Unverified Commit 2c779a42 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3141 from gadelkareem/patch-2

Improve access log
parents f2589383 896c258e
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ func oldMap() map[string]interface{} {
m["BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDomain"] = BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDomain
m["BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDisableHTTPOnly"] = BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDisableHTTPOnly
m["BConfig.Log.AccessLogs"] = BConfig.Log.AccessLogs
m["BConfig.Log.EnableStaticLogs"] = BConfig.Log.EnableStaticLogs
m["BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat"] = BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat
m["BConfig.Log.FileLineNum"] = BConfig.Log.FileLineNum
m["BConfig.Log.Outputs"] = BConfig.Log.Outputs
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ type SessionConfig struct {
// LogConfig holds Log related config
type LogConfig struct {
AccessLogs bool
EnableStaticLogs bool //log static files requests default: false
AccessLogsFormat string //access log format: JSON_FORMAT, APACHE_FORMAT or empty string
FileLineNum bool
Outputs map[string]string // Store Adaptor : config
......@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ func newBConfig() *Config {
Log: LogConfig{
AccessLogs: false,
EnableStaticLogs: false,
AccessLogsFormat: "APACHE_FORMAT",
FileLineNum: true,
Outputs: map[string]string{"console": ""},
......@@ -272,7 +272,9 @@ func (c *Controller) viewPath() string {
// Redirect sends the redirection response to url with status code.
func (c *Controller) Redirect(url string, code int) {
logAccess(c.Ctx, nil, code)
c.Ctx.Redirect(code, url)
// Set the data depending on the accepted
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import (
const (
errorTypeHandler = iota
errorTypeHandler = iota
......@@ -434,6 +434,9 @@ func exception(errCode string, ctx *context.Context) {
func executeError(err *errorInfo, ctx *context.Context, code int) {
//make sure to log the error in the access log
logAccess(ctx, nil, code)
if err.errorType == errorTypeHandler {
err.handler(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package logs
import (
......@@ -63,9 +64,7 @@ func disableEscapeHTML(i interface{}) {
// AccessLog - Format and print access log.
func AccessLog(r *AccessLogRecord, format string) {
var msg string
switch format {
case apacheFormat:
timeFormatted := r.RequestTime.Format("02/Jan/2006 03:04:05")
msg = fmt.Sprintf(apacheFormatPattern, r.RemoteAddr, timeFormatted, r.Request, r.Status, r.BodyBytesSent,
......@@ -80,6 +79,5 @@ func AccessLog(r *AccessLogRecord, format string) {
msg = string(jsonData)
beeLogger.writeMsg(levelLoggerImpl, strings.TrimSpace(msg))
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ const (
const (
routerTypeBeego = iota
routerTypeBeego = iota
......@@ -877,13 +877,15 @@ func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
//admin module record QPS
//admin module record QPS
statusCode := context.ResponseWriter.Status
if statusCode == 0 {
statusCode = 200
logAccess(context, &startTime, statusCode)
if BConfig.Listen.EnableAdmin {
timeDur := time.Since(startTime)
pattern := ""
......@@ -900,49 +902,30 @@ Admin:
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV || BConfig.Log.AccessLogs {
timeDur := time.Since(startTime)
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV && !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs {
var devInfo string
timeDur := time.Since(startTime)
iswin := (runtime.GOOS == "windows")
statusColor := logs.ColorByStatus(iswin, statusCode)
methodColor := logs.ColorByMethod(iswin, r.Method)
resetColor := logs.ColorByMethod(iswin, "")
if BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat != "" {
record := &logs.AccessLogRecord{
RemoteAddr: context.Input.IP(),
RequestTime: startTime,
RequestMethod: r.Method,
Request: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", r.Method, r.RequestURI, r.Proto),
ServerProtocol: r.Proto,
Host: r.Host,
Status: statusCode,
ElapsedTime: timeDur,
HTTPReferrer: r.Header.Get("Referer"),
HTTPUserAgent: r.Header.Get("User-Agent"),
RemoteUser: r.Header.Get("Remote-User"),
BodyBytesSent: 0, //@todo this one is missing!
logs.AccessLog(record, BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat)
} else {
if findRouter {
if routerInfo != nil {
devInfo = fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s r:%s", context.Input.IP(), statusColor, statusCode,
resetColor, timeDur.String(), "match", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path,
} else {
devInfo = fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s", context.Input.IP(), statusColor, statusCode, resetColor,
timeDur.String(), "match", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path)
if findRouter {
if routerInfo != nil {
devInfo = fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s r:%s", context.Input.IP(), statusColor, statusCode,
resetColor, timeDur.String(), "match", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path,
} else {
devInfo = fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s", context.Input.IP(), statusColor, statusCode, resetColor,
timeDur.String(), "nomatch", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path)
if iswin {
} else {
timeDur.String(), "match", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path)
} else {
devInfo = fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s", context.Input.IP(), statusColor, statusCode, resetColor,
timeDur.String(), "nomatch", methodColor, r.Method, resetColor, r.URL.Path)
if iswin {
} else {
// Call WriteHeader if status code has been set changed
......@@ -991,3 +974,38 @@ func toURL(params map[string]string) string {
return strings.TrimRight(u, "&")
func logAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int) {
//Skip logging if AccessLogs config is false
if !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs {
//Skip logging static requests unless EnableStaticLogs config is true
if !BConfig.Log.EnableStaticLogs && DefaultAccessLogFilter.Filter(ctx) {
var (
requestTime time.Time
elapsedTime time.Duration
r = ctx.Request
if startTime != nil {
requestTime = *startTime
elapsedTime = time.Since(*startTime)
record := &logs.AccessLogRecord{
RemoteAddr: ctx.Input.IP(),
RequestTime: requestTime,
RequestMethod: r.Method,
Request: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", r.Method, r.RequestURI, r.Proto),
ServerProtocol: r.Proto,
Host: r.Host,
Status: statusCode,
ElapsedTime: elapsedTime,
HTTPReferrer: r.Header.Get("Referer"),
HTTPUserAgent: r.Header.Get("User-Agent"),
RemoteUser: r.Header.Get("Remote-User"),
BodyBytesSent: 0, //@todo this one is missing!
logs.AccessLog(record, BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat)
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