Commit 607d9920 authored by Eric Chiang's avatar Eric Chiang

Documentation: document "groups" scope and LDAP implementation

parent a741bb57
......@@ -56,3 +56,19 @@ For situations in which an app does not have access to a browser, the out-of-ban
\* In OpenID Connect a client is called a "Relying Party", but "client" seems to
be the more common ter, has been around longer and is present in paramter names
like "client_id" so we prefer it over "Relying Party" usually.
## Groups
Connectors that support groups (currently only the LDAP connector) can embed the groups a user belongs to in the ID Token. Using the scope "groups" during the initial redirect with a connector that supports groups will return an JWT with the following field.
"groups": [
If the client has also requested a refresh token, the groups field is updated during each refresh request.
......@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ In addition to `id` and `type`, the `ldap` connector takes the following additio
* emailAttribute: a `string`. Required. Attribute to map to Email. Default: `mail`
* searchBeforeAuth: a `boolean`. Perform search for entryDN to be used for bind.
* searchFilter: a `string`. Filter to apply to search. Variable substititions: `%u` User supplied username/e-mail address. `%b` BaseDN. Searches that return multiple entries are considered ambiguous and will return an error.
* searchGroupFilter: a `string`. A filter which should return group entry for a given user. The string is formatted the same as `searchFilter`, execpt `%u` is replaced by the fully qualified user entry. Groups are only searched if the client request the "groups" scope.
* searchScope: a `string`. Scope of the search. `base|one|sub`. Default: `one`
* searchBindDN: a `string`. DN to bind as for search operations.
* searchBindPw: a `string`. Password for bind for search operations.
......@@ -180,19 +181,20 @@ uid=janedoe,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=auth,dc=example,dc=com
The connector then attempts to bind as this entry using the password provided by the end user.
### Example: Searching the directory
### Example: Searching a FreeIPA server with groups
The following configuration will search a directory using an LDAP filter. With FreeIPA
The following configuration will search a FreeIPA directory using an LDAP filter.
"type": "ldap",
"id": "ldap",
"host": "",
"baseDN": "cn=auth,dc=example,dc=com",
"baseDN": "cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com",
"searchBeforeAuth": true,
"searchFilter": "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=%u))",
"searchGroupFilter": "(&(objectClass=ipausergroup)(member=%u))",
"searchScope": "sub",
"searchBindDN": "serviceAccountUser",
......@@ -206,9 +208,15 @@ The following configuration will search a directory using an LDAP filter. With F
If the search finds an entry, it will attempt to use the provided password to bind as that entry.
If the search finds an entry, it will attempt to use the provided password to bind as that entry. Searches that return multiple entries are considered ambiguous and will return an error.
__NOTE__: Searches that return multiple entries will return an error.
"searchGroupFilter" is a format string similar to "searchFilter" except `%u` is replaced by the fully qualified user entry returned by "searchFilter". So if the initial search returns "uid=janedoe,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com", the connector will use the search query:
If the client requests the "groups" scope, the names of all returned entries are added to the ID Token "groups" claim.
## Setting the Configuration
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