Commit 75ce89c2 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

cmd/compile: cache CFG-dependent computations

We compute a lot of stuff based off the CFG: postorder traversal,
dominators, dominator tree, loop nest.  Multiple phases use this
information and we end up recomputing some of it.  Add a cache
for this information so if the CFG hasn't changed, we can reuse
the previous computation.

Change-Id: I9b5b58af06830bd120afbee9cfab395a0a2f74b2
Reviewed-on: 's avatarDavid Chase <>
parent 2679282d
......@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ func (b *Block) AddEdgeTo(c *Block) {
j := len(c.Preds)
b.Succs = append(b.Succs, Edge{c, j})
c.Preds = append(c.Preds, Edge{b, i})
// removePred removes the ith input edge from b.
......@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ func (b *Block) removePred(i int) {
b.Preds[n] = Edge{}
b.Preds = b.Preds[:n]
// removeSucc removes the ith output edge from b.
......@@ -174,6 +176,7 @@ func (b *Block) removeSucc(i int) {
b.Succs[n] = Edge{}
b.Succs = b.Succs[:n]
func (b *Block) swapSuccessors() {
......@@ -255,8 +255,7 @@ func checkFunc(f *Func) {
if f.RegAlloc == nil {
// Note: regalloc introduces non-dominating args.
// See TODO in regalloc.go.
idom := dominators(f)
sdom := newSparseTree(f, idom)
sdom := f.sdom()
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
for i, arg := range v.Args {
......@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ var passes = [...]pass{
{name: "opt", fn: opt, required: true}, // TODO: split required rules and optimizing rules
{name: "zero arg cse", fn: zcse, required: true}, // required to merge OpSB values
{name: "opt deadcode", fn: deadcode, required: true}, // remove any blocks orphaned during opt
{name: "generic domtree", fn: domTree},
{name: "generic cse", fn: cse},
{name: "phiopt", fn: phiopt},
{name: "nilcheckelim", fn: nilcheckelim},
......@@ -308,12 +307,6 @@ var passOrder = [...]constraint{
{"opt", "nilcheckelim"},
// tighten should happen before lowering to avoid splitting naturally paired instructions such as CMP/SET
{"tighten", "lower"},
// cse, phiopt, nilcheckelim, prove and loopbce share idom.
{"generic domtree", "generic cse"},
{"generic domtree", "phiopt"},
{"generic domtree", "nilcheckelim"},
{"generic domtree", "prove"},
{"generic domtree", "loopbce"},
// tighten will be most effective when as many values have been removed as possible
{"generic deadcode", "tighten"},
{"generic cse", "tighten"},
......@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
// Dominator tree (f.sdom) is computed by the generic domtree pass.
sdom := f.sdom()
// Compute substitutions we would like to do. We substitute v for w
// if v and w are in the same equivalence class and v dominates w.
rewrite := make([]*Value, f.NumValues())
for _, e := range partition {
sort.Sort(partitionByDom{e, f.sdom})
sort.Sort(partitionByDom{e, sdom})
for i := 0; i < len(e)-1; i++ {
// e is sorted by domorder, so a maximal dominant element is first in the slice
v := e[i]
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
if w == nil {
if f.sdom.isAncestorEq(v.Block, w.Block) {
if sdom.isAncestorEq(v.Block, w.Block) {
rewrite[w.ID] = v
e[j] = nil
} else {
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ func TestCSEAuxPartitionBug(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ func dominatorsSimple(f *Func) []*Block {
idom := make([]*Block, f.NumBlocks())
// Compute postorder walk
post := postorder(f)
post := f.postorder()
// Make map from block id to order index (for intersect call)
postnum := make([]int, f.NumBlocks())
......@@ -306,9 +306,3 @@ func intersect(b, c *Block, postnum []int, idom []*Block) *Block {
return b
// build immediate dominators.
func domTree(f *Func) {
f.idom = dominators(f)
f.sdom = newSparseTree(f, f.idom)
......@@ -11,14 +11,10 @@ func flagalloc(f *Func) {
// Compute the in-register flag value we want at the end of
// each block. This is basically a best-effort live variable
// analysis, so it can be much simpler than a full analysis.
// TODO: do we really need to keep flag values live across blocks?
// Could we force the flags register to be unused at basic block
// boundaries? Then we wouldn't need this computation.
end := make([]*Value, f.NumBlocks())
po := f.postorder()
for n := 0; n < 2; n++ {
// Walk blocks backwards. Poor-man's postorder traversal.
for i := len(f.Blocks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
b := f.Blocks[i]
for _, b := range po {
// Walk values backwards to figure out what flag
// value we want in the flag register at the start
// of the block.
......@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ type Func struct {
freeValues *Value // free Values linked by argstorage[0]. All other fields except ID are 0/nil.
freeBlocks *Block // free Blocks linked by succstorage[0].b. All other fields except ID are 0/nil.
idom []*Block // precomputed immediate dominators
sdom SparseTree // precomputed dominator tree
cachedPostorder []*Block // cached postorder traversal
cachedIdom []*Block // cached immediate dominators
cachedSdom SparseTree // cached dominator tree
cachedLoopnest *loopnest // cached loop nest information
constants map[int64][]*Value // constants cache, keyed by constant value; users must check value's Op and Type
......@@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ func (f *Func) NewBlock(kind BlockKind) *Block {
b.Succs = b.succstorage[:0]
b.Values = b.valstorage[:0]
f.Blocks = append(f.Blocks, b)
return b
......@@ -409,6 +412,9 @@ func (f *Func) Log() bool { return f.Config.Log() }
func (f *Func) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}) { f.Config.Fatalf(f.Entry.Line, msg, args...) }
func (f *Func) Free() {
// Clear cached CFG info.
// Clear values.
n := f.vid.num()
if n > len(f.Config.values) {
......@@ -436,3 +442,45 @@ func (f *Func) Free() {
f.Config.curFunc = nil
*f = Func{} // just in case
// postorder returns the reachable blocks in f in a postorder traversal.
func (f *Func) postorder() []*Block {
if f.cachedPostorder == nil {
f.cachedPostorder = postorder(f)
return f.cachedPostorder
// idom returns a map from block ID to the immediate dominator of that block.
// f.Entry.ID maps to nil. Unreachable blocks map to nil as well.
func (f *Func) idom() []*Block {
if f.cachedIdom == nil {
f.cachedIdom = dominators(f)
return f.cachedIdom
// sdom returns a sparse tree representing the dominator relationships
// among the blocks of f.
func (f *Func) sdom() SparseTree {
if f.cachedSdom == nil {
f.cachedSdom = newSparseTree(f, f.idom())
return f.cachedSdom
// loopnest returns the loop nest information for f.
func (f *Func) loopnest() *loopnest {
if f.cachedLoopnest == nil {
f.cachedLoopnest = loopnestfor(f)
return f.cachedLoopnest
// invalidateCFG tells f that its CFG has changed.
func (f *Func) invalidateCFG() {
f.cachedPostorder = nil
f.cachedIdom = nil
f.cachedSdom = nil
f.cachedLoopnest = nil
......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ func likelyadjust(f *Func) {
certain := make([]int8, f.NumBlocks()) // In the long run, all outcomes are at least this bad. Mainly for Exit
local := make([]int8, f.NumBlocks()) // for our immediate predecessors.
nest := loopnestfor(f)
po := nest.po
po := f.postorder()
nest := f.loopnest()
b2l := nest.b2l
for _, b := range po {
......@@ -260,9 +260,8 @@ func (l *loop) nearestOuterLoop(sdom SparseTree, b *Block) *loop {
func loopnestfor(f *Func) *loopnest {
po := postorder(f)
dom := dominators(f)
sdom := newSparseTree(f, dom)
po := f.postorder()
sdom := f.sdom()
b2l := make([]*loop, f.NumBlocks())
loops := make([]*loop, 0)
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type indVar struct {
// TODO: handle 32 bit operations
func findIndVar(f *Func) []indVar {
var iv []indVar
sdom := f.sdom()
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
......@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ nextb:
// Second condition: b.Succs[entry] dominates nxt so that
// nxt is computed when inc < max, meaning nxt <= max.
if !f.sdom.isAncestorEq(b.Succs[entry].b, nxt.Block) {
if !sdom.isAncestorEq(b.Succs[entry].b, nxt.Block) {
// inc+ind can only be reached through the branch that enters the loop.
......@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ func loopbce(f *Func) {
// removesBoundsChecks remove IsInBounds and IsSliceInBounds based on the induction variables.
func removeBoundsChecks(f *Func, m map[*Value]indVar) {
sdom := f.sdom()
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
if b.Kind != BlockIf {
......@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ func removeBoundsChecks(f *Func, m map[*Value]indVar) {
goto skip1
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && f.sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isNonNegative(iv.min) {
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isNonNegative(iv.min) {
if v.Args[1] == iv.max {
if f.pass.debug > 0 {
f.Config.Warnl(b.Line, "Found redundant %s", v.Op)
......@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ func removeBoundsChecks(f *Func, m map[*Value]indVar) {
goto skip2
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && f.sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isNonNegative(iv.min) {
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isNonNegative(iv.min) {
if v.Args[1].Op == OpSliceCap && iv.max.Op == OpSliceLen && v.Args[1].Args[0] == iv.max.Args[0] {
if f.pass.debug > 0 {
f.Config.Warnl(b.Line, "Found redundant %s (len promoted to cap)", v.Op)
......@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ func removeBoundsChecks(f *Func, m map[*Value]indVar) {
// ind + add >= 0 <-> min + add >= 0 <-> min >= -add
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && f.sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isGreaterOrEqualThan(iv.min, -add) {
if iv, has := m[ind]; has && sdom.isAncestorEq(iv.entry, b) && isGreaterOrEqualThan(iv.min, -add) {
if !v.Args[1].isGenericIntConst() || !iv.max.isGenericIntConst() {
goto skip3
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ func nilcheckelim(f *Func) {
// A nil check is redundant if the same nil check was successful in a
// dominating block. The efficacy of this pass depends heavily on the
// efficacy of the cse pass.
idom := f.idom
idom := f.idom()
domTree := make([][]*Block, f.NumBlocks())
// Create a block ID -> [dominees] mapping
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ func benchmarkNilCheckDeep(b *testing.B, depth int) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
......@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ func TestNilcheckSimple(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ func TestNilcheckDomOrder(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -156,7 +153,6 @@ func TestNilcheckAddr(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -191,7 +187,6 @@ func TestNilcheckAddPtr(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -236,7 +231,6 @@ func TestNilcheckPhi(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -278,7 +272,6 @@ func TestNilcheckKeepRemove(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -326,7 +319,6 @@ func TestNilcheckInFalseBranch(t *testing.T) {
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -378,7 +370,6 @@ func TestNilcheckUser(t *testing.T) {
// we need the opt here to rewrite the user nilcheck
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ func TestNilcheckBug(t *testing.T) {
// we need the opt here to rewrite the user nilcheck
// clean up the removed nil check
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ func benchFnPass(b *testing.B, fn passFunc, size int, bg blockGen) {
c := NewConfig("amd64", DummyFrontend{b}, nil, true)
fun := Fun(c, "entry", bg(size)...)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
......@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ func benchFnBlock(b *testing.B, fn passFunc, bg blockGen) {
c := NewConfig("amd64", DummyFrontend{b}, nil, true)
fun := Fun(c, "entry", bg(b.N)...)
for i := 0; i < passCount; i++ {
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ package ssa
// In this case we can replace x with a copy of b.
func phiopt(f *Func) {
sdom := f.sdom()
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
if len(b.Preds) != 2 || len(b.Values) == 0 {
// TODO: handle more than 2 predecessors, e.g. a || b || c.
......@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ func phiopt(f *Func) {
// value is always computed. This guarantees that the side effects
// of value are not seen if a is false.
if v.Args[reverse].Op == OpConstBool && v.Args[reverse].AuxInt == 1 {
if tmp := v.Args[1-reverse]; f.sdom.isAncestorEq(tmp.Block, b) {
if tmp := v.Args[1-reverse]; sdom.isAncestorEq(tmp.Block, b) {
v.SetArgs2(b0.Control, tmp)
if f.pass.debug > 0 {
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ func phiopt(f *Func) {
// value is always computed. This guarantees that the side effects
// of value are not seen if a is false.
if v.Args[1-reverse].Op == OpConstBool && v.Args[1-reverse].AuxInt == 0 {
if tmp := v.Args[reverse]; f.sdom.isAncestorEq(tmp.Block, b) {
if tmp := v.Args[reverse]; sdom.isAncestorEq(tmp.Block, b) {
v.SetArgs2(b0.Control, tmp)
if f.pass.debug > 0 {
......@@ -463,13 +463,15 @@ func prove(f *Func) {
ft := newFactsTable()
idom := f.idom()
sdom := f.sdom()
// DFS on the dominator tree.
for len(work) > 0 {
node := work[len(work)-1]
work = work[:len(work)-1]
parent := f.idom[node.block.ID]
branch := getBranch(f.sdom, parent, node.block)
parent := idom[node.block.ID]
branch := getBranch(sdom, parent, node.block)
switch node.state {
case descend:
......@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ func prove(f *Func) {
block: node.block,
state: simplify,
for s := f.sdom.Child(node.block); s != nil; s = f.sdom.Sibling(s) {
for s := sdom.Child(node.block); s != nil; s = sdom.Sibling(s) {
work = append(work, bp{
block: s,
state: descend,
......@@ -2195,8 +2195,8 @@ func (s *regAllocState) computeLive() {
// Walk the dominator tree from end to beginning, just once, treating SCC
// components as single blocks, duplicated calculated liveness information
// out to all of them.
s.loopnest = loopnestfor(f)
po := s.loopnest.po
po := f.postorder()
s.loopnest = f.loopnest()
for {
changed := false
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ type SparseTreeHelper struct {
// NewSparseTreeHelper returns a SparseTreeHelper for use
// in the gc package, for example in phi-function placement.
func NewSparseTreeHelper(f *Func) *SparseTreeHelper {
dom := dominators(f)
dom := f.idom()
ponums := make([]int32, f.NumBlocks())
po := postorderWithNumbering(f, ponums)
return makeSparseTreeHelper(newSparseTree(f, dom), dom, po, ponums)
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ func (s *stackAllocState) computeLive(spillLive [][]ID) {
// Instead of iterating over f.Blocks, iterate over their postordering.
// Liveness information flows backward, so starting at the end
// increases the probability that we will stabilize quickly.
po := postorder(s.f)
po := s.f.postorder()
for {
changed := false
for _, b := range po {
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