Commit d2117ad4 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

make test/chan/nonblock work even with real os threads

parent d8819569
......@@ -9,40 +9,55 @@
package main
func pause() {
for i:=0; i<100; i++ { sys.Gosched() }
import "time"
func i32receiver(c chan int32) {
func i32receiver(c chan int32, strobe chan bool) {
if <-c != 123 { panic("i32 value") }
strobe <- true
func i32sender(c chan int32) {
c <- 234
func i32sender(c chan int32, strobe chan bool) {
c <- 234;
strobe <- true
func i64receiver(c chan int64) {
func i64receiver(c chan int64, strobe chan bool) {
if <-c != 123456 { panic("i64 value") }
strobe <- true
func i64sender(c chan int64) {
c <- 234567
func i64sender(c chan int64, strobe chan bool) {
c <- 234567;
strobe <- true
func breceiver(c chan bool) {
func breceiver(c chan bool, strobe chan bool) {
if ! <-c { panic("b value") }
strobe <- true
func bsender(c chan bool) {
c <- true
func bsender(c chan bool, strobe chan bool) {
c <- true;
strobe <- true
func sreceiver(c chan string) {
func sreceiver(c chan string, strobe chan bool) {
if <-c != "hello" { panic("s value") }
strobe <- true
func ssender(c chan string, strobe chan bool) {
c <- "hello again";
strobe <- true
func ssender(c chan string) {
c <- "hello again"
var ticker = time.Tick(10*1000); // 10 us
func sleep() {
func main() {
......@@ -52,6 +67,8 @@ func main() {
var s string;
var ok bool;
var sync = make(chan bool);
for buffer := 0; buffer < 2; buffer++ {
c32 := make(chan int32, buffer);
c64 := make(chan int64, buffer);
......@@ -70,45 +87,57 @@ func main() {
s, ok = <-cs;
if ok { panic("blocked ssender") }
go i32receiver(c32);
go i32receiver(c32, sync);
ok = c32 <- 123;
if !ok { panic("i32receiver") }
go i32sender(c32);
if !ok { panic("i32receiver buffer=", buffer) }
go i32sender(c32, sync);
if buffer > 0 { <-sync } else { sleep() }
i32, ok = <-c32;
if !ok { panic("i32sender") }
if !ok { panic("i32sender buffer=", buffer) }
if i32 != 234 { panic("i32sender value") }
if buffer == 0 { <-sync }
go i64receiver(c64);
go i64receiver(c64, sync);
ok = c64 <- 123456;
if !ok { panic("i64receiver") }
go i64sender(c64);
go i64sender(c64, sync);
if buffer > 0 { <-sync } else { sleep() }
i64, ok = <-c64;
if !ok { panic("i64sender") }
if i64 != 234567 { panic("i64sender value") }
if buffer == 0 { <-sync }
go breceiver(cb);
go breceiver(cb, sync);
ok = cb <- true;
if !ok { panic("breceiver") }
go bsender(cb);
go bsender(cb, sync);
if buffer > 0 { <-sync } else { sleep() }
b, ok = <-cb;
if !ok { panic("bsender") }
if !b{ panic("bsender value") }
if buffer == 0 { <-sync }
go sreceiver(cs);
go sreceiver(cs, sync);
ok = cs <- "hello";
if !ok { panic("sreceiver") }
go ssender(cs);
go ssender(cs, sync);
if buffer > 0 { <-sync } else { sleep() }
s, ok = <-cs;
if !ok { panic("ssender") }
if s != "hello again" { panic("ssender value") }
if buffer == 0 { <-sync }
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