Commit 265cfacd authored by rithu john's avatar rithu john

Documentation: add docs on patch release process.

parent fe93f60a
......@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ Create a signed tag at the commit you wish to release. This action will prompt
you to enter a tag message, which can just be the release version.
git tag -s v2.1.0-alpha ea4c04fde83bd6c48f4d43862c406deb4ea9dba2
git tag -s v2.0.0 ea4c04fde83bd6c48f4d43862c406deb4ea9dba2
Push that tag to the CoreOS repo.
git push v2.1.0-alpha
git push v2.0.0
Draft releases on GitHub and summarize the changes since the last release. See
......@@ -59,25 +59,39 @@ git checkout -b v2.1.x tags/v2.1.0
git push v2.1.x
## Patch releases - cherry pick required commits
If the release is a patch release (2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc.) checkout the desired release branch and cherry pick specific commits. A patch release is only meant for urgent bug or security fixes.
git checkout $RELEASE_BRANCH
git checkout -b "cherry-picked-change"
git cherry-pick (SHA of change)
git push origin "cherry-picked-change"
Open a PR onto $RELEASE_BRANCH to get the changes approved.
## Building the Docker image
Build the Docker image and push to Quay.
# checkout the tag
git checkout tags/v2.1.0-alpha
git checkout tags/v2.1.0
# rkt doesn't play nice with SELinux, see
sudo setenforce Permissive
# will prompt for sudo password
make docker-image
sudo docker push
sudo docker push
## Building the ACI
# checkout the tag
git checkout tags/v2.1.0-alpha
git checkout tags/v2.1.0
# rkt doesn't play nice with SELinux, see
sudo setenforce Permissive
# will prompt for sudo password
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