docs(CONTRIBUTING): one LGTM for maintainers

Signed-off-by: 's avatarMatthew Fisher <>
parent b496f85b
......@@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ Like any good open source project, we use Pull Requests (PRs) to track code chan
- PRs should stay open until merged or if they have not been active for more than 30 days.
This will help keep the PR queue to a manageable size and reduce noise. Should the PR need
to stay open (like in the case of a WIP), the `keep open` label can be added.
- Before merging a PR, refer to the topic on [Size Labels](#size-labels) below to determine if
the PR requires more than one LGTM to merge.
- If the owner of the PR is listed in `OWNERS`, that user **must** merge their own PRs or explicitly
request another OWNER do that for them.
- If the owner of a PR is _not_ listed in `OWNERS`, any maintainer may merge the PR once it is approved.
......@@ -320,11 +322,15 @@ The following tables define all label types used for Helm. It is split up by cat
Size labels are used to indicate how "dangerous" a PR is. The guidelines below are used to assign the
labels, but ultimately this can be changed by the maintainers. For example, even if a PR only makes
30 lines of changes in 1 file, but it changes key functionality, it will likely be labeled as `size/large`
30 lines of changes in 1 file, but it changes key functionality, it will likely be labeled as `size/L`
because it requires sign off from multiple people. Conversely, a PR that adds a small feature, but requires
another 150 lines of tests to cover all cases, could be labeled as `size/small` even though the number
another 150 lines of tests to cover all cases, could be labeled as `size/S` even though the number
lines is greater than defined below.
PRs submitted by a core maintainer, regardless of size, only requires approval from one additional
maintainer. This ensures there are at least two maintainers who are aware of any significant PRs
introduced to the codebase.
| Label | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| `size/XS` | Anything less than or equal to 9 lines ignoring generated files. Only small amounts of manual testing may be required. |
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