Commit 312500b7 authored by 卢浩元's avatar 卢浩元

Update Jenkinsfile 镜像地址更新

parent 8685c6f1
......@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ properties(projectProperties)
def label = "mypod-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"
podTemplate(label: label, cloud: 'kubernetes', containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'docker', image: '', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'kubectl', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'docker-slim', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'docker', image: '', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'kubectl', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'docker-slim', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)
volumes: [
hostPathVolume(hostPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', mountPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'),
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