Commit 69804afc authored by JessonChan's avatar JessonChan

use pool to logMsg

parent 164366ae
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ type BeeLogger struct {
enableFuncCallDepth bool
loggerFuncCallDepth int
asynchronous bool
msg chan *logMsg
msgChan chan *logMsg
outputs []*nameLogger
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ type logMsg struct {
msg string
var logMsgPool *sync.Pool
// NewLogger returns a new BeeLogger.
// channelLen means the number of messages in chan(used where asynchronous is true).
// if the buffering chan is full, logger adapters write to file or other way.
......@@ -116,13 +118,18 @@ func NewLogger(channelLen int64) *BeeLogger {
bl := new(BeeLogger)
bl.level = LevelDebug
bl.loggerFuncCallDepth = 2
bl.msg = make(chan *logMsg, channelLen)
bl.msgChan = make(chan *logMsg, channelLen)
return bl
// Async set the log to asynchronous and start the goroutine
func (bl *BeeLogger) Async() *BeeLogger {
bl.asynchronous = true
logMsgPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &logMsg{}
go bl.startLogger()
return bl
......@@ -187,10 +194,10 @@ func (bl *BeeLogger) writeMsg(logLevel int, msg string) error {
msg = msg
if bl.asynchronous {
lm := new(logMsg)
lm := logMsgPool.Get().(*logMsg)
lm.level = logLevel
lm.msg = msg
bl.msg <- lm
bl.msgChan <- lm
} else {
bl.writeToLoggers(msg, logLevel)
......@@ -224,8 +231,9 @@ func (bl *BeeLogger) EnableFuncCallDepth(b bool) {
func (bl *BeeLogger) startLogger() {
for {
select {
case bm := <-bl.msg:
case bm := <-bl.msgChan:
bl.writeToLoggers(bm.msg, bm.level)
......@@ -342,9 +350,10 @@ func (bl *BeeLogger) Flush() {
// Close close logger, flush all chan data and destroy all adapters in BeeLogger.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Close() {
for {
if len(bl.msg) > 0 {
bm := <-bl.msg
if len(bl.msgChan) > 0 {
bm := <-bl.msgChan
bl.writeToLoggers(bm.msg, bm.level)
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