Commit 07fc1457 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

gc: be more specific about copy type errors

Fixes #539.

parent da225c23
......@@ -810,12 +810,19 @@ reswitch:
goto error;
defaultlit(&n->left, T);
defaultlit(&n->right, T);
if(!isslice(n->left->type) || !isslice(n->right->type)) {
yyerror("arguments to copy must be slices or array pointers");
if(!isslice(n->left->type) && !isslice(n->right->type))
yyerror("arguments to copy must be array pointer or slice; have %lT, %lT", n->left->type, n->right->type);
else if(!isslice(n->left->type))
yyerror("first argument to copy should be array pointer or slice; have %lT", n->left->type);
yyerror("second argument to copy should be array pointer or slice; have %lT", n->right->type);
goto error;
if(!eqtype(n->left->type, n->right->type)) {
yyerror("arguments to copy must have the same type element type");
yyerror("arguments to copy have different element types %lT and %lT", n->left->type, n->right->type);
goto error;
goto ret;
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