Commit 986e91b7 authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

beego: update the debug info rules

parent 8b8638c5
......@@ -591,6 +591,7 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
if w.started {
findrouter = true
goto Admin
......@@ -769,9 +770,9 @@ Admin:
if RunMode == "dev" {
var devinfo string
if findrouter {
devinfo = fmt.Sprintf("| % -10s| % -16s | % -10s | % -40s | % -10s | % -40s |", "beego", timeend.String(), r.Method, r.URL.Path, "match", routerInfo.pattern)
devinfo = fmt.Sprintf("| % -10s | % -40s | % -16s | % -10s | % -40s |", r.Method, r.URL.Path, timeend.String(), "match", routerInfo.pattern)
} else {
devinfo = fmt.Sprintf("| % -10s| % -16s | % -10s | % -40s | % -10s |", "beego", timeend.String(), r.Method, r.URL.Path, "notmatch")
devinfo = fmt.Sprintf("| % -10s | % -40s | % -16s | % -10s |", r.Method, r.URL.Path, timeend.String(), "notmatch")
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