Commit 1d8250c8 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

time: clean up MarshalJSON, add RFC3339 method

encoding/xml: handle time.Time as recognized type

The long term plan is to define an interface that time.Time
can implement and that encoding/xml can call, but we are
not going to try to define that interface before Go 1.
Instead, special-case time.Time in package xml, because
it is such a fundamental type, as a stop-gap.
The eventual methods will behave this way.

Fixes #2793.

R=golang-dev, r, r, n13m3y3r
parent 3ee20853
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
package xml
import "time"
var atomValue = &Feed{
XMLName: Name{"", "feed"},
Title: "Example Feed",
......@@ -24,11 +26,10 @@ var atomValue = &Feed{
var atomXml = `` +
`<feed xmlns="">` +
`<feed xmlns="" updated="2003-12-13T18:30:02Z">` +
`<title>Example Feed</title>` +
`<id>urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6</id>` +
`<link href=""></link>` +
`<updated>2003-12-13T18:30:02Z</updated>` +
`<author><name>John Doe</name><uri></uri><email></email></author>` +
`<entry>` +
`<title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>` +
......@@ -40,8 +41,12 @@ var atomXml = `` +
`</entry>` +
func ParseTime(str string) Time {
return Time(str)
func ParseTime(str string) time.Time {
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, str)
if err != nil {
return t
func NewText(text string) Text {
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
const (
......@@ -223,7 +224,14 @@ func (p *printer) marshalValue(val reflect.Value, finfo *fieldInfo) error {
return nil
var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
func (p *printer) marshalSimple(typ reflect.Type, val reflect.Value) error {
// Normally we don't see structs, but this can happen for an attribute.
if val.Type() == timeType {
return nil
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
p.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), 10))
......@@ -255,6 +263,10 @@ func (p *printer) marshalSimple(typ reflect.Type, val reflect.Value) error {
var ddBytes = []byte("--")
func (p *printer) marshalStruct(tinfo *typeInfo, val reflect.Value) error {
if val.Type() == timeType {
return nil
s := parentStack{printer: p}
for i := range tinfo.fields {
finfo := &tinfo.fields[i]
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
type DriveType int
......@@ -256,6 +257,12 @@ var marshalTests = []struct {
{Value: &Plain{[]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
{Value: &Plain{[3]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
// Test time.
Value: &Plain{time.Unix(1e9, 123456789).UTC()},
ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>2001-09-09T01:46:40.123456789Z</V></Plain>`,
// A pointer to struct{} may be used to test for an element's presence.
Value: &PresenceTest{new(struct{})},
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
// BUG(rsc): Mapping between XML elements and data structures is inherently flawed:
......@@ -270,6 +271,10 @@ func (p *Decoder) unmarshal(val reflect.Value, start *StartElement) error {
if typ == timeType {
saveData = v
sv = v
tinfo, err = getTypeInfo(typ)
......@@ -473,6 +478,14 @@ func copyValue(dst reflect.Value, src []byte) (err error) {
src = []byte{}
case reflect.Struct:
if t.Type() == timeType {
tv, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, string(src))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package xml
import (
// Stripped down Atom feed data structures.
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ func TestUnmarshalFeed(t *testing.T) {
// hget
const atomFeedString = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us"><title>Code Review - My issues</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><updated>2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00</updated><author><name>rietveld&lt;&gt;</name></author><entry><title>rietveld: an attempt at pubsubhubbub
<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us" updated="2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"><title>Code Review - My issues</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><author><name>rietveld&lt;&gt;</name></author><entry><title>rietveld: an attempt at pubsubhubbub
</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00</updated><author><name>email-address-removed</name></author><id>urn:md5:134d9179c41f806be79b3a5f7877d19a</id><summary type="html">
An attempt at adding pubsubhubbub support to Rietveld.
......@@ -78,22 +79,22 @@ not being used from outside
</summary></entry></feed> `
type Feed struct {
XMLName Name `xml:" feed"`
Title string `xml:"title"`
Id string `xml:"id"`
Link []Link `xml:"link"`
Updated Time `xml:"updated"`
Author Person `xml:"author"`
Entry []Entry `xml:"entry"`
XMLName Name `xml:" feed"`
Title string `xml:"title"`
Id string `xml:"id"`
Link []Link `xml:"link"`
Updated time.Time `xml:"updated,attr"`
Author Person `xml:"author"`
Entry []Entry `xml:"entry"`
type Entry struct {
Title string `xml:"title"`
Id string `xml:"id"`
Link []Link `xml:"link"`
Updated Time `xml:"updated"`
Author Person `xml:"author"`
Summary Text `xml:"summary"`
Title string `xml:"title"`
Id string `xml:"id"`
Link []Link `xml:"link"`
Updated time.Time `xml:"updated"`
Author Person `xml:"author"`
Summary Text `xml:"summary"`
type Link struct {
......@@ -113,8 +114,6 @@ type Text struct {
Body string `xml:",chardata"`
type Time string
var atomFeed = Feed{
XMLName: Name{"", "feed"},
Title: "Code Review - My issues",
......@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ var atomFeed = Feed{
{Rel: "self", Href: ""},
Id: "",
Updated: "2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00",
Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"),
Author: Person{
Name: "rietveld<>",
InnerXML: "<name>rietveld&lt;&gt;</name>",
......@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ var atomFeed = Feed{
Link: []Link{
{Rel: "alternate", Href: ""},
Updated: "2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00",
Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"),
Author: Person{
Name: "email-address-removed",
InnerXML: "<name>email-address-removed</name>",
......@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ the top of marked NOTE(rsc).
Link: []Link{
{Rel: "alternate", Href: ""},
Updated: "2009-10-03T23:02:17+00:00",
Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-03T23:02:17+00:00"),
Author: Person{
Name: "email-address-removed",
InnerXML: "<name>email-address-removed</name>",
......@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ const (
// compatibility with fixed-width Unix time formats.
// A decimal point followed by one or more zeros represents a fractional
// second. When parsing (only), the input may contain a fractional second
// second, printed to the given number of decimal places. A decimal point
// followed by one or more nines represents a fractional second, printed to
// the given number of decimal places, with trailing zeros removed.
// When parsing (only), the input may contain a fractional second
// field immediately after the seconds field, even if the layout does not
// signify its presence. In that case a decimal point followed by a maximal
// series of digits is parsed as a fractional second.
......@@ -41,16 +44,17 @@ const (
// Z0700 Z or ±hhmm
// Z07:00 Z or ±hh:mm
const (
ANSIC = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
UnixDate = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
RubyDate = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
RFC822 = "02 Jan 06 1504 MST"
RFC822Z = "02 Jan 06 1504 -0700" // RFC822 with numeric zone
RFC850 = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
RFC1123 = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
RFC1123Z = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" // RFC1123 with numeric zone
RFC3339 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
Kitchen = "3:04PM"
ANSIC = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
UnixDate = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
RubyDate = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
RFC822 = "02 Jan 06 1504 MST"
RFC822Z = "02 Jan 06 1504 -0700" // RFC822 with numeric zone
RFC850 = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
RFC1123 = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
RFC1123Z = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" // RFC1123 with numeric zone
RFC3339 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
Kitchen = "3:04PM"
// Handy time stamps.
Stamp = "Jan _2 15:04:05"
StampMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000"
......@@ -165,15 +169,17 @@ func nextStdChunk(layout string) (prefix, std, suffix string) {
if len(layout) >= i+6 && layout[i:i+6] == stdISO8601ColonTZ {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+6], layout[i+6:]
case '.': // .000 - multiple digits of zeros (only) for fractional seconds.
numZeros := 0
var j int
for j = i + 1; j < len(layout) && layout[j] == '0'; j++ {
// String of digits must end here - only fractional second is all zeros.
if numZeros > 0 && !isDigit(layout, j) {
return layout[0:i], layout[i : i+1+numZeros], layout[i+1+numZeros:]
case '.': // .000 or .999 - repeated digits for fractional seconds.
if i+1 < len(layout) && (layout[i+1] == '0' || layout[i+1] == '9') {
ch := layout[i+1]
j := i + 1
for j < len(layout) && layout[j] == ch {
// String of digits must end here - only fractional second is all digits.
if !isDigit(layout, j) {
return layout[0:i], layout[i:j], layout[j:]
......@@ -313,7 +319,7 @@ func pad(i int, padding string) string {
func zeroPad(i int) string { return pad(i, "0") }
// formatNano formats a fractional second, as nanoseconds.
func formatNano(nanosec, n int) string {
func formatNano(nanosec, n int, trim bool) string {
// User might give us bad data. Make sure it's positive and in range.
// They'll get nonsense output but it will have the right format.
s := itoa(int(uint(nanosec) % 1e9))
......@@ -324,6 +330,14 @@ func formatNano(nanosec, n int) string {
if n > 9 {
n = 9
if trim {
for n > 0 && s[n-1] == '0' {
if n == 0 {
return ""
return "." + s[:n]
......@@ -388,7 +402,24 @@ func (t Time) Format(layout string) string {
case stdYear:
p = zeroPad(year % 100)
case stdLongYear:
// Pad year to at least 4 digits.
p = itoa(year)
switch {
case year <= -1000:
// ok
case year <= -100:
p = p[:1] + "0" + p[1:]
case year <= -10:
p = p[:1] + "00" + p[1:]
case year < 0:
p = p[:1] + "000" + p[1:]
case year < 10:
p = "000" + p
case year < 100:
p = "00" + p
case year < 1000:
p = "0" + p
case stdMonth:
p = month.String()[:3]
case stdLongMonth:
......@@ -481,8 +512,8 @@ func (t Time) Format(layout string) string {
p += zeroPad(zone % 60)
if len(std) >= 2 && std[0:2] == ".0" {
p = formatNano(t.Nanosecond(), len(std)-1)
if len(std) >= 2 && (std[0:2] == ".0" || std[0:2] == ".9") {
p = formatNano(t.Nanosecond(), len(std)-1, std[1] == '9')
......@@ -841,46 +841,17 @@ func (t *Time) GobDecode(buf []byte) error {
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
// Time is formatted as RFC3339.
func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
yearInt := t.Year()
if yearInt < 0 || yearInt > 9999 {
if y := t.Year(); y < 0 || y >= 10000 {
return nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalJSON: year outside of range [0,9999]")
// We need a four-digit year, but Format produces variable-width years.
year := itoa(yearInt)
year = "0000"[:4-len(year)] + year
var formattedTime string
if t.nsec == 0 {
// RFC3339, no fractional second
formattedTime = t.Format("-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")
} else {
// RFC3339 with fractional second
formattedTime = t.Format("-01-02T15:04:05.000000000Z07:00")
// Trim trailing zeroes from fractional second.
const nanoEnd = 24 // Index of last digit of fractional second
var i int
for i = nanoEnd; formattedTime[i] == '0'; i-- {
// Seek backwards until first significant digit is found.
formattedTime = formattedTime[:i+1] + formattedTime[nanoEnd+1:]
buf := make([]byte, 0, 1+len(year)+len(formattedTime)+1)
buf = append(buf, '"')
buf = append(buf, year...)
buf = append(buf, formattedTime...)
buf = append(buf, '"')
return buf, nil
return []byte(t.Format(`"` + RFC3339Nano + `"`)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
// Time is expected in RFC3339 format.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
*t, err = Parse("\""+RFC3339+"\"", string(data))
// Fractional seconds are handled implicitly by Parse.
*t, err = Parse(`"`+RFC3339+`"`, string(data))
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
......@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ var formatTests = []FormatTest{
{"RFC1123", RFC1123, "Wed, 04 Feb 2009 21:00:57 PST"},
{"RFC1123Z", RFC1123Z, "Wed, 04 Feb 2009 21:00:57 -0800"},
{"RFC3339", RFC3339, "2009-02-04T21:00:57-08:00"},
{"RFC3339Nano", RFC3339Nano, "2009-02-04T21:00:57.0123456-08:00"},
{"Kitchen", Kitchen, "9:00PM"},
{"am/pm", "3pm", "9pm"},
{"AM/PM", "3PM", "9PM"},
......@@ -235,12 +237,12 @@ var formatTests = []FormatTest{
{"Stamp", Stamp, "Feb 4 21:00:57"},
{"StampMilli", StampMilli, "Feb 4 21:00:57.012"},
{"StampMicro", StampMicro, "Feb 4 21:00:57.012345"},
{"StampNano", StampNano, "Feb 4 21:00:57.012345678"},
{"StampNano", StampNano, "Feb 4 21:00:57.012345600"},
func TestFormat(t *testing.T) {
// The numeric time represents Thu Feb 4 21:00:57.012345678 PST 2010
time := Unix(0, 1233810057012345678)
// The numeric time represents Thu Feb 4 21:00:57.012345600 PST 2010
time := Unix(0, 1233810057012345600)
for _, test := range formatTests {
result := time.Format(test.format)
if result != test.result {
......@@ -249,6 +251,38 @@ func TestFormat(t *testing.T) {
func TestFormatShortYear(t *testing.T) {
years := []int{
-100001, -100000, -99999,
-10001, -10000, -9999,
-1001, -1000, -999,
-101, -100, -99,
-11, -10, -9,
-1, 0, 1,
9, 10, 11,
99, 100, 101,
999, 1000, 1001,
9999, 10000, 10001,
99999, 100000, 100001,
for _, y := range years {
time := Date(y, January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, UTC)
result := time.Format("2006.01.02")
var want string
if y < 0 {
// The 4 in %04d counts the - sign, so print -y instead
// and introduce our own - sign.
want = fmt.Sprintf("-%04d.%02d.%02d", -y, 1, 1)
} else {
want = fmt.Sprintf("%04d.%02d.%02d", y, 1, 1)
if result != want {
t.Errorf("(jan 1 %d).Format(\"2006.01.02\") = %q, want %q", y, result, want)
type ParseTest struct {
name string
format string
......@@ -782,7 +816,7 @@ func TestTimeJSON(t *testing.T) {
if jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(tt.time); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v json.Marshal error = %v, want nil", tt.time, err)
} else if string(jsonBytes) != tt.json {
t.Errorf("%v JSON = %q, want %q", tt.time, string(jsonBytes), tt.json)
t.Errorf("%v JSON = %#q, want %#q", tt.time, string(jsonBytes), tt.json)
} else if err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &jsonTime); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v json.Unmarshal error = %v, want nil", tt.time, err)
} else if !equalTimeAndZone(jsonTime, tt.time) {
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