Commit 151529c7 authored by Zachary Madigan's avatar Zachary Madigan Committed by Alex Brainman

windows, windows/svc/mgr: add ability to modify service recovery settings.

Added configuration options for a windows service recovery settings.
Current configurations include modifying actions taken when a service
fails, setting the reset period, and getting the current recovery

Updates golang/go#23239

Change-Id: I4e91b2068122731e6eba3332afb0fe300b298c97
Run-TryBot: Alex Brainman <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAlex Brainman <>
parent 7138fd3d
......@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ const (
......@@ -148,6 +153,19 @@ type ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS struct {
ResetPeriod uint32
RebootMsg *uint16
Command *uint16
ActionsCount uint32
Actions *SC_ACTION
type SC_ACTION struct {
Type uint32
Delay uint32
//sys CloseServiceHandle(handle Handle) (err error) = advapi32.CloseServiceHandle
//sys CreateService(mgr Handle, serviceName *uint16, displayName *uint16, access uint32, srvType uint32, startType uint32, errCtl uint32, pathName *uint16, loadOrderGroup *uint16, tagId *uint32, dependencies *uint16, serviceStartName *uint16, password *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.CreateServiceW
//sys OpenService(mgr Handle, serviceName *uint16, access uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.OpenServiceW
......@@ -88,23 +88,11 @@ func (s *Service) Config() (Config, error) {
n = uint32(1024)
for {
b := make([]byte, n)
p2 = (*windows.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
err := windows.QueryServiceConfig2(s.Handle,
windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &b[0], n, &n)
if err == nil {
if err.(syscall.Errno) != syscall.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER {
return Config{}, err
if n <= uint32(len(b)) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
p2 := (*windows.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
return Config{
ServiceType: p.ServiceType,
......@@ -137,3 +125,21 @@ func (s *Service) UpdateConfig(c Config) error {
return updateDescription(s.Handle, c.Description)
// queryServiceConfig2 calls Windows QueryServiceConfig2 with infoLevel parameter and returns retrieved service configuration information.
func (s *Service) queryServiceConfig2(infoLevel uint32) ([]byte, error) {
n := uint32(1024)
for {
b := make([]byte, n)
err := windows.QueryServiceConfig2(s.Handle, infoLevel, &b[0], n, &n)
if err == nil {
return b, nil
if err.(syscall.Errno) != syscall.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER {
return nil, err
if n <= uint32(len(b)) {
return nil, err
......@@ -95,6 +95,85 @@ func testConfig(t *testing.T, s *mgr.Service, should mgr.Config) mgr.Config {
return is
func testRecoveryActions(t *testing.T, s *mgr.Service, should []mgr.RecoveryAction) {
is, err := s.RecoveryActions()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RecoveryActions failed: %s", err)
if len(should) != len(is) {
t.Errorf("recovery action mismatch: contains %v actions, but should have %v", len(is), len(should))
for i, _ := range is {
if should[i].Type != is[i].Type {
t.Errorf("recovery action mismatch: Type is %v, but should have %v", is[i].Type, should[i].Type)
if should[i].Delay != is[i].Delay {
t.Errorf("recovery action mismatch: Delay is %v, but should have %v", is[i].Delay, should[i].Delay)
func testResetPeriod(t *testing.T, s *mgr.Service, should uint32) {
is, err := s.ResetPeriod()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ResetPeriod failed: %s", err)
if should != is {
t.Errorf("reset period mismatch: reset period is %v, but should have %v", is, should)
func testSetRecoveryActions(t *testing.T, s *mgr.Service) {
r := []mgr.RecoveryAction{
Type: mgr.NoAction,
Delay: 60000 * time.Millisecond,
Type: mgr.ServiceRestart,
Delay: 4 * time.Minute,
Type: mgr.ServiceRestart,
Delay: time.Minute,
Type: mgr.RunCommand,
Delay: 4000 * time.Millisecond,
// 4 recovery actions with reset period
err := s.SetRecoveryActions(r, uint32(10000))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SetRecoveryActions failed: %v", err)
testRecoveryActions(t, s, r)
testResetPeriod(t, s, uint32(10000))
// Infinite reset period
err = s.SetRecoveryActions(r, syscall.INFINITE)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SetRecoveryActions failed: %v", err)
testRecoveryActions(t, s, r)
testResetPeriod(t, s, syscall.INFINITE)
// nil recovery actions
err = s.SetRecoveryActions(nil, 0)
if err.Error() != "recoveryActions cannot be nil" {
t.Fatalf("SetRecoveryActions failed with unexpected error message of %q", err)
// Delete all recovery actions and reset period
err = s.ResetRecoveryActions()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ResetRecoveryActions failed: %v", err)
testRecoveryActions(t, s, nil)
testResetPeriod(t, s, 0)
func remove(t *testing.T, s *mgr.Service) {
err := s.Delete()
if err != nil {
......@@ -165,5 +244,7 @@ func TestMyService(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("ListServices failed to find %q service", name)
testSetRecoveryActions(t, s)
remove(t, s)
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package mgr
import (
const (
// Possible recovery actions that the service control manager can perform.
NoAction = windows.SC_ACTION_NONE // no action
ComputerReboot = windows.SC_ACTION_REBOOT // reboot the computer
ServiceRestart = windows.SC_ACTION_RESTART // restart the service
RunCommand = windows.SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND // run a command
// RecoveryAction represents an action that the service control manager can perform when service fails.
// A service is considered failed when it terminates without reporting a status of SERVICE_STOPPED to the service controller.
type RecoveryAction struct {
Type int // one of NoAction, ComputerReboot, ServiceRestart or RunCommand
Delay time.Duration // the time to wait before performing the specified action
// SetRecoveryActions sets actions that service controller performs when service fails and
// the time after which to reset the service failure count to zero if there are no failures, in seconds.
// Specify INFINITE to indicate that service failure count should never be reset.
func (s *Service) SetRecoveryActions(recoveryActions []RecoveryAction, resetPeriod uint32) error {
if recoveryActions == nil {
return errors.New("recoveryActions cannot be nil")
actions := []windows.SC_ACTION{}
for _, a := range recoveryActions {
action := windows.SC_ACTION{
Type: uint32(a.Type),
Delay: uint32(a.Delay.Nanoseconds() / 1000000),
actions = append(actions, action)
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
ActionsCount: uint32(len(actions)),
Actions: &actions[0],
ResetPeriod: resetPeriod,
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// RecoveryActions returns actions that service controller performs when service fails.
// The service control manager counts the number of times service s has failed since the system booted.
// The count is reset to 0 if the service has not failed for ResetPeriod seconds.
// When the service fails for the Nth time, the service controller performs the action specified in element [N-1] of returned slice.
// If N is greater than slice length, the service controller repeats the last action in the slice.
func (s *Service) RecoveryActions() ([]RecoveryAction, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
if p.Actions == nil {
return nil, err
var recoveryActions []RecoveryAction
actions := (*[1024]windows.SC_ACTION)(unsafe.Pointer(p.Actions))[:p.ActionsCount]
for _, action := range actions {
recoveryActions = append(recoveryActions, RecoveryAction{Type: int(action.Type), Delay: time.Duration(action.Delay) * time.Millisecond})
return recoveryActions, nil
// ResetRecoveryActions deletes both reset period and array of failure actions.
func (s *Service) ResetRecoveryActions() error {
actions := make([]windows.SC_ACTION, 1)
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
Actions: &actions[0],
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// ResetPeriod is the time after which to reset the service failure
// count to zero if there are no failures, in seconds.
func (s *Service) ResetPeriod() (uint32, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
return p.ResetPeriod, nil
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