• Roger Peppe's avatar
    the AST walker currently provides no way to find out how the · 80e17d67
    Roger Peppe authored
    nodes in the tree are nested with respect to one another.
    a simple change to the Visitor interface makes it possible
    to do this (for example to maintain a current node-depth, or a
    knowledge of the name of the current function).
    Visit(nil) is called at the end of a node's children;
    this make possible the channel-based interface below,
    amongst other possibilities.
    It is still just as simple to get the original behaviour - just
    return the same Visitor from Visit.
    Here are a couple of possible Visitor types.
    // closure-based
    type FVisitor func(n interface{}) FVisitor
    func (f FVisitor) Visit(n interface{}) Visitor {
    	return f(n);
    // channel-based
    type CVisitor chan Visit;
    type Visit struct {
    	node interface{};
    	reply chan CVisitor;
    func (v CVisitor) Visit(n interface{}) Visitor
    	if n == nil {
    	} else {
    		reply := make(chan CVisitor);
    		v <- Visit{n, reply};
    		r := <-reply;
    		if r == nil {
    			return nil;
    		return r;
    	return nil;
index.go 18.1 KB