +268,52 @@ pkg encoding/base64, var RawURLEncoding *Encoding
pkg encoding/json, type UnmarshalTypeError struct, Offset int64
pkg flag, func UnquoteUsage(*Flag) (string, string)
pkg go/ast, type EmptyStmt struct, Implicit bool
pkg go/exact, const Bool = 1
pkg go/exact, const Bool Kind
pkg go/exact, const Complex = 5
pkg go/exact, const Complex Kind
pkg go/exact, const Float = 4
pkg go/exact, const Float Kind
pkg go/exact, const Int = 3
pkg go/exact, const Int Kind
pkg go/exact, const String = 2
pkg go/exact, const String Kind
pkg go/exact, const Unknown = 0
pkg go/exact, const Unknown Kind
pkg go/exact, func BinaryOp(Value, token.Token, Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func BitLen(Value) int
pkg go/exact, func BoolVal(Value) bool
pkg go/exact, func Bytes(Value) []uint8
pkg go/exact, func Compare(Value, token.Token, Value) bool
pkg go/exact, func Denom(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Float32Val(Value) (float32, bool)
pkg go/exact, func Float64Val(Value) (float64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func Imag(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Int64Val(Value) (int64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func MakeBool(bool) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFloat64(float64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFromBytes([]uint8) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFromLiteral(string, token.Token) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeImag(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeInt64(int64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeString(string) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeUint64(uint64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeUnknown() Value
pkg go/exact, func Num(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Real(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Shift(Value, token.Token, uint) Value
pkg go/exact, func Sign(Value) int
pkg go/exact, func StringVal(Value) string
pkg go/exact, func Uint64Val(Value) (uint64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func UnaryOp(token.Token, Value, int) Value
pkg go/exact, type Kind int
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, Kind() Kind
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, String() string
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, unexported methods
pkg go/build, type Package struct, PkgTargetRoot string
pkg go/constant, const Bool = 1
pkg go/constant, const Bool Kind
pkg go/constant, const Complex = 5
pkg go/constant, const Complex Kind
pkg go/constant, const Float = 4
pkg go/constant, const Float Kind
pkg go/constant, const Int = 3
pkg go/constant, const Int Kind
pkg go/constant, const String = 2
pkg go/constant, const String Kind
pkg go/constant, const Unknown = 0
pkg go/constant, const Unknown Kind
pkg go/constant, func BinaryOp(Value, token.Token, Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func BitLen(Value) int
pkg go/constant, func BoolVal(Value) bool
pkg go/constant, func Bytes(Value) []uint8
pkg go/constant, func Compare(Value, token.Token, Value) bool
pkg go/constant, func Denom(Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func Float32Val(Value) (float32, bool)
pkg go/constant, func Float64Val(Value) (float64, bool)
pkg go/constant, func Imag(Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func Int64Val(Value) (int64, bool)
pkg go/constant, func MakeBool(bool) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeFloat64(float64) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeFromBytes([]uint8) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeFromLiteral(string, token.Token, uint) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeImag(Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeInt64(int64) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeString(string) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeUint64(uint64) Value
pkg go/constant, func MakeUnknown() Value
pkg go/constant, func Num(Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func Real(Value) Value
pkg go/constant, func Shift(Value, token.Token, uint) Value
pkg go/constant, func Sign(Value) int
pkg go/constant, func StringVal(Value) string
pkg go/constant, func Uint64Val(Value) (uint64, bool)
pkg go/constant, func UnaryOp(token.Token, Value, uint) Value
pkg go/constant, type Kind int
pkg go/constant, type Value interface, Kind() Kind
pkg go/constant, type Value interface, String() string
pkg go/constant, type Value interface, unexported methods
pkg go/importer, func Default() types.Importer
pkg go/importer, func For(string, Lookup) types.Importer
pkg go/importer, type Lookup func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
pkg go/types, const Bool = 1
pkg go/types, const Bool BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Byte = 8
......@@ -376,6 +421,7 @@ pkg go/types, func New(string) Type
pkg go/types, func NewArray(Type, int64) *Array
pkg go/types, func NewChan(ChanDir, Type) *Chan
pkg go/types, func NewChecker(*Config, *token.FileSet, *Package, *Info) *Checker
pkg go/types, func NewConst(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, constant.Value) *Const
pkg go/types, func NewConst(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, exact.Value) *Const
pkg go/types, func NewField(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, bool) *Var
pkg go/types, func NewFunc(token.Pos, *Package, string, *Signature) *Func
......@@ -432,6 +478,7 @@ pkg go/types, method (*Const) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Const) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Val() constant.Value
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Val() exact.Value
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Func) FullName() string
......@@ -590,6 +637,7 @@ pkg go/types, type Config struct, Error func(error)
pkg go/types, type Config struct, FakeImportC bool
pkg go/types, type Config struct, IgnoreFuncBodies bool
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Import Importer
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Importer Importer
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Packages map[string]*Package
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Sizes Sizes
pkg go/types, type Const struct
......@@ -600,6 +648,8 @@ pkg go/types, type Error struct, Pos token.Pos
pkg go/types, type Error struct, Soft bool
pkg go/types, type Func struct
pkg go/types, type Importer func(map[string]*Package, string) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, type Importer interface { Import }
pkg go/types, type Importer interface, Import(string) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, type Info struct
pkg go/types, type Info struct, Defs map[*ast.Ident]Object
pkg go/types, type Info struct, Implicits map[ast.Node]Object
......@@ -649,6 +699,7 @@ pkg go/types, type Type interface, String() string
pkg go/types, type Type interface, Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Type Type
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Value constant.Value
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Value exact.Value
pkg go/types, type TypeName struct
pkg go/types, type Var struct
......@@ -690,6 +741,18 @@ pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, K uint8
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, M uint8
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, Y uint8
pkg image/color, var CMYKModel Model
pkg image/gif, const DisposalBackground = 2
pkg image/gif, const DisposalBackground ideal-int
pkg image/gif, const DisposalNone = 1
pkg image/gif, const DisposalNone ideal-int
pkg image/gif, const DisposalPrevious = 3
pkg image/gif, const DisposalPrevious ideal-int
pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, BackgroundIndex uint8
pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, Config image.Config
pkg image/gif, type GIF struct, Disposal []uint8
pkg io, func CopyBuffer(Writer, Reader, []uint8) (int64, error)
pkg log, const LUTC = 32
pkg log, const LUTC ideal-int
pkg log, func Output(int, string) error
pkg log, method (*Logger) SetOutput(io.Writer)
pkg math/big, const Above = 1
......@@ -716,6 +779,7 @@ pkg math/big, const ToPositiveInf = 5
pkg math/big, const ToPositiveInf RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const ToZero = 2
pkg math/big, const ToZero RoundingMode
pkg math/big, func Jacobi(*Int, *Int) int
pkg math/big, func NewFloat(float64) *Float
pkg math/big, func ParseFloat(string, int, uint, RoundingMode) (*Float, int, error)
pkg math/big, func ScanFloat(io.ByteScanner, int, uint, RoundingMode) (*Float, int, error)
......@@ -758,6 +822,7 @@ pkg math/big, method (*Float) Signbit() bool
pkg math/big, method (*Float) String() string
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Sub(*Float, *Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Uint64() (uint64, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Int) ModSqrt(*Int, *Int) *Int
pkg math/big, method (Accuracy) String() string
pkg math/big, method (ErrNaN) Error() string
pkg math/big, method (RoundingMode) String() string
......@@ -765,25 +830,48 @@ pkg math/big, type Accuracy int8
pkg math/big, type ErrNaN struct
pkg math/big, type Float struct
pkg math/big, type RoundingMode uint8
pkg mime, const BEncoding = 98
pkg mime, const BEncoding WordEncoder
pkg mime, const QEncoding = 113
pkg mime, const QEncoding WordEncoder
pkg mime, func ExtensionsByType(string) ([]string, error)
pkg mime, method (*WordDecoder) Decode(string) (string, error)
pkg mime, method (*WordDecoder) DecodeHeader(string) (string, error)
pkg mime, method (WordEncoder) Encode(string, string) string
pkg mime, type WordDecoder struct
pkg mime, type WordDecoder struct, CharsetReader func(string, io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)
pkg mime, type WordEncoder uint8
pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewReader(io.Reader) *Reader
pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewReader(io.Reader) io.Reader
pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewWriter(io.Writer) *Writer
pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Reader) Read([]uint8) (int, error)
pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Writer) Close() error
pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Writer) Write([]uint8) (int, error)
pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Reader struct
pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Writer struct
pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Writer struct, Binary bool
pkg net, func SocketConn(*os.File, SocketAddr) (Conn, error)
pkg net, func SocketPacketConn(*os.File, SocketAddr) (PacketConn, error)
pkg net, type OpError struct, Source Addr
pkg net, type SocketAddr interface { Addr, Raw }
pkg net, type SocketAddr interface, Addr([]uint8) Addr
pkg net, type SocketAddr interface, Raw(Addr) []uint8
pkg net/http/fcgi, var ErrConnClosed error
pkg net/http/fcgi, var ErrRequestAborted error
pkg net/http/pprof, func Trace(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
pkg net/smtp, method (*Client) TLSConnectionState() (tls.ConnectionState, bool)
pkg os, func LookupEnv(string) (string, bool)
pkg os/signal, func Ignore(...os.Signal)
pkg os/signal, func Reset(...os.Signal)
pkg reflect, func ArrayOf(int, Type) Type
pkg reflect, func FuncOf([]Type, []Type, bool) Type
pkg runtime, func ReadTrace() []uint8
pkg runtime, func StartTrace() error
pkg runtime, func StopTrace()
pkg runtime/pprof, func StartTrace(io.Writer) error
pkg runtime/pprof, func StopTrace()
pkg strings, func Compare(string, string) int
pkg strings, func LastIndexByte(string, uint8) int
pkg strings, method (*Reader) Size() int64
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
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