Commit a1bf917f authored by Jasha Joachimsthal's avatar Jasha Joachimsthal Committed by 陈健

OAUTH-3231 Point to latest TS docs

parent 0024ad34
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The class `com.onegini.oidc.Application` should automatically be found and set u
## Onegini Configuration
You'll need to properly setup your client using the Onegini Admin panel before you can begin testing.
Refer to the [OpenID Connect documentation](
Refer to the [OpenID Connect documentation](
The Web client must support the following scopes:
* openid
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The Onegini Token Server only redirects to preconfigured endpoints after login o
### Configuring ID Token Encryption
The Onegini Token Server supports encryption of the ID token to provide confidentiality of the claims. It can be configured by providing a JWKS endpoint and
choosing an encryption method in [OpenID Connect configuration](
choosing an encryption method in [OpenID Connect configuration](
* Encryption method: select one of encryption method that will be used to encrypt the ID Token.
* JWKS URI: An endpoint that returns a list of public keys for encryption purposes. In this example it is exposed at
`http://localhost:8080/.well-known/jwks.json`. These keys typically would be stored in your database and would not change frequently. This example generates
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