Commit 2e1bc9e8 authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

cmd/vet: little tweak to tagged literal script to get it closer to drop-in format.

This is a minor change that made it easier for me; if you hate it I can drop it.

parent 0c74d867
......@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ var untaggedLiteralWhitelist = map[string]bool{
find $GOROOT/src/pkg -type f | grep -v _test.go | xargs grep '^type.*\[\]' | \
grep -v ' map\[' | sed 's,/[^/]*go.type,,' | sed 's,.*src/pkg/,,' | \
sed 's, ,.,' | sed 's, .*,,' | grep -v '\.[a-z]' | sort
sed 's, ,.,' | sed 's, .*,,' | grep -v '\.[a-z]' | \
sort | awk '{ print "\"" $0 "\": true," }'
"crypto/x509/pkix.RDNSequence": true,
"crypto/x509/pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET": true,
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