• Adam Langley's avatar
    crypto/rsa: handle the case of non-coprime blinds. · ad05d291
    Adam Langley authored
    We are dealing with the multiplicative group ℤ/pqℤ. Multiples of
    either p or q are not members of the group since they cannot have an
    inverse. (Such numbers are 0 in the subgroup ℤ/pℤ.)
    With p and q of typical size (> 512 bits), the probability of a random
    blind [1..pq-1] being a multiple of p or q is negligible. However, in
    the unit tests, much smaller sizes are used and the event could occur.
    This change checks the result of the ext GCD and deals with this case.
    It also increases the size of p and q in the unit test as a large
    number of the keys selected were p, q = 227,169.
rsa_test.go 10.3 KB