Commit fa6cbc08 authored by Jens Bissinger's avatar Jens Bissinger

Document usage of utils/pagination. Refs #835.

parent c4f8f45d
......@@ -12,6 +12,55 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Usage
// In your beego.Controller:
// package controllers
// import ""
// type PostsController struct {
// beego.Controller
// }
// func (this *PostsController) ListAllPosts() {
// // sets this.Data["paginator"] with the current offset (from the url query param)
// postsPerPage := 20
// paginator := pagination.SetPaginator(this, postsPerPage, CountPosts())
// // fetch the next 20 posts
// this.Data["posts"] = ListPostsByOffsetAndLimit(paginator.Offset(), postsPerPage)
// }
// In your view templates:
// {{if .paginator.HasPages}}
// <ul class="pagination pagination">
// {{if .paginator.HasPrev}}
// <li><a href="{{.paginator.PageLinkFirst}}">{{ i18n .Lang "paginator.first_page"}}</a></li>
// <li><a href="{{.paginator.PageLinkPrev}}">&laquo;</a></li>
// {{else}}
// <li class="disabled"><a>{{ i18n .Lang "paginator.first_page"}}</a></li>
// <li class="disabled"><a>&laquo;</a></li>
// {{end}}
// {{range $index, $page := .paginator.Pages}}
// <li{{if $.paginator.IsActive .}} class="active"{{end}}>
// <a href="{{$.paginator.PageLink $page}}">{{$page}}</a>
// </li>
// {{end}}
// {{if .paginator.HasNext}}
// <li><a href="{{.paginator.PageLinkNext}}">&raquo;</a></li>
// <li><a href="{{.paginator.PageLinkLast}}">{{ i18n .Lang "paginator.last_page"}}</a></li>
// {{else}}
// <li class="disabled"><a>&raquo;</a></li>
// <li class="disabled"><a>{{ i18n .Lang "paginator.last_page"}}</a></li>
// {{end}}
// </ul>
// {{end}}
// See also
package pagination
import (
......@@ -23,6 +72,7 @@ type PaginationController interface {
GetData() map[interface{}]interface{}
// Instantiates a Paginator and assigns it to controller.Data["paginator"].
func SetPaginator(controller PaginationController, per int, nums int64) (paginator *Paginator) {
request := controller.GetCtx().Request
paginator = NewPaginator(request, per, nums)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
// Paginator within the state of a http request.
type Paginator struct {
Request *http.Request
PerPageNums int
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ type Paginator struct {
page int
// Returns the total number of pages.
func (p *Paginator) PageNums() int {
if p.pageNums != 0 {
return p.pageNums
......@@ -44,14 +46,17 @@ func (p *Paginator) PageNums() int {
return p.pageNums
// Returns the total number of items (e.g. from doing SQL count).
func (p *Paginator) Nums() int64 {
return p.nums
// Sets the total number of items.
func (p *Paginator) SetNums(nums interface{}) {
p.nums, _ = ToInt64(nums)
// Returns the current page.
func (p *Paginator) Page() int {
if != 0 {
......@@ -69,6 +74,15 @@ func (p *Paginator) Page() int {
// Returns a list of all pages.
// Usage (in a view template):
// {{range $index, $page := .paginator.Pages}}
// <li{{if $.paginator.IsActive .}} class="active"{{end}}>
// <a href="{{$.paginator.PageLink $page}}">{{$page}}</a>
// </li>
// {{end}}
func (p *Paginator) Pages() []int {
if p.pageRange == nil && p.nums > 0 {
var pages []int
......@@ -98,6 +112,7 @@ func (p *Paginator) Pages() []int {
return p.pageRange
// Returns URL for a given page index.
func (p *Paginator) PageLink(page int) string {
link, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(p.Request.RequestURI)
values := link.Query()
......@@ -110,6 +125,7 @@ func (p *Paginator) PageLink(page int) string {
return link.String()
// Returns URL to the previous page.
func (p *Paginator) PageLinkPrev() (link string) {
if p.HasPrev() {
link = p.PageLink(p.Page() - 1)
......@@ -117,6 +133,7 @@ func (p *Paginator) PageLinkPrev() (link string) {
// Returns URL to the next page.
func (p *Paginator) PageLinkNext() (link string) {
if p.HasNext() {
link = p.PageLink(p.Page() + 1)
......@@ -124,34 +141,42 @@ func (p *Paginator) PageLinkNext() (link string) {
// Returns URL to the first page.
func (p *Paginator) PageLinkFirst() (link string) {
return p.PageLink(1)
// Returns URL to the last page.
func (p *Paginator) PageLinkLast() (link string) {
return p.PageLink(p.PageNums())
// Returns true if the current page has a predecessor.
func (p *Paginator) HasPrev() bool {
return p.Page() > 1
// Returns true if the current page has a successor.
func (p *Paginator) HasNext() bool {
return p.Page() < p.PageNums()
// Returns true if the given page index points to the current page.
func (p *Paginator) IsActive(page int) bool {
return p.Page() == page
// Returns the current offset.
func (p *Paginator) Offset() int {
return (p.Page() - 1) * p.PerPageNums
// Returns true if there is more than one page.
func (p *Paginator) HasPages() bool {
return p.PageNums() > 1
// Instantiates a paginator struct for the current http request.
func NewPaginator(req *http.Request, per int, nums interface{}) *Paginator {
p := Paginator{}
p.Request = req
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