Unverified Commit 2da894d4 authored by MinJie Gu's avatar MinJie Gu Committed by GitHub

When log maxSize set big int,FileWrite Init fail

beego.SetLogger("multifile", {"filename":"logs/liverelay.log","separate":[ "emergency", "error", "info", "debug"],"maxsize":250000000}).

json: cannot unmarshal number 2.5e+08 into Go value of type int

The err should return and show the developer.
parent 768406f1
......@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ func (f *multiFileLogWriter) Init(config string) error {
jsonMap["level"] = i
bs, _ := json.Marshal(jsonMap)
writer = newFileWriter().(*fileLogWriter)
err := writer.Init(string(bs))
if err != nil {
return err
f.writers[i] = writer
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