Commit 4958f9e2 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall Committed by Cherry Zhang

runtime: remove unused arm assembly for div/mod

Also add runtime· prefixes to the code that is still used.

Fixes #19507

Change-Id: Ib6da6b2a9e398061d3f93958ee1258295b6cc33b
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 03a4a5c9
......@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ func (c *ctxt5) softfloat() {
symsfloat := c.ctxt.Lookup("_sfloat")
symsfloat := c.ctxt.Lookup("runtime._sfloat")
wasfloat := 0
for p := c.cursym.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ func (c *ctxt5) softfloat() {
next = c.newprog()
*next = *p
// BL _sfloat(SB)
// BL runtime·_sfloat(SB)
*p = obj.Prog{}
p.Ctxt = c.ctxt
p.Link = next
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ runtime/duff_arm.s: [arm] duffcopy: function duffcopy missing Go declaration
runtime/tls_arm.s: [arm] save_g: function save_g missing Go declaration
runtime/tls_arm.s: [arm] load_g: function load_g missing Go declaration
runtime/tls_arm.s: [arm] _initcgo: function _initcgo missing Go declaration
runtime/vlop_arm.s: [arm] udiv: function udiv missing Go declaration
// Clearer using FP than SP, but that requires named offsets.
runtime/asm_arm.s: [arm] rt0_go: use of 4(R13) points beyond argument frame
......@@ -653,3 +653,8 @@ func sfloat2(pc uint32, regs *[15]uint32) uint32 {
return pc
// Stubs to pacify vet. Not safe to call from Go.
// Calls to these functions are inserted by the compiler.
func _sfloat()
func udiv()
......@@ -28,26 +28,10 @@
#include "funcdata.h"
#include "textflag.h"
/* replaced use of R10 by R11 because the former can be the data segment base register */
TEXT _mulv(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
MOVW l0+0(FP), R2 /* l0 */
MOVW h0+4(FP), R11 /* h0 */
MOVW l1+8(FP), R4 /* l1 */
MOVW h1+12(FP), R5 /* h1 */
MULLU R4, R2, (R7,R6)
MUL R11, R4, R8
ADD R8, R7
MUL R2, R5, R8
ADD R8, R7
MOVW R6, ret_lo+16(FP)
MOVW R7, ret_hi+20(FP)
// trampoline for _sfloat2. passes LR as arg0 and
// saves registers R0-R13 and CPSR on the stack. R0-R12 and CPSR flags can
// be changed by _sfloat2.
TEXT _sfloat(SB), NOSPLIT, $68-0 // 4 arg + 14*4 saved regs + cpsr + return value
TEXT runtime·_sfloat(SB), NOSPLIT, $68-0 // 4 arg + 14*4 saved regs + cpsr + return value
MOVW R14, 4(R13)
MOVW R0, 8(R13)
MOVW $12(R13), R0
......@@ -215,118 +199,6 @@ DATA fast_udiv_tab<>+0x38(SB)/4, $0x85868788
DATA fast_udiv_tab<>+0x3c(SB)/4, $0x81828384
GLOBL fast_udiv_tab<>(SB), RODATA, $64
// The linker will pass numerator in R8
#define Rn R8
// The linker expects the result in RTMP
#define RTMP R11
TEXT _divu(SB), NOSPLIT, $16-0
// It's not strictly true that there are no local pointers.
// It could be that the saved registers Rq, Rr, Rs, and Rm
// contain pointers. However, the only way this can matter
// is if the stack grows (which it can't, udiv is nosplit)
// or if a fault happens and more frames are added to
// the stack due to deferred functions.
// In the latter case, the stack can grow arbitrarily,
// and garbage collection can happen, and those
// operations care about pointers, but in that case
// the calling frame is dead, and so are the saved
// registers. So we can claim there are no pointers here.
MOVW Rq, 4(R13)
MOVW Rr, 8(R13)
MOVW Rs, 12(R13)
MOVW RM, 16(R13)
MOVW Rn, Rr /* numerator */
MOVW g_m(g), Rq
MOVW m_divmod(Rq), Rq /* denominator */
BL runtime·udiv(SB)
MOVW 4(R13), Rq
MOVW 8(R13), Rr
MOVW 12(R13), Rs
MOVW 16(R13), RM
TEXT _modu(SB), NOSPLIT, $16-0
MOVW Rq, 4(R13)
MOVW Rr, 8(R13)
MOVW Rs, 12(R13)
MOVW RM, 16(R13)
MOVW Rn, Rr /* numerator */
MOVW g_m(g), Rq
MOVW m_divmod(Rq), Rq /* denominator */
BL runtime·udiv(SB)
MOVW 4(R13), Rq
MOVW 8(R13), Rr
MOVW 12(R13), Rs
MOVW 16(R13), RM
TEXT _div(SB),NOSPLIT,$16-0
MOVW Rq, 4(R13)
MOVW Rr, 8(R13)
MOVW Rs, 12(R13)
MOVW RM, 16(R13)
MOVW Rn, Rr /* numerator */
MOVW g_m(g), Rq
MOVW m_divmod(Rq), Rq /* denominator */
CMP $0, Rr
BGE d1
RSB $0, Rr, Rr
CMP $0, Rq
BGE d2
RSB $0, Rq, Rq
BL runtime·udiv(SB) /* none/both neg */
B out1
CMP $0, Rq
BGE d0
RSB $0, Rq, Rq
BL runtime·udiv(SB) /* one neg */
RSB $0, Rq, RTMP
MOVW 4(R13), Rq
MOVW 8(R13), Rr
MOVW 12(R13), Rs
MOVW 16(R13), RM
TEXT _mod(SB),NOSPLIT,$16-0
MOVW Rq, 4(R13)
MOVW Rr, 8(R13)
MOVW Rs, 12(R13)
MOVW RM, 16(R13)
MOVW Rn, Rr /* numerator */
MOVW g_m(g), Rq
MOVW m_divmod(Rq), Rq /* denominator */
CMP $0, Rq
RSB.LT $0, Rq, Rq
CMP $0, Rr
BGE m1
RSB $0, Rr, Rr
BL runtime·udiv(SB) /* neg numerator */
RSB $0, Rr, RTMP
B out
BL runtime·udiv(SB) /* pos numerator */
MOVW 4(R13), Rq
MOVW 8(R13), Rr
MOVW 12(R13), Rs
MOVW 16(R13), RM
// _mul64by32 and _div64by32 not implemented on arm
TEXT runtime·_mul64by32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
MOVW $0, R0
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