Commit 51072eb1 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/gc: fix parallel assignment in range

for expr1, expr2 = range slice
was assigning to expr1 and expr2 in sequence
instead of in parallel.  Now it assigns in parallel,
as it should.  This matters for things like
for i, x[i] = range slice.

Fixes #3464.

parent bf18d57d
......@@ -152,9 +152,14 @@ walkrange(Node *n)
n->ntest = nod(OLT, hv1, hn);
n->nincr = nod(OASOP, hv1, nodintconst(1));
n->nincr->etype = OADD;
body = list1(nod(OAS, v1, hv1));
if(v2) {
body = list(body, nod(OAS, v2, nod(OIND, hp, N)));
if(v2 == N)
body = list1(nod(OAS, v1, hv1));
else {
a = nod(OAS2, N, N);
a->list = list(list1(v1), v2);
a->rlist = list(list1(hv1), nod(OIND, hp, N));
body = list1(a);
tmp = nod(OADD, hp, nodintconst(t->type->width));
tmp->type = hp->type;
tmp->typecheck = 1;
......@@ -1950,6 +1950,12 @@ safeexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init)
if(n == N)
return N;
if(n->ninit) {
*init = concat(*init, n->ninit);
n->ninit = nil;
switch(n->op) {
case ONAME:
......@@ -58,6 +58,17 @@ func testslice() {
println("wrong sum ranging over makeslice")
x := []int{10, 20}
y := []int{99}
i := 1
for i, x[i] = range y {
if i != 0 || x[0] != 10 || x[1] != 99 {
println("wrong parallel assignment", i, x[0], x[1])
func testslice1() {
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