Commit 4f0aac52 authored by David Crawshaw's avatar David Crawshaw

cmd/go: add comment about SIGUSR2 on iOS

Missing from CL 34926.

Change-Id: I4a046440c30811f26da53bee0e853dae3b0ac57a
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 333f764d
......@@ -1531,6 +1531,10 @@ func coverRegisterFile(fileName string, counter []uint32, pos []uint32, numStmts
func main() {
{{if .IsIOS}}
// Send a SIGUSR2, which will be intercepted by LLDB to
// tell the test harness that installation was successful,
// and to give the exec script a chance set the current
// working directory. See misc/ios/go_darwin_arm_exec.go.
signal.Notify(make(chan os.Signal), syscall.SIGUSR2)
syscall.Kill(0, syscall.SIGUSR2)
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