Commit 0adb8642 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

fix #270

parent d39954c9
......@@ -96,89 +96,184 @@ func ParseConfig() (err error) {
if v, err := AppConfig.Int("httpport"); err == nil {
HttpPort = v
if v, err := AppConfig.Int("HttpPort"); err == nil {
HttpPort = v
if maxmemory, err := AppConfig.Int64("maxmemory"); err == nil {
MaxMemory = maxmemory
if maxmemory, err := AppConfig.Int64("MaxMemory"); err == nil {
MaxMemory = maxmemory
AppName = AppConfig.String("appname")
if appname := AppConfig.String("AppName"); appname != "" {
AppName = appname
if runmode := AppConfig.String("runmode"); runmode != "" {
RunMode = runmode
if runmode := AppConfig.String("RunMode"); runmode != "" {
RunMode = runmode
if autorender, err := AppConfig.Bool("autorender"); err == nil {
AutoRender = autorender
if autorender, err := AppConfig.Bool("AutoRender"); err == nil {
AutoRender = autorender
if autorecover, err := AppConfig.Bool("autorecover"); err == nil {
RecoverPanic = autorecover
if pprofon, err := AppConfig.Bool("pprofon"); err == nil {
PprofOn = pprofon
if autorecover, err := AppConfig.Bool("RecoverPanic"); err == nil {
RecoverPanic = autorecover
if views := AppConfig.String("viewspath"); views != "" {
ViewsPath = views
if views := AppConfig.String("ViewsPath"); views != "" {
ViewsPath = views
if sessionon, err := AppConfig.Bool("sessionon"); err == nil {
SessionOn = sessionon
if sessionon, err := AppConfig.Bool("SessionOn"); err == nil {
SessionOn = sessionon
if sessProvider := AppConfig.String("sessionprovider"); sessProvider != "" {
SessionProvider = sessProvider
if sessProvider := AppConfig.String("SessionProvider"); sessProvider != "" {
SessionProvider = sessProvider
if sessName := AppConfig.String("sessionname"); sessName != "" {
SessionName = sessName
if sessName := AppConfig.String("SessionName"); sessName != "" {
SessionName = sessName
if sesssavepath := AppConfig.String("sessionsavepath"); sesssavepath != "" {
SessionSavePath = sesssavepath
if sesssavepath := AppConfig.String("SessionSavePath"); sesssavepath != "" {
SessionSavePath = sesssavepath
if sessMaxLifeTime, err := AppConfig.Int("sessiongcmaxlifetime"); err == nil && sessMaxLifeTime != 0 {
int64val, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(sessMaxLifeTime), 10, 64)
SessionGCMaxLifetime = int64val
if sessMaxLifeTime, err := AppConfig.Int("SessionGCMaxLifetime"); err == nil && sessMaxLifeTime != 0 {
int64val, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(sessMaxLifeTime), 10, 64)
SessionGCMaxLifetime = int64val
if usefcgi, err := AppConfig.Bool("usefcgi"); err == nil {
UseFcgi = usefcgi
if usefcgi, err := AppConfig.Bool("UseFcgi"); err == nil {
UseFcgi = usefcgi
if enablegzip, err := AppConfig.Bool("enablegzip"); err == nil {
EnableGzip = enablegzip
if enablegzip, err := AppConfig.Bool("EnableGzip"); err == nil {
EnableGzip = enablegzip
if directoryindex, err := AppConfig.Bool("directoryindex"); err == nil {
DirectoryIndex = directoryindex
if directoryindex, err := AppConfig.Bool("DirectoryIndex"); err == nil {
DirectoryIndex = directoryindex
if hotupdate, err := AppConfig.Bool("hotupdate"); err == nil {
EnableHotUpdate = hotupdate
if hotupdate, err := AppConfig.Bool("HotUpdate"); err == nil {
EnableHotUpdate = hotupdate
if timeout, err := AppConfig.Int64("httpservertimeout"); err == nil {
HttpServerTimeOut = timeout
if timeout, err := AppConfig.Int64("HttpServerTimeOut"); err == nil {
HttpServerTimeOut = timeout
if errorsshow, err := AppConfig.Bool("errorsshow"); err == nil {
ErrorsShow = errorsshow
if errorsshow, err := AppConfig.Bool("ErrorsShow"); err == nil {
ErrorsShow = errorsshow
if copyrequestbody, err := AppConfig.Bool("copyrequestbody"); err == nil {
CopyRequestBody = copyrequestbody
if copyrequestbody, err := AppConfig.Bool("CopyRequestBody"); err == nil {
CopyRequestBody = copyrequestbody
if xsrfkey := AppConfig.String("xsrfkey"); xsrfkey != "" {
XSRFKEY = xsrfkey
if xsrfkey := AppConfig.String("XSRFKEY"); xsrfkey != "" {
XSRFKEY = xsrfkey
if enablexsrf, err := AppConfig.Bool("enablexsrf"); err == nil {
EnableXSRF = enablexsrf
if enablexsrf, err := AppConfig.Bool("EnableXSRF"); err == nil {
EnableXSRF = enablexsrf
if expire, err := AppConfig.Int("xsrfexpire"); err == nil {
XSRFExpire = expire
if expire, err := AppConfig.Int("XSRFExpire"); err == nil {
XSRFExpire = expire
if tplleft := AppConfig.String("templateleft"); tplleft != "" {
TemplateLeft = tplleft
if tplleft := AppConfig.String("TemplateLeft"); tplleft != "" {
TemplateLeft = tplleft
if tplright := AppConfig.String("templateright"); tplright != "" {
TemplateRight = tplright
if tplright := AppConfig.String("TemplateRight"); tplright != "" {
TemplateRight = tplright
if httptls, err := AppConfig.Bool("httptls"); err == nil {
HttpTLS = httptls
if httptls, err := AppConfig.Bool("HttpTLS"); err == nil {
HttpTLS = httptls
if certfile := AppConfig.String("httpcertfile"); certfile != "" {
HttpCertFile = certfile
if certfile := AppConfig.String("HttpCertFile"); certfile != "" {
HttpCertFile = certfile
if keyfile := AppConfig.String("httpkeyfile"); keyfile != "" {
HttpKeyFile = keyfile
if keyfile := AppConfig.String("HttpKeyFile"); keyfile != "" {
HttpKeyFile = keyfile
if serverName := AppConfig.String("beegoserverName"); serverName != "" {
BeegoServerName = serverName
if serverName := AppConfig.String("BeegoServerName"); serverName != "" {
BeegoServerName = serverName
if sd := AppConfig.String("staticdir"); sd != "" {
for k := range StaticDir {
delete(StaticDir, k)
sds := strings.Fields(sd)
for _, v := range sds {
if url2fsmap := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2); len(url2fsmap) == 2 {
StaticDir["/"+url2fsmap[0]] = url2fsmap[1]
} else {
StaticDir["/"+url2fsmap[0]] = url2fsmap[0]
if sd := AppConfig.String("StaticDir"); sd != "" {
for k := range StaticDir {
delete(StaticDir, k)
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