Commit 7833b68a authored by Eric Chiang's avatar Eric Chiang

*: add a new OpenID Connect client

parent 16c5ecc5
language: go
- 1.4.3
- 1.5.4
- 1.6.1
- 1.7
- 1.7.3
- go get -v -t ./...
- go get -v -t
- go get
#!/bin/bash -e
GOBUILD="go build -a -installsuffix netgo -ldflags '-s'"
echo "building bin/oidc-example-app..."
${GOBUILD} -o bin/oidc-example-app
echo "building bin/oidc-example-cli..."
${GOBUILD} -o bin/oidc-example-cli
echo "done"
Package oidc implements OpenID Connect client logic for the package.
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return err
// Configure an OpenID Connect aware OAuth2 client.
oauth2Config := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: clientID,
ClientSecret: clientSecret,
RedirectURL: redirectURL,
Endpoint: provider.Endpoint(),
Scopes: []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, "profile", "email"},
OAuth2 redirects are unchanged.
func handleRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(w, r, oauth2Config.AuthCodeURL(state), http.StatusFound)
For callbacks the provider can be used to query for user information such as email.
func handleOAuth2Callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Verify state...
oauth2Token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(ctx, r.URL.Query().Get("code"))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to exchange token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
userinfo, err := provider.UserInfo(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(oauth2Token))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to get userinfo: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// ...
The provider also has the ability to verify ID Tokens.
verifier := provider.Verifier()
The returned verifier can be used to perform basic validation on ID Token issued by the provider,
including verifying the JWT signature. It then returns the payload.
func handleOAuth2Callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Verify state...
oauth2Token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(ctx, r.URL.Query().Get("code"))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to exchange token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Extract the ID Token from oauth2 token.
rawIDToken, ok := oauth2Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
if !ok {
http.Error(w, "No ID Token found", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Verify that the ID Token is signed by the provider.
idToken, err := verifier.Verify(rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to verify ID Token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Unmarshal ID Token for expected custom claims.
var claims struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
if err := idToken.Claims(&claims); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to unmarshal ID Token custom claims: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// ...
ID Token nonces are supported.
First, provide a nonce source for nonce validation. This will then be used to wrap the existing
provider ID Token verifier.
// A verifier which boths verifies the ID Token signature and nonce.
nonceEnabledVerifier := provider.Verifier(oidc.VerifyNonce(nonceSource))
For the redirect provide a nonce auth code option. This will be placed as a URL parameter during
the client redirect.
func handleRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
nonce, err := newNonce()
if err != nil {
// ...
// Provide a nonce for the OpenID Connect ID Token.
http.Redirect(w, r, oauth2Config.AuthCodeURL(state, oidc.Nonce(nonce)), http.StatusFound)
The nonce enabled verifier can then be used to verify the nonce while unpacking the ID Token.
func handleOAuth2Callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Verify state...
oauth2Token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(ctx, r.URL.Query().Get("code"))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to exchange token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Extract the ID Token from oauth2 token.
rawIDToken, ok := oauth2Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
if !ok {
http.Error(w, "No ID Token found", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Verify that the ID Token is signed by the provider and verify the nonce.
idToken, err := nonceEnabledVerifier.Verify(rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to verify ID Token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Continue as above...
This package uses contexts to derive HTTP clients in the same way as the oauth2 package. To configure
a custom client, use the oauth2 packages HTTPClient context key when constructing the context.
myClient := &http.Client{}
myCtx := context.WithValue(parentCtx, oauth2.HTTPClient, myClient)
// NewProvider will use myClient to make the request.
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(myCtx, "")
package oidc
// +build !golint
// Don't lint this file. We don't want to have to add a comment to each constant.
package oidc
const (
// JOSE asymmetric signing algorithm values as defined by RFC 7518
// see:
RS256 = "RS256" // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-256
RS384 = "RS384" // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-384
RS512 = "RS512" // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-512
ES256 = "ES256" // ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
ES384 = "ES384" // ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384
ES512 = "ES512" // ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512
PS256 = "PS256" // RSASSA-PSS using SHA256 and MGF1-SHA256
PS384 = "PS384" // RSASSA-PSS using SHA384 and MGF1-SHA384
PS512 = "PS512" // RSASSA-PSS using SHA512 and MGF1-SHA512
package oidc
import (
jose ""
// keysExpiryDelta is the allowed clock skew between a client and the OpenID Connect
// server.
// When keys expire, they are valid for this amount of time after.
// If the keys have not expired, and an ID Token claims it was signed by a key not in
// the cache, if and only if the keys expire in this amount of time, the keys will be
// updated.
const keysExpiryDelta = 30 * time.Second
func newRemoteKeySet(ctx context.Context, jwksURL string, now func() time.Time) *remoteKeySet {
if now == nil {
now = time.Now
return &remoteKeySet{jwksURL: jwksURL, ctx: ctx, now: now}
type remoteKeySet struct {
jwksURL string
ctx context.Context
now func() time.Time
// guard all other fields
mu sync.Mutex
// inflightCtx is the context of the current HTTP request to update the keys.
// Its Err() method returns any errors encountered during that attempt.
// If nil, there is no inflight request.
inflightCtx context.Context
// A set of cached keys and their expiry.
cachedKeys []jose.JSONWebKey
expiry time.Time
// errContext is a context with a customizable Err() return value.
type errContext struct {
cf context.CancelFunc
err error
func newErrContext(parent context.Context) *errContext {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parent)
return &errContext{ctx, cancel, nil}
func (e errContext) Err() error {
return e.err
// cancel cancels the errContext causing listeners on Done() to return.
func (e errContext) cancel(err error) {
e.err = err
func (r *remoteKeySet) keysWithIDFromCache(keyIDs []string) ([]jose.JSONWebKey, bool) {
keys, expiry := r.cachedKeys, r.expiry
// Have the keys expired?
if expiry.Add(keysExpiryDelta).Before( {
return nil, false
var signingKeys []jose.JSONWebKey
for _, key := range keys {
if contains(keyIDs, key.KeyID) {
signingKeys = append(signingKeys, key)
if len(signingKeys) == 0 {
// Are the keys about to expire?
if {
return nil, false
return signingKeys, true
func (r *remoteKeySet) keysWithID(ctx context.Context, keyIDs []string) ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) {
keys, ok := r.keysWithIDFromCache(keyIDs)
if ok {
return keys, nil
var inflightCtx context.Context
func() {
// If there's not a current inflight request, create one.
if r.inflightCtx == nil {
// Use the remoteKeySet's context instead of the requests context
// because a re-sync is unique to the keys set and will span multiple
// requests.
errCtx := newErrContext(r.ctx)
r.inflightCtx = errCtx
go func() {
// TODO(ericchiang): Upstream Kubernetes request that we recover every time
// we spawn a goroutine, because panics in a goroutine will bring down the
// entire program. There's no way to recover from another goroutine's panic.
// Most users actually want to let the panic propagate and bring down the
// program because it implies some unrecoverable state.
// Add a context key to allow the recover behavior.
// See:
// Sync keys and close inflightCtx when that's done.
r.inflightCtx = nil
inflightCtx = r.inflightCtx
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-inflightCtx.Done():
if err := inflightCtx.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Since we've just updated keys, we don't care about the cache miss.
keys, _ = r.keysWithIDFromCache(keyIDs)
return keys, nil
func (r *remoteKeySet) updateKeys(ctx context.Context) error {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", r.jwksURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("oidc: can't create request: %v", err)
resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, clientFromContext(ctx), req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("oidc: get keys failed %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("oidc: read response body: %v", err)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("oidc: get keys failed: %s %s", resp.Status, body)
var keySet jose.JSONWebKeySet
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &keySet); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode keys: %v %s", err, body)
// If the server doesn't provide cache control headers, assume the
// keys expire immediately.
expiry :=
_, e, err := cachecontrol.CachableResponse(req, resp, cachecontrol.Options{})
if err == nil && e.After(expiry) {
expiry = e
r.cachedKeys = keySet.Keys
r.expiry = expiry
return nil
package oidc
import (
jose ""
const (
// ScopeOpenID is the mandatory scope for all OpenID Connect OAuth2 requests.
ScopeOpenID = "openid"
// ScopeOfflineAccess is an optional scope defined by OpenID Connect for requesting
// OAuth2 refresh tokens.
// Support for this scope differs between OpenID Connect providers. For instance
// Google rejects it, favoring appending "access_type=offline" as part of the
// authorization request instead.
// See:
ScopeOfflineAccess = "offline_access"
// ClientContext returns a new Context that carries the provided HTTP client.
// This method sets the same context key used by the package,
// so the returned context works for that package too.
func ClientContext(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, client)
func clientFromContext(ctx context.Context) *http.Client {
if client, ok := ctx.Value(oauth2.HTTPClient).(*http.Client); ok {
return client
return http.DefaultClient
// Provider represents an OpenID Connect server's configuration.
type Provider struct {
issuer string
authURL string
tokenURL string
userInfoURL string
// Raw claims returned by the server.
rawClaims []byte
remoteKeySet *remoteKeySet
type cachedKeys struct {
keys []jose.JSONWebKey
expiry time.Time
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
UserInfoURL string `json:"userinfo_endpoint"`
// NewProvider uses the OpenID Connect disovery mechanism to construct a Provider.
func NewProvider(ctx context.Context, issuer string) (*Provider, error) {
wellKnown := strings.TrimSuffix(issuer, "/") + "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
resp, err := clientFromContext(ctx).Get(wellKnown)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", resp.Status, body)
defer resp.Body.Close()
var p providerJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &p); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode provider discovery object: %v", err)
if p.Issuer != issuer {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: issuer did not match the issuer returned by provider, expected %q got %q", issuer, p.Issuer)
return &Provider{
issuer: p.Issuer,
authURL: p.AuthURL,
tokenURL: p.TokenURL,
userInfoURL: p.UserInfoURL,
rawClaims: body,
remoteKeySet: newRemoteKeySet(ctx, p.JWKSURL, time.Now),
}, nil
// Claims unmarshals raw fields returned by the server during discovery.
// var claims struct {
// ScopesSupported []string `json:"scopes_supported"`
// ClaimsSupported []string `json:"claims_supported"`
// }
// if err := provider.Claims(&claims); err != nil {
// // handle unmarshaling error
// }
// For a list of fields defined by the OpenID Connect spec see:
func (p *Provider) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if p.rawClaims == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(p.rawClaims, v)
// Endpoint returns the OAuth2 auth and token endpoints for the given provider.
func (p *Provider) Endpoint() oauth2.Endpoint {
return oauth2.Endpoint{AuthURL: p.authURL, TokenURL: p.tokenURL}
// UserInfo represents the OpenID Connect userinfo claims.
type UserInfo struct {
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
claims []byte
// Claims unmarshals the raw JSON object claims into the provided object.
func (u *UserInfo) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(, v)
// UserInfo uses the token source to query the provider's user info endpoint.
func (p *Provider) UserInfo(ctx context.Context, tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource) (*UserInfo, error) {
if p.userInfoURL == "" {
return nil, errors.New("oidc: user info endpoint is not supported by this provider")
resp, err := clientFromContext(ctx).Get(p.userInfoURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", resp.Status, body)
var userInfo UserInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &userInfo); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode userinfo: %v", err)
} = body
return &userInfo, nil
// IDToken is an OpenID Connect extension that provides a predictable representation
// of an authorization event.
// The ID Token only holds fields OpenID Connect requires. To access additional
// claims returned by the server, use the Claims method.
type IDToken struct {
// The URL of the server which issued this token. This will always be the same
// as the URL used for initial discovery.
Issuer string
// The client, or set of clients, that this token is issued for.
Audience []string
// A unique string which identifies the end user.
Subject string
IssuedAt time.Time
Expiry time.Time
Nonce string
// Raw payload of the id_token.
claims []byte
// Claims unmarshals the raw JSON payload of the ID Token into a provided struct.
// idToken, err := idTokenVerifier.Verify(rawIDToken)
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// var claims struct {
// Email string `json:"email"`
// EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
// }
// if err := idToken.Claims(&claims); err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
func (i *IDToken) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(, v)
type idToken struct {
Issuer string `json:"iss"`
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Audience audience `json:"aud"`
Expiry jsonTime `json:"exp"`
IssuedAt jsonTime `json:"iat"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
type audience []string
func (a *audience) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if json.Unmarshal(b, &s) == nil {
*a = audience{s}
return nil
var auds []string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &auds); err != nil {
return err
*a = audience(auds)
return nil
func (a audience) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if len(a) == 1 {
return json.Marshal(a[0])
return json.Marshal([]string(a))
type jsonTime time.Time
func (j *jsonTime) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var n json.Number
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &n); err != nil {
return err
var unix int64
if t, err := n.Int64(); err == nil {
unix = t
} else {
f, err := n.Float64()
if err != nil {
return err
unix = int64(f)
*j = jsonTime(time.Unix(unix, 0))
return nil
func (j jsonTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(time.Time(j).Unix())
package oidc
import (
func TestClientContext(t *testing.T) {
myClient := &http.Client{}
ctx := ClientContext(context.Background(), myClient)
gotClient := clientFromContext(ctx)
// Compare pointer values.
if gotClient != myClient {
t.Fatal("clientFromContext did not return the value set by ClientContext")
#!/bin/bash -e
# Run all tests (not including functional)
# ./test
# ./test -v
# Run tests for one package
# PKG=./unit ./test
# PKG=ssh ./test
# Invoke ./cover for HTML output
source ./build
TESTABLE="http jose key oauth2 oidc"
# user has not provided PKG override
if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then
# user has provided PKG override
# strip out slashes and dots from PKG=./foo/
# only run gofmt on packages provided by user
# split TEST into an array and prepend repo path to each local package
split=(${TEST// / })
echo "Running tests..."
go test $RACE ${COVER} $@ ${TEST}
echo "Checking gofmt..."
fmtRes=$(gofmt -l $FMT)
if [ -n "${fmtRes}" ]; then
echo -e "gofmt checking failed:\n${fmtRes}"
exit 255
if [[ -z "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" || "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" != "1.4.3" ]]; then
echo "Checking govet..."
vetRes=$(go vet $TEST)
if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then
echo -e "govet checking failed:\n${vetRes}"
exit 255
echo "Skipping govet (Go 1.4)"
echo "Success"
# Filter out any files with a !golint build tag.
LINTABLE=$( go list -tags=golint -f '
{{- range $i, $file := .GoFiles -}}
{{ $file }} {{ end }}
{{ range $i, $file := .TestGoFiles -}}
{{ $file }} {{ end }}' )
go test -v -i -race
go test -v -race
golint $LINTABLE
go vet
package oidc
import (
jose ""
// IDTokenVerifier provides verification for ID Tokens.
type IDTokenVerifier struct {
keySet *remoteKeySet
config *verificationConfig
// verificationConfig is the unexported configuration for an IDTokenVerifier.
// Users interact with this struct using a VerificationOption.
type verificationConfig struct {
issuer string
// If provided, this value must be in the ID Token audiences.
audience string
// If not nil, check the expiry of the id token.
checkExpiry func() time.Time
// If specified, only these sets of algorithms may be used to sign the JWT.
requiredAlgs []string
// If not nil, don't verify nonce.
nonceSource NonceSource
// VerificationOption provides additional checks on ID Tokens.
type VerificationOption interface {
// Unexport this method so other packages can't implement this interface.
updateConfig(c *verificationConfig)
// Verifier returns an IDTokenVerifier that uses the provider's key set to verify JWTs.
// The returned IDTokenVerifier is tied to the Provider's context and its behavior is
// undefined once the Provider's context is canceled.
func (p *Provider) Verifier(options ...VerificationOption) *IDTokenVerifier {
config := &verificationConfig{issuer: p.issuer}
for _, option := range options {
return newVerifier(p.remoteKeySet, config)
func newVerifier(keySet *remoteKeySet, config *verificationConfig) *IDTokenVerifier {
// As discussed in the godocs for VerifrySigningAlg, because almost all providers
// only support RS256, default to only allowing it.
if len(config.requiredAlgs) == 0 {
config.requiredAlgs = []string{RS256}
return &IDTokenVerifier{
keySet: keySet,
config: config,
func parseJWT(p string) ([]byte, error) {
parts := strings.Split(p, ".")
if len(parts) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: malformed jwt, expected 3 parts got %d", len(parts))
payload, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: malformed jwt payload: %v", err)
return payload, nil
func contains(sli []string, ele string) bool {
for _, s := range sli {
if s == ele {
return true
return false
// Verify parses a raw ID Token, verifies it's been signed by the provider, preforms
// any additional checks passed as VerifictionOptions, and returns the payload.
// See:
// oauth2Token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(ctx, r.URL.Query().Get("code"))
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// // Extract the ID Token from oauth2 token.
// rawIDToken, ok := oauth2Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
// if !ok {
// // handle error
// }
// token, err := verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken)
func (v *IDTokenVerifier) Verify(ctx context.Context, rawIDToken string) (*IDToken, error) {
jws, err := jose.ParseSigned(rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: mallformed jwt: %v", err)
// Throw out tokens with invalid claims before trying to verify the token. This lets
// us do cheap checks before possibly re-syncing keys.
payload, err := parseJWT(rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: malformed jwt: %v", err)
var token idToken
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &token); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to unmarshal claims: %v", err)
t := &IDToken{
Issuer: token.Issuer,
Subject: token.Subject,
Audience: []string(token.Audience),
Expiry: time.Time(token.Expiry),
IssuedAt: time.Time(token.IssuedAt),
Nonce: token.Nonce,
claims: payload,
// Check issuer.
if t.Issuer != v.config.issuer {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: id token issued by a different provider, expected %q got %q", v.config.issuer, t.Issuer)
// If a client ID has been provided, make sure it's part of the audience.
if v.config.audience != "" {
if !contains(t.Audience, v.config.audience) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: expected audience %q got %q", v.config.audience, t.Audience)
// If a set of required algorithms has been provided, ensure that the signatures use those.
var keyIDs, gotAlgs []string
for _, sig := range jws.Signatures {
if len(v.config.requiredAlgs) == 0 || contains(v.config.requiredAlgs, sig.Header.Algorithm) {
keyIDs = append(keyIDs, sig.Header.KeyID)
} else {
gotAlgs = append(gotAlgs, sig.Header.Algorithm)
if len(keyIDs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: no signatures use a require algorithm, expected %q got %q", v.config.requiredAlgs, gotAlgs)
// Get keys from the remote key set. This may trigger a re-sync.
keys, err := v.keySet.keysWithID(ctx, keyIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: get keys for id token: %v", err)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: no keys match signature ID(s) %q", keyIDs)
// Try to use a key to validate the signature.
var gotPayload []byte
for _, key := range keys {
if p, err := jws.Verify(&key); err == nil {
gotPayload = p
if len(gotPayload) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to verify id token")
// Ensure that the payload returned by the square actually matches the payload parsed earlier.
if !bytes.Equal(gotPayload, payload) {
return nil, errors.New("oidc: internal error, payload parsed did not match previous payload")
// Check the nonce after we've verified the token. We don't want to allow unverified
// payloads to trigger a nonce lookup.
if v.config.nonceSource != nil {
if err := v.config.nonceSource.ClaimNonce(t.Nonce); err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
// VerifyAudience ensures that an ID Token was issued for the specific client.
// Note that a verified token may be valid for other clients, as OpenID Connect allows a token to have
// multiple audiences.
func VerifyAudience(clientID string) VerificationOption {
return clientVerifier{clientID}
type clientVerifier struct {
clientID string
func (v clientVerifier) updateConfig(c *verificationConfig) {
c.audience = v.clientID
// VerifyExpiry ensures that an ID Token has not expired.
func VerifyExpiry() VerificationOption {
return expiryVerifier{}
type expiryVerifier struct{}
func (v expiryVerifier) updateConfig(c *verificationConfig) {
c.checkExpiry = time.Now
// VerifySigningAlg enforces that an ID Token is signed by a specific signing algorithm.
// Because so many providers only support RS256, if this verifiction option isn't used,
// the IDTokenVerifier defaults to only allowing RS256.
func VerifySigningAlg(allowedAlgs ...string) VerificationOption {
return algVerifier{allowedAlgs}
type algVerifier struct {
algs []string
func (v algVerifier) updateConfig(c *verificationConfig) {
c.requiredAlgs = v.algs
// Nonce returns an auth code option which requires the ID Token created by the
// OpenID Connect provider to contain the specified nonce.
func Nonce(nonce string) oauth2.AuthCodeOption {
return oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("nonce", nonce)
// NonceSource represents a source which can verify a nonce is valid and has not
// been claimed before.
type NonceSource interface {
ClaimNonce(nonce string) error
// VerifyNonce ensures that the ID Token contains a nonce which can be claimed by the nonce source.
func VerifyNonce(source NonceSource) VerificationOption {
return nonceVerifier{source}
type nonceVerifier struct {
nonceSource NonceSource
func (n nonceVerifier) updateConfig(c *verificationConfig) {
c.nonceSource = n.nonceSource
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