Commit fece5adc authored by astaxie's avatar astaxie

add example for api application

parent 7bfb4126
appname = beeapi
httpport = 8080
runmode = dev
autorender = false
copyrequestbody = true
package controllers
import (
type ResponseInfo struct {
type ObejctController struct {
func (this *ObejctController) Post() {
var ob models.Object
json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.RequestBody, &ob)
objectid := models.AddOne(ob)
this.Data["json"] = "{\"ObjectId\":\"" + objectid + "\"}"
func (this *ObejctController) Get() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Params[":objectId"]
if objectId != "" {
ob, err := models.GetOne(objectId)
if err != nil {
this.Data["json"] = err
} else {
this.Data["json"] = ob
} else {
obs := models.GetAll()
this.Data["json"] = obs
func (this *ObejctController) Put() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Params[":objectId"]
var ob models.Object
json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.RequestBody, &ob)
err := models.Update(objectId, ob.Score)
if err != nil {
this.Data["json"] = err
} else {
this.Data["json"] = "update success!"
func (this *ObejctController) Delete() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Params[":objectId"]
this.Data["json"] = "delete success!"
package main
import (
// Objects
// URL HTTP Verb Functionality
// /object POST Creating Objects
// /object/<objectId> GET Retrieving Objects
// /object/<objectId> PUT Updating Objects
// /object GET Queries
// /object/<objectId> DELETE Deleting Objects
func main() {
beego.RESTRouter("/object", &controllers.ObejctController{})
package models
import (
var (
Objects map[string]*Object
type Object struct {
ObjectId string
Score int64
PlayerName string
func init() {
Objects = make(map[string]*Object)
Objects["hjkhsbnmn123"] = &Object{"hjkhsbnmn123", 100, "astaxie"}
Objects["mjjkxsxsaa23"] = &Object{"mjjkxsxsaa23", 101, "someone"}
func AddOne(object Object) (ObjectId string) {
object.ObjectId = "astaxie" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
Objects[object.ObjectId] = &object
return object.ObjectId
func GetOne(ObjectId string) (object *Object, err error) {
if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok {
return v, nil
return nil, errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist")
func GetAll() map[string]*Object {
return Objects
func Update(ObjectId string, Score int64) (err error) {
if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok {
v.Score = Score
return nil
return errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist")
func Delete(ObjectId string) {
delete(Objects, ObjectId)
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