Commit fc339fc3 authored by slene's avatar slene

orm detect mysql timezone #403

parent 2c868a95
......@@ -126,7 +126,15 @@ func RegisterDataBase(aliasName, driverName, dataSource string, params {
row := al.DB.QueryRow("SELECT @@session.time_zone")
var tz string
if tz != "SYSTEM" {
if tz == "SYSTEM" {
tz = ""
row = al.DB.QueryRow("SELECT @@system_time_zone")
t, err := time.Parse("MST", tz)
if err == nil {
al.TZ = t.Location()
} else {
t, err := time.Parse("-07:00", tz)
if err == nil {
al.TZ = t.Location()
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