Commit 7a98315c authored by Ken Thompson's avatar Ken Thompson

allow "defer close(chan)"

bug found by anton

parent 91ce0ef8
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
%type <node> if_stmt if_body if_header select_stmt condition
%type <node> simple_stmt osimple_stmt range_stmt semi_stmt
%type <node> expr uexpr pexpr expr_list oexpr oexpr_list expr_list_r
%type <node> exprsym3_list_r exprsym3
%type <node> exprsym3_list_r exprsym3 pseudocall
%type <node> name labelname onew_name new_name new_name_list_r new_field
%type <node> vardcl_list_r vardcl Avardcl Bvardcl
%type <node> interfacedcl_list_r interfacedcl interfacedcl1
......@@ -547,15 +547,13 @@ semi_stmt:
$$ = nod(OCONTINUE, $2, N);
| LGO pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')'
| LGO pseudocall
$$ = nod(OCALL, $2, $4);
$$ = nod(OPROC, $$, N);
$$ = nod(OPROC, $2, N);
| LDEFER pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')'
| LDEFER pseudocall
$$ = nod(OCALL, $2, $4);
$$ = nod(ODEFER, $$, N);
$$ = nod(ODEFER, $2, N);
| LGOTO new_name
......@@ -823,6 +821,22 @@ uexpr:
$$ = nod(ORECV, $2, N);
* call-like statements that
* can be preceeded by 'defer' and 'go'
pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')'
$$ = unsafenmagic($1, $3);
if($$ == N)
$$ = nod(OCALL, $1, $3);
| LCLOSE '(' expr ')'
$$ = nod(OCLOSE, $3, N);
......@@ -881,20 +895,11 @@ pexpr:
$$ = nod(OSLICE, $1, $3);
| pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')'
$$ = unsafenmagic($1, $3);
if($$ == N)
$$ = nod(OCALL, $1, $3);
| pseudocall
| LLEN '(' expr ')'
$$ = nod(OLEN, $3, N);
| LCLOSE '(' expr ')'
$$ = nod(OCLOSE, $3, N);
| LCLOSED '(' expr ')'
$$ = nod(OCLOSED, $3, N);
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