Commit 33ca16d6 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

mime/multipart: add ReadForm and associated types

R=brad_danga_com, rsc, dfc, r, dchest, bradfitz
parent bb1ec0df
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include ../../../
include ../../../Make.pkg
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package multipart
import (
// TODO(adg,bradfitz): find a way to unify the DoS-prevention strategy here
// with that of the http package's ParseForm.
// ReadForm parses an entire multipart message whose parts have
// a Content-Disposition of "form-data".
// It stores up to maxMemory bytes of the file parts in memory
// and the remainder on disk in temporary files.
func (r *multiReader) ReadForm(maxMemory int64) (f *Form, err os.Error) {
form := &Form{make(map[string][]string), make(map[string][]*FileHeader)}
defer func() {
if err != nil {
maxValueBytes := int64(10 << 20) // 10 MB is a lot of text.
for {
p, err := r.NextPart()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p == nil {
name := p.FormName()
if name == "" {
var filename string
if p.dispositionParams != nil {
filename = p.dispositionParams["filename"]
var b bytes.Buffer
if filename == "" {
// value, store as string in memory
n, err := io.Copyn(&b, p, maxValueBytes)
if err != nil && err != os.EOF {
return nil, err
maxValueBytes -= n
if maxValueBytes == 0 {
return nil, os.NewError("multipart: message too large")
form.Value[name] = append(form.Value[name], b.String())
// file, store in memory or on disk
fh := &FileHeader{
Filename: filename,
Header: p.Header,
n, err := io.Copyn(&b, p, maxMemory+1)
if err != nil && err != os.EOF {
return nil, err
if n > maxMemory {
// too big, write to disk and flush buffer
file, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "multipart-")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(file, io.MultiReader(&b, p))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fh.tmpfile = file.Name()
} else {
fh.content = b.Bytes()
maxMemory -= n
form.File[name] = append(form.File[name], fh)
return form, nil
// Form is a parsed multipart form.
// Its File parts are stored either in memory or on disk,
// and are accessible via the *FileHeader's Open method.
// Its Value parts are stored as strings.
// Both are keyed by field name.
type Form struct {
Value map[string][]string
File map[string][]*FileHeader
// RemoveAll removes any temporary files associated with a Form.
func (f *Form) RemoveAll() os.Error {
var err os.Error
for _, fhs := range f.File {
for _, fh := range fhs {
if fh.tmpfile != "" {
e := os.Remove(fh.tmpfile)
if e != nil && err == nil {
err = e
return err
// A FileHeader describes a file part of a multipart request.
type FileHeader struct {
Filename string
Header textproto.MIMEHeader
content []byte
tmpfile string
// Open opens and returns the FileHeader's associated File.
func (fh *FileHeader) Open() (File, os.Error) {
if b := fh.content; b != nil {
r := io.NewSectionReader(sliceReaderAt(b), 0, int64(len(b)))
return sectionReadCloser{r}, nil
return os.Open(fh.tmpfile)
// File is an interface to access the file part of a multipart message.
// Its contents may be either stored in memory or on disk.
// If stored on disk, the File's underlying concrete type will be an *os.File.
type File interface {
// helper types to turn a []byte into a File
type sectionReadCloser struct {
func (rc sectionReadCloser) Close() os.Error {
return nil
type sliceReaderAt []byte
func (r sliceReaderAt) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, os.Error) {
if int(off) >= len(r) || off < 0 {
return 0, os.EINVAL
n := copy(b, r[int(off):])
return n, nil
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package multipart
import (
func TestReadForm(t *testing.T) {
testBody := regexp.MustCompile("\n").ReplaceAllString(message, "\r\n")
b := bytes.NewBufferString(testBody)
r := NewReader(b, boundary)
f, err := r.ReadForm(25)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("ReadForm:", err)
defer f.RemoveAll()
if g, e := f.Value["texta"][0], textaValue; g != e {
t.Errorf("texta value = %q, want %q", g, e)
if g, e := f.Value["textb"][0], textbValue; g != e {
t.Errorf("texta value = %q, want %q", g, e)
fd := testFile(t, f.File["filea"][0], "filea.txt", fileaContents)
if _, ok := fd.(*os.File); ok {
t.Error("file is *os.File, should not be")
fd = testFile(t, f.File["fileb"][0], "fileb.txt", filebContents)
if _, ok := fd.(*os.File); !ok {
t.Error("file has unexpected underlying type %T", fd)
func testFile(t *testing.T, fh *FileHeader, efn, econtent string) File {
if fh.Filename != efn {
t.Errorf("filename = %q, want %q", fh.Filename, efn)
f, err := fh.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("opening file:", err)
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, err = io.Copy(b, f)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("copying contents:", err)
if g := b.String(); g != econtent {
t.Errorf("contents = %q, want %q", g, econtent)
return f
const (
fileaContents = "This is a test file."
filebContents = "Another test file."
textaValue = "foo"
textbValue = "bar"
boundary = `MyBoundary`
const message = `
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="filea"; filename="filea.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
` + fileaContents + `
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileb"; filename="fileb.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
` + filebContents + `
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="texta"
` + textaValue + `
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="textb"
` + textbValue + `
......@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ type Reader interface {
// reports errors, or on truncated or otherwise malformed
// input.
NextPart() (*Part, os.Error)
// ReadForm parses an entire multipart message whose parts have
// a Content-Disposition of "form-data".
// It stores up to maxMemory bytes of the file parts in memory
// and the remainder on disk in temporary files.
ReadForm(maxMemory int64) (*Form, os.Error)
// A Part represents a single part in a multipart body.
......@@ -46,6 +52,8 @@ type Part struct {
buffer *bytes.Buffer
mr *multiReader
dispositionParams map[string]string
// FormName returns the name parameter if p has a Content-Disposition
......@@ -53,15 +61,19 @@ type Part struct {
func (p *Part) FormName() string {
// See section 2 for EBNF
// of Content-Disposition value format.
if p.dispositionParams != nil {
return p.dispositionParams["name"]
v := p.Header.Get("Content-Disposition")
if v == "" {
return ""
d, params := mime.ParseMediaType(v)
if d != "form-data" {
if d, params := mime.ParseMediaType(v); d != "form-data" {
return ""
} else {
p.dispositionParams = params
return params["name"]
return p.dispositionParams["name"]
// NewReader creates a new multipart Reader reading from r using the
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