Commit 0814eefa authored by JessonChan's avatar JessonChan

refactor writeMsg function

parent 8344a605
......@@ -76,5 +76,5 @@ func (el *esLogger) Flush() {
func init() {
logs.Register(logs.AdaterEs, NewES)
logs.Register(logs.AdapterEs, NewES)
......@@ -56,14 +56,16 @@ const (
const levelCustom = -1
// Name for adapter with beego official support
const (
AdapterConsole = "console"
AdapterFile = "file"
AdapterMultiFile = "multifile"
AdapterMail = "stmp"
AdapterConn = "conn"
AdaterEs = "es"
AdapterEs = "es"
// Legacy loglevel constants to ensure backwards compatibility.
......@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ const (
LevelWarn = LevelWarning
type loggerType func() Logger
type newLoggerFunc func() Logger
// Logger defines the behavior of a log provider.
type Logger interface {
......@@ -85,12 +87,13 @@ type Logger interface {
var adapters = make(map[string]loggerType)
var adapters = make(map[string]newLoggerFunc)
var levelPrefix = [LevelDebug + 1]string{"[M] ", "[A] ", "[C] ", "[E] ", "[W] ", "[N] ", "[I] ", "[D] "}
// Register makes a log provide available by the provided name.
// If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver is nil,
// it panics.
func Register(name string, log loggerType) {
func Register(name string, log newLoggerFunc) {
if log == nil {
panic("logs: Register provide is nil")
......@@ -222,14 +225,18 @@ func (bl *BeeLogger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
p = p[0 : len(p)-1]
// set LevelCritical to ensure all log message will be write out
err = bl.writeMsg(LevelCritical, string(p))
err = bl.writeMsg(levelCustom, string(p))
if err == nil {
return len(p), err
return 0, err
func (bl *BeeLogger) writeMsg(logLevel int, msg string) error {
func (bl *BeeLogger) writeMsg(logLevel int, msg string, v ...interface{}) error {
if logLevel != levelCustom {
msg = levelPrefix[logLevel] + msg
msg = fmt.Sprintf(msg, v...)
when := time.Now()
if bl.enableFuncCallDepth {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(bl.loggerFuncCallDepth)
......@@ -561,7 +568,6 @@ func Informational(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
// Info compatibility alias for Warning()
func Info(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Info(formatLog(f, v...))
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