Commit 1a790537 authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

misc/dashboard/codereview: more abbreviated modification duration.

R=golang-dev, r
parent 0175e3f1
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ type CL struct {
Reviewer string
// ShortOwner returns the CL's owner, either as their email address
// DisplayOwner returns the CL's owner, either as their email address
// or the person ID if it's a reviewer. It is for display only.
func (cl *CL) ShortOwner() string {
func (cl *CL) DisplayOwner() string {
if p, ok := emailToPerson[cl.Owner]; ok {
return p
......@@ -79,13 +79,20 @@ func (cl *CL) LGTMHTML() template.HTML {
func (cl *CL) ModifiedAgo() string {
// Just the first non-zero unit.
units := map[string]time.Duration{
"d": 24 * time.Hour,
"h": time.Hour,
"m": time.Minute,
"s": time.Second,
d := time.Now().Sub(cl.Modified)
d -= d % time.Minute // truncate to minute resolution
s := d.String()
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "0s") {
s = s[:len(s)-2]
for suffix, u := range units {
if d > u {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", d/u, suffix)
return s
return "just now"
func handleAssign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ var frontPage = template.Must(template.New("front").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
<table class="cls">
{{range $cl := .CLs}}
<tr id="cl-{{$cl.Number}}">
<td class="email">{{$cl.ShortOwner}}</td>
<td class="email">{{$cl.DisplayOwner}}</td>
{{if $tbl.Assignable}}
<select id="cl-rev-{{$cl.Number}}" {{if not $.UserIsReviewer}}disabled{{end}}>
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