Commit c7bab46d authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

add time.Tick()

DELTA=130  (115 added, 1 deleted, 14 changed)
parent 2dba9a66
......@@ -16,3 +16,9 @@ export func gettimeofday() (sec, nsec, errno int64) {
return r1, r2*1000, 0
export func nstotimeval(ns int64, tv *Timeval) {
ns += 999; // round up
tv.sec = int64(ns/1000000000);
tv.usec = uint32(ns%1000000000 / 1000);
......@@ -14,3 +14,9 @@ export func gettimeofday() (sec, nsec, errno int64) {
return int64(tv.sec), int64(tv.usec*1000), 0
export func nstotimeval(ns int64, tv *Timeval) {
ns += 999; // round up
tv.sec = int64(ns/1000000000);
tv.usec = uint64(ns%1000000000 / 1000);
......@@ -2,34 +2,70 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
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# DO NOT EDIT. Automatically generated by gobuild.
# gobuild -m >Makefile
CC=$(O)c -w
default: packages
rm -f *.$O *.a $O.out
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6cov -g `pwd` | grep -v '_test\.go:'
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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package time
import (
// TODO(rsc): This implementation of time.Tick is a
// simple placeholder. Eventually, there will need to be
// a single central time server no matter how many tickers
// are active. There also needs to be a way to cancel a ticker.
// Also, if timeouts become part of the select statement,
// perhaps the Ticker is just:
// func Ticker(ns int64, c *chan int64) {
// for {
// select { timeout ns: }
// nsec, err := time.Nanoseconds();
// c <- nsec;
// }
func Ticker(ns int64, c *chan int64) {
var tv syscall.Timeval;
for {
syscall.nstotimeval(ns, &tv);
syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_SELECT, 0, 0, 0, 0, syscall.TimevalPtr(&tv), 0);
nsec, err := time.Nanoseconds();
c <- nsec;
export func Tick(ns int64) *chan int64 {
c := new(chan int64);
go Ticker(ns, c);
return c;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package time
import (
export func TestTick(t *testing.T) {
const (
Delta uint64 = 10*1e6;
Count uint64 = 10;
c := Tick(Delta);
t0, err := Nanoseconds();
for i := 0; i < Count; i++ {
t1, err1 := Nanoseconds();
ns := t1 - t0;
target := int64(Delta*Count);
slop := target*2/10;
if ns < target - slop || ns > target + slop {
t.Fatalf("%d ticks of %d ns took %d ns, expected %d", Count, Delta, ns, target);
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