Commit 146897b0 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/link: intial skeleton of linker written in Go

parent d6bce32a
......@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ var goTools = map[string]targetDir{
"cmd/api": toTool,
"cmd/cgo": toTool,
"cmd/fix": toTool,
"cmd/link": toTool,
"cmd/nm": toTool,
"cmd/yacc": toTool,
"": toTool,
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Removal of dead code and data.
package main
// dead removes unreachable code and data from the program.
func (p *Prog) dead() {
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Generation of debug data structures (in the executable but not mapped at run time).
// See also runtime.go.
package main
func (p *Prog) debug() {
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Executable image layout - address assignment.
package main
import (
// A layoutSection describes a single section to add to the
// final executable. Go binaries only have a fixed set of possible
// sections, and the symbol kind determines the section.
type layoutSection struct {
Segment string
Section string
Kind goobj.SymKind
Index int
// layout defines the layout of the generated Go executable.
// The order of entries here is the order in the executable.
// Entries with the same Segment name must be contiguous.
var layout = []layoutSection{
{Segment: "text", Section: "text", Kind: goobj.STEXT},
{Segment: "data", Section: "data", Kind: goobj.SDATA},
// Later:
// {"rodata", "type", goobj.STYPE},
// {"rodata", "string", goobj.SSTRING},
// {"rodata", "gostring", goobj.SGOSTRING},
// {"rodata", "gofunc", goobj.SGOFUNC},
// {"rodata", "rodata", goobj.SRODATA},
// {"rodata", "functab", goobj.SFUNCTAB},
// {"rodata", "typelink", goobj.STYPELINK},
// {"rodata", "symtab", goobj.SSYMTAB},
// {"rodata", "pclntab", goobj.SPCLNTAB},
// {"data", "noptrdata", goobj.SNOPTRDATA},
// {"data", "bss", goobj.SBSS},
// {"data", "noptrbss", goobj.SNOPTRBSS},
// layoutByKind maps from SymKind to an entry in layout.
var layoutByKind []*layoutSection
func init() {
// Build index from symbol type to layout entry.
max := 0
for _, sect := range layout {
if max <= int(sect.Kind) {
max = int(sect.Kind) + 1
layoutByKind = make([]*layoutSection, max)
for i, sect := range layout {
layoutByKind[sect.Kind] = &layout[i]
sect.Index = i
// layout arranges symbols into sections and sections into segments,
// and then it assigns addresses to segments, sections, and symbols.
func (p *Prog) layout() {
sections := make([]*Section, len(layout))
// Assign symbols to sections using index, creating sections as needed.
// Could keep sections separated by type during input instead.
for _, sym := range p.Syms {
kind := sym.Kind
if kind < 0 || int(kind) >= len(layoutByKind) || layoutByKind[kind] == nil {
p.errorf("%s: unexpected symbol kind %v", sym.SymID, kind)
lsect := layoutByKind[kind]
sect := sections[lsect.Index]
if sect == nil {
sect = &Section{
Name: lsect.Section,
Align: 1,
sections[lsect.Index] = sect
if sym.Data.Size > 0 {
sect.InFile = true
sym.Section = sect
sect.Syms = append(sect.Syms, sym)
// TODO(rsc): Incorporate alignment information.
// First that information needs to be added to the object files.
// if sect.Align < Addr(sym.Align) {
// sect.Align = Addr(sym.Align)
// }
// Assign sections to segments, creating segments as needed.
var seg *Segment
for i, sect := range sections {
if sect == nil {
if seg == nil || seg.Name != layout[i].Segment {
seg = &Segment{
Name: layout[i].Segment,
p.Segments = append(p.Segments, seg)
sect.Segment = seg
seg.Sections = append(seg.Sections, sect)
// Assign addresses.
// TODO(rsc): This choice needs to be informed by both
// the formatter and the target architecture.
// And maybe eventually a command line flag (sigh).
const segAlign = 4096
// TODO(rsc): Use a larger amount on most systems, which will let the
// compiler eliminate more nil checks.
if p.UnmappedSize == 0 {
p.UnmappedSize = segAlign
// TODO(rsc): addr := Addr(0) when generating a shared library or PIE.
addr := p.UnmappedSize
// Account for initial file header.
hdrVirt, hdrFile := p.formatter.headerSize(p)
addr += hdrVirt
// Assign addresses to segments, sections, symbols.
// Assign sizes to segments, sections.
startVirt := addr
startFile := hdrFile
for _, seg := range p.Segments {
addr = round(addr, segAlign)
seg.VirtAddr = addr
seg.FileOffset = startFile + seg.VirtAddr - startVirt
for _, sect := range seg.Sections {
addr = round(addr, sect.Align)
sect.VirtAddr = addr
for _, sym := range sect.Syms {
// TODO(rsc): Respect alignment once we have that information.
sym.Addr = addr
addr += Addr(sym.Size)
sect.Size = addr - sect.VirtAddr
if sect.InFile {
seg.FileSize = addr - seg.VirtAddr
seg.VirtSize = addr
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestLinkHello(t *testing.T) {
p := &Prog{
GOOS: "darwin",
GOARCH: "amd64",
Error: func(s string) { t.Error(s) },
var buf bytes.Buffer, "testdata/hello.6")
if p.NumError > 0 {
if len(p.Syms) != 2 || p.Syms[goobj.SymID{"_rt0_go", 0}] == nil || p.Syms[goobj.SymID{"hello", 1}] == nil {
t.Errorf("Syms = %v, want [_rt0_go hello<1>]", p.Syms)
checkGolden(t, buf.Bytes(), "testdata/link.hello.darwin.amd64")
// uncomment to leave file behind for execution:
// ioutil.WriteFile("a.out", buf.Bytes(), 0777)
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Loading of code and data fragments from package files into final image.
package main
import (
// load allocates segment images, populates them with data
// read from package files, and applies relocations to the data.
func (p *Prog) load() {
// TODO(rsc): mmap the output file and store the data directly.
// That will make writing the output file more efficient.
for _, seg := range p.Segments {
seg.Data = make([]byte, seg.FileSize)
for _, pkg := range p.Packages {
// loadPackage loads and relocates data for all the
// symbols needed in the given package.
func (p *Prog) loadPackage(pkg *Package) {
f, err := os.Open(pkg.File)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("%v", err)
defer f.Close()
// TODO(rsc): Mmap file into memory.
for _, sym := range pkg.Syms {
if sym.Data.Size == 0 {
// TODO(rsc): If not using mmap, at least coalesce nearby reads.
seg := sym.Section.Segment
off := sym.Addr - seg.VirtAddr
data := seg.Data[off : off+Addr(sym.Data.Size)]
_, err := f.ReadAt(data, sym.Data.Offset)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("reading %v: %v", sym.SymID, err)
p.relocateSym(sym, data)
// TODO(rsc): These are the relocation types and should be
// loaded from debug/goobj. They are not in debug/goobj
// because they are different for each architecture.
// The symbol file format needs to be revised to use an
// architecture-independent set of numbers, and then
// those should be fetched from debug/goobj instead of
// defined here. These are the amd64 numbers.
const (
D_ADDR = 120
D_SIZE = 246
D_PCREL = 247
// relocateSym applies relocations to sym's data.
func (p *Prog) relocateSym(sym *Sym, data []byte) {
for i := range sym.Reloc {
r := &sym.Reloc[i]
targ := p.Syms[r.Sym]
if targ == nil {
p.errorf("%v: reference to undefined symbol %v", sym, r.Sym)
val := targ.Addr + Addr(r.Add)
switch r.Type {
p.errorf("%v: unknown relocation type %d", sym, r.Type)
case D_ADDR:
// ok
case D_PCREL:
val -= sym.Addr + Addr(r.Offset+r.Size)
frag := data[r.Offset : r.Offset+r.Size]
switch r.Size {
p.errorf("%v: unknown relocation size %d", sym, r.Size)
case 4:
// TODO(rsc): Check for overflow?
// TODO(rsc): Handle big-endian systems.
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(frag, uint32(val))
case 8:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(frag, uint64(val))
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Placeholder to keep build building.
package main
func main() {}
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// A Prog holds state for constructing an executable (program) image.
// The usual sequence of operations on a Prog is:
// p.init()
// p.scan(file)
// p.dead()
// p.runtime()
// p.layout()
// p.load()
// p.debug()
// p.write(w)
// p.init is in this file. The rest of the methods are in files
// named for the method. The convenience method runs
// this sequence.
type Prog struct {
// Context
GOOS string // target operating system
GOARCH string // target architecture
Format string // desired file format ("elf", "macho", ...)
formatter formatter
Error func(string) // called to report an error (if set)
NumError int // number of errors printed
// Input
Packages map[string]*Package // loaded packages, by import path
Syms map[goobj.SymID]*Sym // defined symbols, by symbol ID
Missing map[goobj.SymID]bool // missing symbols, by symbol ID
MaxVersion int // max SymID.Version, for generating fresh symbol IDs
// Output
UnmappedSize Addr // size of unmapped region at address 0
HeaderSize Addr // size of object file header
Entry Addr // virtual address where execution begins
Segments []*Segment // loaded memory segments
// startSymID is the symbol where program execution begins.
var startSymID = goobj.SymID{Name: "_rt0_go"}
// A formatter takes care of the details of generating a particular
// kind of executable file.
type formatter interface {
// headerSize returns the footprint of the header for p
// in both virtual address space and file bytes.
// The footprint does not include any bytes stored at the
// end of the file.
headerSize(p *Prog) (virt, file Addr)
// write writes the executable file for p to w.
write(w io.Writer, p *Prog)
// An Addr represents a virtual memory address, a file address, or a size.
// It must be a uint64, not a uintptr, so that a 32-bit linker can still generate a 64-bit binary.
// It must be unsigned in order to link programs placed at very large start addresses.
// Math involving Addrs must be checked carefully not to require negative numbers.
type Addr uint64
// A Package is a Go package loaded from a file.
type Package struct {
*goobj.Package // table of contents
File string // file name for reopening
Syms []*Sym // symbols defined by this package
// A Sym is a symbol defined in a loaded package.
type Sym struct {
*goobj.Sym // symbol metadata from package file
Package *Package // package defining symbol
Section *Section // section where symbol is placed in output program
Addr Addr // virtual address of symbol in output program
// A Segment is a loaded memory segment.
// A Prog is expected to have segments named "text" and optionally "data",
// in that order, before any other segments.
type Segment struct {
Name string // name of segment: "text", "data", ...
VirtAddr Addr // virtual memory address of segment base
VirtSize Addr // size of segment in memory
FileOffset Addr // file offset of segment base
FileSize Addr // size of segment in file; can be less than VirtSize
Sections []*Section // sections inside segment
Data []byte // raw data of segment image
// A Section is part of a loaded memory segment.
type Section struct {
Name string // name of section: "text", "rodata", "noptrbss", and so on
VirtAddr Addr // virtual memory address of section base
Size Addr // size of section in memory
Align Addr // required alignment
InFile bool // section has image data in file (like data, unlike bss)
Syms []*Sym // symbols stored in section
Segment *Segment // segment containing section
func (p *Prog) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if p.Error != nil {
p.Error(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format+"\n", args...)
// link is the one-stop convenience method for running a link.
// It writes to w the object file generated from using mainFile as the main package.
func (p *Prog) link(w io.Writer, mainFile string) {
if p.NumError > 0 {
if p.NumError > 0 {
if p.NumError > 0 {
if p.NumError > 0 {
// init initializes p for use by the other methods.
func (p *Prog) init() {
// Set default context if not overridden.
if p.GOOS == "" {
p.GOOS = build.Default.GOOS
if p.GOARCH == "" {
p.GOARCH = build.Default.GOARCH
if p.Format == "" {
p.Format = goosFormat[p.GOOS]
if p.Format == "" {
p.errorf("no default file format for GOOS %q", p.GOOS)
// Derive internal context.
p.formatter = formatters[p.Format]
if p.formatter == nil {
p.errorf("unknown output file format %q", p.Format)
// goosFormat records the default format for each known GOOS value.
var goosFormat = map[string]string{
"darwin": "darwin",
// formatters records the format implementation for each known format value.
var formatters = map[string]formatter{
"darwin": machoFormat{},
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// shiftProg adjusts the addresses in p.
// It adds vdelta to all virtual addresses and fdelta to all file offsets.
func shiftProg(p *Prog, vdelta Addr, fdelta Addr) {
p.Entry += vdelta
for _, seg := range p.Segments {
seg.FileOffset += fdelta
seg.VirtAddr += vdelta
for _, sect := range seg.Sections {
sect.VirtAddr += vdelta
for _, sym := range sect.Syms {
sym.Addr += vdelta
// diffProg returns a list of differences between p and q,
// assuming p is being checked and q is the correct answer.
func diffProg(p, q *Prog) []string {
var errors []string
if p.UnmappedSize != q.UnmappedSize {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("p.UnmappedSize = %#x, want %#x", p.UnmappedSize, q.UnmappedSize))
if p.HeaderSize != q.HeaderSize {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("p.HeaderSize = %#x, want %#x", p.HeaderSize, q.HeaderSize))
if p.Entry != q.Entry {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("p.Entry = %#x, want %#x", p.Entry, q.Entry))
for i := 0; i < len(p.Segments) || i < len(q.Segments); i++ {
if i >= len(p.Segments) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("p missing segment %q", q.Segments[i].Name))
if i >= len(q.Segments) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("p has extra segment %q", p.Segments[i].Name))
pseg := p.Segments[i]
qseg := q.Segments[i]
if pseg.Name != qseg.Name {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %d Name = %q, want %q", i, pseg.Name, qseg.Name))
continue // probably out of sync
if pseg.VirtAddr != qseg.VirtAddr {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q VirtAddr = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, pseg.VirtAddr, qseg.VirtAddr))
if pseg.VirtSize != qseg.VirtSize {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q VirtSize = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, pseg.VirtSize, qseg.VirtSize))
if pseg.FileOffset != qseg.FileOffset {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q FileOffset = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, pseg.FileOffset, qseg.FileOffset))
if pseg.FileSize != qseg.FileSize {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q FileSize = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, pseg.FileSize, qseg.FileSize))
if len(pseg.Data) != len(qseg.Data) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q len(Data) = %d, want %d", pseg.Name, len(pseg.Data), len(qseg.Data)))
} else if !bytes.Equal(pseg.Data, qseg.Data) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q Data mismatch:\n\thave %x\n\twant %x", pseg.Name, pseg.Data, qseg.Data))
for j := 0; j < len(pseg.Sections) || j < len(qseg.Sections); j++ {
if j >= len(pseg.Sections) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q missing section %q", qseg.Sections[i].Name))
if j >= len(qseg.Sections) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q has extra section %q", pseg.Sections[i].Name))
psect := pseg.Sections[j]
qsect := qseg.Sections[j]
if psect.Name != qsect.Name {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q, section %d Name = %q, want %q", pseg.Name, j, psect.Name, qsect.Name))
continue // probably out of sync
if psect.VirtAddr != qsect.VirtAddr {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q section %q VirtAddr = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, psect.Name, psect.VirtAddr, qsect.VirtAddr))
if psect.Size != qsect.Size {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q section %q Size = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, psect.Name, psect.Size, qsect.Size))
if psect.Align != qsect.Align {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("segment %q section %q Align = %#x, want %#x", pseg.Name, psect.Name, psect.Align, qsect.Align))
return errors
// cloneProg returns a deep copy of p.
func cloneProg(p *Prog) *Prog {
q := new(Prog)
*q = *p
q.Segments = make([]*Segment, len(p.Segments))
for i, seg := range p.Segments {
q.Segments[i] = cloneSegment(seg)
return p
// cloneSegment returns a deep copy of seg.
func cloneSegment(seg *Segment) *Segment {
t := new(Segment)
*t = *seg
t.Sections = make([]*Section, len(seg.Sections))
for i, sect := range seg.Sections {
t.Sections[i] = cloneSection(sect)
t.Data = make([]byte, len(seg.Data))
copy(t.Data, seg.Data)
return t
// cloneSection returns a deep copy of section.
func cloneSection(sect *Section) *Section {
// At the moment, there's nothing we need to make a deep copy of.
t := new(Section)
*t = *sect
return t
// checkGolden checks that data matches the named file.
// If not, it reports the error to the test.
func checkGolden(t *testing.T, data []byte, name string) {
golden, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
if !bytes.Equal(data, golden) {
// TODO(rsc): A better diff would be nice, as needed.
i := 0
for i < len(data) && i < len(golden) && data[i] == golden[i] {
if i >= len(data) {
t.Errorf("%s: output file shorter than expected: have %d bytes, want %d", name, len(data), len(golden))
} else if i >= len(golden) {
t.Errorf("%s: output file larger than expected: have %d bytes, want %d", name, len(data), len(golden))
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: output file differs at byte %d: have %#02x, want %#02x", name, i, data[i], golden[i])
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Generation of runtime-accessible data structures.
// See also debug.go.
package main
func (p *Prog) runtime() {
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Initial scan of packages making up a program.
// TODO(rsc): Rename goobj.SymID.Version to StaticID to avoid confusion with the ELF meaning of version.
// TODO(rsc): Fix file format so that SBSS/SNOPTRBSS with data is listed as SDATA/SNOPTRDATA.
// TODO(rsc): Parallelize scan to overlap file i/o where possible.
package main
import (
// scan scans all packages making up the program, starting with package main defined in mainfile.
func (p *Prog) scan(mainfile string) {
p.scanFile("main", mainfile)
if len(p.Missing) != 0 {
// TODO(rsc): iterate in deterministic order
for sym := range p.Missing {
p.errorf("undefined: %s", sym)
// TODO(rsc): Walk import graph to diagnose cycles.
// initScan initializes the Prog fields needed by scan.
func (p *Prog) initScan() {
p.Packages = make(map[string]*Package)
p.Syms = make(map[goobj.SymID]*Sym)
p.Missing = make(map[goobj.SymID]bool)
p.Missing[startSymID] = true
// scanFile reads file to learn about the package with the given import path.
func (p *Prog) scanFile(pkgpath string, file string) {
pkg := &Package{
File: file,
p.Packages[pkgpath] = pkg
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("%v", err)
gp, err := goobj.Parse(f, pkgpath)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("reading %s: %v", file, err)
// TODO(rsc): Change debug/goobj to record package name as gp.Name.
// TODO(rsc): If pkgpath == "main", check that gp.Name == "main".
pkg.Package = gp
for _, gs := range gp.Syms {
// TODO(rsc): Fix file format instead of this workaround.
if gs.Data.Size > 0 {
switch gs.Kind {
case goobj.SBSS:
gs.Kind = goobj.SDATA
case goobj.SNOPTRBSS:
gs.Kind = goobj.SNOPTRDATA
if gs.Version != 0 {
gs.Version += p.MaxVersion
for i := range gs.Reloc {
r := &gs.Reloc[i]
if r.Sym.Version != 0 {
r.Sym.Version += p.MaxVersion
if p.Syms[r.Sym] != nil {
p.Missing[r.Sym] = true
if old := p.Syms[gs.SymID]; old != nil {
p.errorf("symbol %s defined in both %s and %s", old.Package.File, file)
s := &Sym{
Sym: gs,
Package: pkg,
pkg.Syms = append(pkg.Syms, s)
p.Syms[gs.SymID] = s
delete(p.Missing, gs.SymID)
p.MaxVersion += pkg.MaxVersion
for i, pkgpath := range pkg.Imports {
// TODO(rsc): Fix file format to drop .a from recorded import path.
pkgpath = strings.TrimSuffix(pkgpath, ".a")
pkg.Imports[i] = pkgpath
// scanImport finds the object file for the given import path and then scans it.
func (p *Prog) scanImport(pkgpath string) {
if p.Packages[pkgpath] != nil {
return // already loaded
// TODO(rsc): Implement correct search to find file.
p.scanFile(pkgpath, "/Users/rsc/rscgo/pkg/darwin_amd64/"+pkgpath+".a")
TEXT _rt0_go(SB),7,$0
MOVL $hello<>(SB), SI
MOVL $12, DX
MOVL $0x2000004, AX
MOVL $0x2000001, AX
DATA hello<>+0(SB)/4, $"hell"
DATA hello<>+4(SB)/4, $"o wo"
DATA hello<>+8(SB)/4, $"rld\n"
GLOBL hello<>(SB), $12
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// round returns size rounded up to the next multiple of align;
// align must be a power of two.
func round(size, align Addr) Addr {
return (size + align - 1) &^ (align - 1)
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Writing of executable and (for hostlink mode) object files.
package main
import "io"
func (p *Prog) write(w io.Writer) {
p.Entry = p.Syms[startSymID].Addr
p.formatter.write(w, p)
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