Commit 2063d5d9 authored by Rick Hudson's avatar Rick Hudson

[dev.garbage] runtime: restructure alloc and mark bits

Two changes are included here that are dependent on the other.
The first is that allocBits and gcamrkBits are changed to
a *uint8 which points to the first byte of that span's
mark and alloc bits. Several places were altered to
perform pointer arithmetic to locate the byte corresponding
to an object in the span. The actual bit corresponding
to an object is indexed in the byte by using the lower three
bits of the objects index.

The second change avoids the redundant calculation of an
object's index. The index is returned from heapBitsForObject
and then used by the functions indexing allocBits
and gcmarkBits.

Finally we no longer allocate the gc bits in the span
structures. Instead we use an arena based allocation scheme
that allows for a more compact bit map as well as recycling
and bulk clearing of the mark bits.

Change-Id: If4d04b2021c092ec39a4caef5937a8182c64dfef
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAustin Clements <>
parent 23aeb34d
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ func cgoCheckUnknownPointer(p unsafe.Pointer, msg string) (base, i uintptr) {
b, hbits, span := heapBitsForObject(uintptr(p), 0, 0)
b, hbits, span, _ := heapBitsForObject(uintptr(p), 0, 0)
base = b
if base == 0 {
......@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ var zerobase uintptr
// Otherwise it returns 0.
func (c *mcache) nextFreeFast(sizeclass int8) gclinkptr {
s := c.alloc[sizeclass]
ctzIndex := uint8(s.allocCache & 0xff)
ctzIndex := uint8(s.allocCache)
if ctzIndex != 0 {
theBit := uint64(ctzVals[ctzIndex])
freeidx := s.freeindex // help the pre ssa compiler out here with cse.
......@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ type markBits struct {
func (s *mspan) allocBitsForIndex(allocBitIndex uintptr) markBits {
whichByte := allocBitIndex / 8
whichBit := allocBitIndex % 8
return markBits{&s.allocBits[whichByte], uint8(1 << whichBit), allocBitIndex}
bytePtr := addb(s.allocBits, whichByte)
return markBits{bytePtr, uint8(1 << whichBit), allocBitIndex}
// ctzVals contains the count of trailing zeros for the
......@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ func ctz64(markBits uint64) uint64 {
// can be used. It then places these 8 bytes into the cached 64 bit
// s.allocCache.
func (s *mspan) refillAllocCache(whichByte uintptr) {
bytes := s.allocBits[whichByte : whichByte+8]
bytes := (*[8]uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(addb(s.allocBits, whichByte)))
aCache := uint64(0)
aCache |= uint64(bytes[0])
aCache |= uint64(bytes[1]) << (1 * 8)
......@@ -317,28 +318,37 @@ func (s *mspan) nextFreeIndex() uintptr {
func (s *mspan) isFree(index uintptr) bool {
whichByte := index / 8
whichBit := index % 8
return s.allocBits[whichByte]&uint8(1<<whichBit) == 0
byteVal := *addb(s.allocBits, whichByte)
return byteVal&uint8(1<<whichBit) == 0
func (s *mspan) objIndex(p uintptr) uintptr {
byteOffset := p - s.base()
if byteOffset == 0 {
return 0
if s.baseMask != 0 {
// s.baseMask is 0, elemsize is a power of two, so shift by s.divShift
return byteOffset >> s.divShift
return uintptr(((uint64(byteOffset) >> s.divShift) * uint64(s.divMul)) >> s.divShift2)
func markBitsForAddr(p uintptr) markBits {
s := spanOf(p)
return s.markBitsForAddr(p)
objIndex := s.objIndex(p)
return s.markBitsForIndex(objIndex)
func (s *mspan) markBitsForAddr(p uintptr) markBits {
byteOffset := p - s.base()
markBitIndex := uintptr(0)
if byteOffset != 0 {
// markBitIndex := (p - s.base()) / s.elemsize, using division by multiplication
markBitIndex = uintptr(uint64(byteOffset) >> s.divShift * uint64(s.divMul) >> s.divShift2)
whichByte := markBitIndex / 8
whichBit := markBitIndex % 8
return markBits{&s.gcmarkBits[whichByte], uint8(1 << whichBit), markBitIndex}
func (s *mspan) markBitsForIndex(objIndex uintptr) markBits {
whichByte := objIndex / 8
bitMask := uint8(1 << (objIndex % 8)) // low 3 bits hold the bit index
bytePtr := addb(s.gcmarkBits, whichByte)
return markBits{bytePtr, bitMask, objIndex}
func (s *mspan) markBitsForBase() markBits {
return markBits{&s.gcmarkBits[0], uint8(1), 0}
return markBits{s.gcmarkBits, uint8(1), 0}
// isMarked reports whether mark bit m is set.
......@@ -346,7 +356,9 @@ func (m markBits) isMarked() bool {
return *m.bytep&m.mask != 0
// setMarked sets the marked bit in the markbits, atomically.
// setMarked sets the marked bit in the markbits, atomically. Some compilers
// are not able to inline atomic.Or8 function so if it appears as a hot spot consider
// inlining it manually.
func (m markBits) setMarked() {
// Might be racing with other updates, so use atomic update always.
// We used to be clever here and use a non-atomic update in certain
......@@ -415,7 +427,8 @@ func heapBitsForSpan(base uintptr) (hbits heapBits) {
// heapBitsForObject returns the base address for the heap object
// containing the address p, along with the heapBits for base.
// containing the address p, the heapBits for base,
// the object's span, and of the index of the object in s.
// If p does not point into a heap object,
// return base == 0
// otherwise return the base of the object.
......@@ -423,7 +436,7 @@ func heapBitsForSpan(base uintptr) (hbits heapBits) {
// refBase and refOff optionally give the base address of the object
// in which the pointer p was found and the byte offset at which it
// was found. These are used for error reporting.
func heapBitsForObject(p, refBase, refOff uintptr) (base uintptr, hbits heapBits, s *mspan) {
func heapBitsForObject(p, refBase, refOff uintptr) (base uintptr, hbits heapBits, s *mspan, objIndex uintptr) {
arenaStart := mheap_.arena_start
if p < arenaStart || p >= mheap_.arena_used {
......@@ -475,6 +488,7 @@ func heapBitsForObject(p, refBase, refOff uintptr) (base uintptr, hbits heapBits
// optimize for power of 2 sized objects.
base = s.base()
base = base + (p-base)&s.baseMask
objIndex = (base - s.base()) >> s.divShift
// base = p & s.baseMask is faster for small spans,
// but doesn't work for large spans.
// Overall, it's faster to use the more general computation above.
......@@ -482,8 +496,8 @@ func heapBitsForObject(p, refBase, refOff uintptr) (base uintptr, hbits heapBits
base = s.base()
if p-base >= s.elemsize {
// n := (p - base) / s.elemsize, using division by multiplication
n := uintptr(uint64(p-base) >> s.divShift * uint64(s.divMul) >> s.divShift2)
base += n * s.elemsize
objIndex = uintptr(uint64(p-base) >> s.divShift * uint64(s.divMul) >> s.divShift2)
base += objIndex * s.elemsize
// Now that we know the actual base, compute heapBits to return to caller.
......@@ -751,22 +765,6 @@ func typeBitsBulkBarrier(typ *_type, p, size uintptr) {
func (s *mspan) clearGCMarkBits() {
bytesInMarkBits := (s.nelems + 7) / 8
bits := s.gcmarkBits[:bytesInMarkBits]
for i := range bits {
bits[i] = 0
func (s *mspan) clearAllocBits() {
bytesInMarkBits := (s.nelems + 7) / 8
bits := s.allocBits[:bytesInMarkBits]
for i := range bits {
bits[i] = 0
// The methods operating on spans all require that h has been returned
// by heapBitsForSpan and that size, n, total are the span layout description
// returned by the mspan's layout method.
......@@ -784,13 +782,13 @@ func (h heapBits) initSpan(s *mspan) {
size, n, total := s.layout()
// Init the markbit structures
s.allocBits = &s.markbits1
s.gcmarkBits = &s.markbits2
s.freeindex = 0
s.allocCache = ^uint64(0) // all 1s indicating all free.
s.nelems = n
s.allocBits = nil
s.gcmarkBits = nil
s.gcmarkBits = newMarkBits(s.nelems)
s.allocBits = newAllocBits(s.nelems)
// Clear bits corresponding to objects.
if total%heapBitmapScale != 0 {
......@@ -897,13 +895,13 @@ func (s *mspan) countFree() int {
count := 0
maxIndex := s.nelems / 8
for i := uintptr(0); i < maxIndex; i++ {
count += int(oneBitCount[s.gcmarkBits[i]])
mrkBits := *addb(s.gcmarkBits, i)
count += int(oneBitCount[mrkBits])
if bitsInLastByte := s.nelems % 8; bitsInLastByte != 0 {
markBits := uint8(s.gcmarkBits[maxIndex])
mrkBits := *addb(s.gcmarkBits, maxIndex)
mask := uint8((1 << bitsInLastByte) - 1)
bits := markBits & mask
bits := mrkBits & mask
count += int(oneBitCount[bits])
return int(s.nelems) - count
......@@ -1082,8 +1082,8 @@ func scanblock(b0, n0 uintptr, ptrmask *uint8, gcw *gcWork) {
// Same work as in scanobject; see comments there.
obj := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(b + i))
if obj != 0 && arena_start <= obj && obj < arena_used {
if obj, hbits, span := heapBitsForObject(obj, b, i); obj != 0 {
greyobject(obj, b, i, hbits, span, gcw)
if obj, hbits, span, objIndex := heapBitsForObject(obj, b, i); obj != 0 {
greyobject(obj, b, i, hbits, span, gcw, objIndex)
......@@ -1148,8 +1148,8 @@ func scanobject(b uintptr, gcw *gcWork) {
// Check if it points into heap and not back at the current object.
if obj != 0 && arena_start <= obj && obj < arena_used && obj-b >= n {
// Mark the object.
if obj, hbits, span := heapBitsForObject(obj, b, i); obj != 0 {
greyobject(obj, b, i, hbits, span, gcw)
if obj, hbits, span, objIndex := heapBitsForObject(obj, b, i); obj != 0 {
greyobject(obj, b, i, hbits, span, gcw, objIndex)
......@@ -1162,9 +1162,9 @@ func scanobject(b uintptr, gcw *gcWork) {
// Preemption must be disabled.
func shade(b uintptr) {
if obj, hbits, span := heapBitsForObject(b, 0, 0); obj != 0 {
if obj, hbits, span, objIndex := heapBitsForObject(b, 0, 0); obj != 0 {
gcw := &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw
greyobject(obj, 0, 0, hbits, span, gcw)
greyobject(obj, 0, 0, hbits, span, gcw, objIndex)
if gcphase == _GCmarktermination || gcBlackenPromptly {
// Ps aren't allowed to cache work during mark
// termination.
......@@ -1177,12 +1177,13 @@ func shade(b uintptr) {
// If it isn't already marked, mark it and enqueue into gcw.
// base and off are for debugging only and could be removed.
func greyobject(obj, base, off uintptr, hbits heapBits, span *mspan, gcw *gcWork) {
func greyobject(obj, base, off uintptr, hbits heapBits, span *mspan, gcw *gcWork, objIndex uintptr) {
// obj should be start of allocation, and so must be at least pointer-aligned.
if obj&(sys.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
throw("greyobject: obj not pointer-aligned")
mbits := span.markBitsForAddr(obj)
mbits := span.markBitsForIndex(objIndex)
if useCheckmark {
if !mbits.isMarked() {
......@@ -1209,8 +1210,8 @@ func greyobject(obj, base, off uintptr, hbits heapBits, span *mspan, gcw *gcWork
if mbits.isMarked() {
// mbits.setMarked() // Avoid extra call overhead with manual inlining.
atomic.Or8(mbits.bytep, mbits.mask)
// If this is a noscan object, fast-track it to black
// instead of greying it.
if !hbits.hasPointers(span.elemsize) {
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ func finishsweep_m(stw bool) {
func bgsweep(c chan int) {
......@@ -211,8 +212,9 @@ func (s *mspan) sweep(preserve bool) bool {
special := *specialp
for special != nil {
// A finalizer can be set for an inner byte of an object, find object beginning.
p := s.base() + uintptr(special.offset)/size*size
mbits := s.markBitsForAddr(p)
objIndex := uintptr(special.offset) / size
p := s.base() + objIndex*size
mbits := s.markBitsForIndex(objIndex)
if !mbits.isMarked() {
// This object is not marked and has at least one special record.
// Pass 1: see if it has at least one finalizer.
......@@ -260,13 +262,13 @@ func (s *mspan) sweep(preserve bool) bool {
s.allocCount = uint16(s.nelems) - uint16(nfree)
wasempty := s.nextFreeIndex() == s.nelems
s.freeindex = 0 // reset allocation index to start of span.
// Swap role of allocBits with gcmarkBits
// Clear gcmarkBits in preparation for next GC
s.allocBits, s.gcmarkBits = s.gcmarkBits, s.allocBits
s.clearGCMarkBits() // prepare for next GC
// gcmarkBits becomes the allocBits.
// get a fresh cleared gcmarkBits in preparation for next GC
s.allocBits = s.gcmarkBits
s.gcmarkBits = newMarkBits(s.nelems)
// Initialize alloc bits cache.
......@@ -149,16 +149,31 @@ type mspan struct {
// allocCache may contain bits beyond s.nelems; the caller must ignore
// these.
allocCache uint64
allocBits *[maxObjsPerSpan / 8]uint8
gcmarkBits *[maxObjsPerSpan / 8]uint8
// allocBits and gcmarkBits currently point to either markbits1
// or markbits2. At the end of a GC cycle allocBits and
// gcmarkBits swap roles simply by swapping pointers.
// This level of indirection also facilitates an implementation
// where markbits1 and markbits2 are not inlined in mspan.
markbits1 [maxObjsPerSpan / 8]uint8 // A bit for each obj.
markbits2 [maxObjsPerSpan / 8]uint8 // A bit for each obj.
// allocBits and gcmarkBits hold pointers to a span's mark and
// allocation bits. The pointers are 8 byte aligned.
// There are three arenas where this data is held.
// free: Dirty arenas that are no longer accessed
// and can be reused.
// next: Holds information to be used in the next GC cycle.
// current: Information being used during this GC cycle.
// previous: Information being used during the last GC cycle.
// A new GC cycle starts with the call to finishsweep_m.
// finishsweep_m moves the previous arena to the free arena,
// the current arena to the previous arena, and
// the next arena to the current arena.
// The next arena is populated as the spans request
// memory to hold gcmarkBits for the next GC cycle as well
// as allocBits for newly allocated spans.
// The pointer arithmetic is done "by hand" instead of using
// arrays to avoid bounds checks along critical performance
// paths.
// The sweep will free the old allocBits and set allocBits to the
// gcmarkBits. The gcmarkBits are replaced with a fresh zeroed
// out memory.
allocBits *uint8
gcmarkBits *uint8
// sweep generation:
// if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 2, the span needs sweeping
......@@ -950,16 +965,8 @@ func (span *mspan) init(start pageID, npages uintptr) {
span.specials = nil
span.needzero = 0
span.freeindex = 0
span.allocBits = &span.markbits1
span.gcmarkBits = &span.markbits2
// determine if this is actually needed. It is once / span so it
// isn't expensive. This is to be replaced by an arena
// based system where things can be cleared all at once so
// don't worry about optimizing this.
for i := 0; i < len(span.markbits1); i++ {
span.allocBits[i] = 0
span.gcmarkBits[i] = 0
span.allocBits = nil
span.gcmarkBits = nil
func (span *mspan) inList() bool {
......@@ -1226,3 +1233,117 @@ func freespecial(s *special, p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
panic("not reached")
const gcBitsChunkBytes = uintptr(1 << 16)
const gcBitsHeaderBytes = unsafe.Sizeof(gcBitsHeader{})
type gcBitsHeader struct {
free uintptr // free is the index into bits of the next free byte.
next uintptr // *gcBits triggers recursive type bug. (issue 14620)
type gcBits struct {
// gcBitsHeader // side step recursive type bug (issue 14620) by including fields by hand.
free uintptr // free is the index into bits of the next free byte.
next *gcBits
bits [gcBitsChunkBytes - gcBitsHeaderBytes]uint8
var gcBitsArenas struct {
lock mutex
free *gcBits
next *gcBits
current *gcBits
previous *gcBits
// newMarkBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for a span's mark bits.
func newMarkBits(nelems uintptr) *uint8 {
blocksNeeded := uintptr((nelems + 63) / 64)
bytesNeeded := blocksNeeded * 8
if == nil || > uintptr(len(gcBits{}.bits)) {
// Allocate a new arena.
fresh := newArena() = = fresh
if >= gcBitsChunkBytes {
println("runtime:",, gcBitsChunkBytes)
throw("markBits overflow")
result := &[] += bytesNeeded
return result
// newAllocBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for this span's alloc bits.
// newAllocBits is used to provide newly initialized spans
// allocation bits. For spans not being initialized the
// the mark bits are repurposed as allocation bits when
// the span is swept.
func newAllocBits(nelems uintptr) *uint8 {
return newMarkBits(nelems)
// nextMarkBitArenaEpoch establishes a new epoch for the arenas
// holding the mark bits. The arenas are named relative to the
// current GC cycle which is demarcated by the call to finishweep_m.
// All current spans have been swept.
// During that sweep each span allocated room for its gcmarkBits in
// block. becomes the gcBitsArenas.current
// where the GC will mark objects and after each span is swept these bits
// will be used to allocate objects.
// gcBitsArenas.current becomes gcBitsArenas.previous where the span's
// gcAllocBits live until all the spans have been swept during this GC cycle.
// The span's sweep extinguishes all the references to gcBitsArenas.previous
// by pointing gcAllocBits into the gcBitsArenas.current.
// The gcBitsArenas.previous is released to the list.
func nextMarkBitArenaEpoch() {
if gcBitsArenas.previous != nil {
if == nil { = gcBitsArenas.previous
} else {
// Find end of previous arenas.
last := gcBitsArenas.previous
for last = gcBitsArenas.previous; != nil; last = {
} = = gcBitsArenas.previous
gcBitsArenas.previous = gcBitsArenas.current
gcBitsArenas.current = = nil // newMarkBits calls newArena when needed
// newArena allocates and zeroes a gcBits arena.
func newArena() *gcBits {
var result *gcBits
if == nil {
result = (*gcBits)(sysAlloc(gcBitsChunkBytes, &memstats.gc_sys))
if result == nil {
throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
} else {
result = =
memclr(unsafe.Pointer(result), gcBitsChunkBytes)
} = nil
// If result.bits is not 8 byte aligned adjust index so
// that &result.bits[] is 8 byte aligned.
if uintptr(unsafe.Offsetof(gcBits{}.bits))&7 == 0 { = 0
} else { = 8 - (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result.bits[0])) & 7)
return result
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