Commit e947eba2 authored by Andrew Balholm's avatar Andrew Balholm Committed by Nigel Tao

exp/html: update test data

Import updated test data from the WebKit Subversion repository (SVN revision 118111).

Some of the old tests were failing because we were HTML5 compliant, but the tests weren't.

parent 83771afe
......@@ -26,3 +26,27 @@
| <svg svg>
| "foo"
| "bar"
7: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
30: A table cell was implicitly closed, but there were open elements.
26: Unclosed element “desc”.
20: Unclosed element “svg”.
37: Stray end tag “desc”.
45: End of file seen and there were open elements.
45: Unclosed element “circle”.
7: Unclosed element “table”.
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <table>
| <tbody>
| <tr>
| <td>
| <svg svg>
| <svg desc>
| <td>
| <circle>
......@@ -195,3 +195,18 @@
| <td>
| <button>
| <td>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <table>
| <tbody>
| <tr>
| <td>
| <svg svg>
| <svg desc>
| <td>
......@@ -1075,6 +1075,28 @@ Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (textarea).
| <textarea>
| "</textarea>"
<!doctype html><textarea>&lt;</textarea>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <textarea>
| "<"
<!doctype html><textarea>a&lt;b</textarea>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <textarea>
| "a<b"
<!doctype html><iframe><!--<iframe></iframe>--></iframe>
......@@ -1218,3 +1218,20 @@
| <plaintext>
| <a>
| "b"
<!DOCTYPE html><div>a<a></div>b<p>c</p>d
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <div>
| "a"
| <a>
| <a>
| "b"
| <p>
| "c"
| "d"
......@@ -193,3 +193,121 @@
| <i>
| <nobr>
| "2"
<p><code x</code></p>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <p>
| <code>
| code=""
| x<=""
| <code>
| code=""
| x<=""
| "
<!DOCTYPE html><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a
45: End tag “p” seen, but there were open elements.
41: Unclosed element “i”.
46: End of file seen and there were open elements.
35: Unclosed element “foreignObject”.
20: Unclosed element “svg”.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <svg svg>
| <svg foreignObject>
| <p>
| <i>
| <i>
| "a"
<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a
56: End tag “p” seen, but there were open elements.
52: Unclosed element “i”.
57: End of file seen and there were open elements.
46: Unclosed element “foreignObject”.
31: Unclosed element “svg”.
22: Unclosed element “table”.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <table>
| <tbody>
| <tr>
| <td>
| <svg svg>
| <svg foreignObject>
| <p>
| <i>
| <i>
| "a"
<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext><p><i></p>a
38: End tag “p” seen, but there were open elements.
34: Unclosed element “i”.
39: End of file in a foreign namespace context.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <math math>
| <math mtext>
| <p>
| <i>
| <i>
| "a"
<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext><p><i></p>a
53: End tag “p” seen, but there were open elements.
49: Unclosed element “i”.
54: End of file in a foreign namespace context.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <table>
| <tbody>
| <tr>
| <td>
| <math math>
| <math mtext>
| <p>
| <i>
| <i>
| "a"
<!DOCTYPE html><body><div><!/div>a
29: Bogus comment.
34: End of file seen and there were open elements.
26: Unclosed element “div”.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <div>
| <!-- /div -->
| "a"
......@@ -731,3 +731,11 @@ html
| <frame>
| <head>
| <body>
......@@ -560,7 +560,8 @@ console.log("FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ");
| <td>
| <svg svg>
| <svg desc>
| <svg circle>
| <td>
| <circle>
......@@ -102,3 +102,58 @@
| <body>
| <legend>
| "test"
| <html>
| <head>
| <body>
| <input>
| <table>
| <b>
| <em>
| <dcell>
| <postfield>
| <postfield>
| <postfield>
| <postfield>
| <missing_glyph>
| <missing_glyph>
| <missing_glyph>
| <missing_glyph>
| <hkern>
| <aside>
| <em>
| <b>
<isindex action="x">
| <form>
| action="x"
| <hr>
| <label>
| "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: "
| <input>
| name="isindex"
| <hr>
| <option>
PASS "<input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption><svg>foo</table>bar"
FAIL "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
PASS "<html>\x00<frameset></frameset>"
FAIL "<html> \x00 <frameset></frameset>"
PASS "<html>a\x00a<frameset></frameset>"
PASS "<html>\x00\x00<frameset></frameset>"
FAIL "<html>\x00\n <frameset></frameset>"
FAIL "<html><select>\x00"
PASS "\x00"
PASS "<body>\x00"
FAIL "<plaintext>\x00filler\x00text\x00"
FAIL "<svg><![CDATA[\x00filler\x00text\x00]]>"
FAIL "<body><!\x00>"
FAIL "<body><!\x00filler\x00text>"
FAIL "<body><svg><foreignObject>\x00filler\x00text"
FAIL "<svg>\x00filler\x00text"
FAIL "<svg>\x00<frameset>"
FAIL "<svg>\x00 <frameset>"
FAIL "<svg>\x00a<frameset>"
FAIL "<svg>\x00</svg><frameset>"
FAIL "<svg>\x00 </svg><frameset>"
FAIL "<svg>\x00a</svg><frameset>"
PASS "<svg><path></path></svg><frameset>"
PASS "<svg><p><frameset>"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\n\r\nA</pre>"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\rA</pre>"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\rA</pre>"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext>\x00a"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject>\x00a"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mi>a\x00b"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mo>a\x00b"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mn>a\x00b"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><ms>a\x00b"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext>a\x00b"
......@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ PASS "<table><tr><caption>"
PASS "<table><tr></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th><td>foo"
PASS "<table><td><tr>"
PASS "<table><td><button><td>"
FAIL "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>"
......@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ PASS "<!doctype html><noframes><!--<noframes></noframes>--></noframes>"
PASS "<!doctype html><noframes><body><script><!--...</script></body></noframes></html>"
PASS "<!doctype html><textarea><!--<textarea></textarea>--></textarea>"
PASS "<!doctype html><textarea>&lt;/textarea></textarea>"
PASS "<!doctype html><textarea>&lt;</textarea>"
PASS "<!doctype html><textarea>a&lt;b</textarea>"
PASS "<!doctype html><iframe><!--<iframe></iframe>--></iframe>"
PASS "<!doctype html><iframe>...<!--X->...<!--/X->...</iframe>"
PASS "<!doctype html><xmp><!--<xmp></xmp>--></xmp>"
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ PASS "<!doctype html><isindex prompt=\"this is isindex\">"
PASS "<!doctype html><isindex type=\"hidden\">"
PASS "<!doctype html><isindex name=\"foo\">"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rp>"
FAIL "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rp>"
FAIL "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rp>"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rp>"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rp>"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rt>"
FAIL "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rt>"
FAIL "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rt>"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rt>"
PASS "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rt>"
PASS "<!doctype html><math/><foo>"
PASS "<!doctype html><svg/><foo>"
PASS "<!doctype html><div></body><!--foo-->"
......@@ -101,3 +101,4 @@ PASS "<!doctype html><a><b></a><bgsound>"
PASS "<!doctype html><figcaption><article></figcaption>a"
PASS "<!doctype html><summary><article></summary>a"
PARSE "<!doctype html><p><a><plaintext>b"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><div>a<a></div>b<p>c</p>d"
......@@ -7,3 +7,9 @@ PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<nobr></b><div><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<nobr><ins></b><i><nobr>"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<ins><nobr></b><i>2"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b>1<nobr></b><i><nobr>2</i>"
FAIL "<p><code x</code></p>"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
FAIL "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
PASS "<!DOCTYPE html><body><div><!/div>a"
......@@ -82,3 +82,4 @@ PASS "<keygen><option>"
FAIL "<textarea><option>"
FAIL "</html><!--abc-->"
PASS "</frameset><frame>"
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ PASS "<html><body></body></html><!-- Hi there -->"
PASS "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there -->"
PASS "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></html><!-- Again -->"
PASS "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></body></html><!-- Again -->"
FAIL "<html><body><ruby><div><rp>xx</rp></div></ruby></body></html>"
FAIL "<html><body><ruby><div><rt>xx</rt></div></ruby></body></html>"
PASS "<html><body><ruby><div><rp>xx</rp></div></ruby></body></html>"
PASS "<html><body><ruby><div><rt>xx</rt></div></ruby></body></html>"
PASS "<html><frameset><!--1--><noframes>A</noframes><!--2--></frameset><!--3--><noframes>B</noframes><!--4--></html><!--5--><noframes>C</noframes><!--6-->"
PASS "<select><option>A<select><option>B<select><option>C<select><option>D<select><option>E<select><option>F<select><option>G<select>"
PASS "<dd><dd><dt><dt><dd><li><li>"
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ FAIL "<svg><title><svg><div>"
PASS "<img <=\"\" FAIL>"
FAIL "<ul><li><div id='foo'/>A</li><li>B<div>C</div></li></ul>"
PASS "<svg><em><desc></em>"
PASS "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
FAIL "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
PASS "<svg><tfoot></mi><td>"
PASS "<math><mrow><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mi>a</mi></mrow></math>"
PASS "<!doctype html><input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
......@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ PASS "<table><td></thead>A"
PASS "<table><td></tfoot>A"
PASS "<table><thead><td></tbody>A"
PASS "<legend>test</legend>"
PASS "<table><input>"
PASS "<b><em><dcell><postfield><postfield><postfield><postfield><missing_glyph><missing_glyph><missing_glyph><missing_glyph><hkern><aside></b></em>"
FAIL "<isindex action=\"x\">"
PASS "<option><XH<optgroup></optgroup>"
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