Commit 7e88826a authored by Ian Lance Taylor's avatar Ian Lance Taylor

cmd/compile: clear OTFUNC info when converting to OTYPE

I want to get rid of OTFUNC, which serves no useful purpose.  However,
it turns out that the escape analysis pass looks at the node slices set
up for OTFUNC, even though by the time escape analysis runs the OTFUNC
has been converted to OTYPE.  This CL converts the escape analysis code
to look at the function decls instead, and clears the OTFUNC info when
converting to OTYPE to ensure that nothing else looks at it.

Change-Id: I3f2f5997ea8ea7a127a858e94b20aabfab84a5bf
Run-TryBot: Ian Lance Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent aa482f97
......@@ -1474,48 +1474,51 @@ func esccall(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
if fn.Name.Defn.Esc == EscFuncUnknown || nE.Escretval.Len() != 0 {
Fatalf("graph inconsistency")
// set up out list on this call node
for _, n2 := range fn.Name.Param.Ntype.Rlist.Slice() {
nE.Escretval.Append(n2.Left) // type.rlist -> dclfield -> ONAME (PPARAMOUT)
// Receiver.
if n.Op != OCALLFUNC {
escassignNilWhy(e, fn.Name.Param.Ntype.Left.Left, n.Left.Left, "call receiver")
var src *Node
lls := ll.Slice()
lrs := fn.Name.Param.Ntype.List.Slice()
i := 0
for ; i < len(lls) && i < len(lrs); i++ {
src = lls[i]
if lrs[i].Isddd && !n.Isddd {
// Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation.
src = Nod(ODDDARG, nil, nil)
src.Type = typ(TARRAY)
src.Type.Type = lrs[i].Type.Type
src.Type.Bound = int64(len(lls) - i)
src.Type = Ptrto(src.Type) // make pointer so it will be tracked
src.Lineno = n.Lineno
n.Right = src
sawRcvr := false
var src *Node
for _, n2 := range fn.Name.Defn.Func.Dcl {
switch n2.Class {
case PPARAM:
if n.Op != OCALLFUNC && !sawRcvr {
escassignNilWhy(e, n2, n.Left.Left, "call receiver")
sawRcvr = true
continue DclLoop
if len(lls) == 0 {
continue DclLoop
src = lls[0]
if n2.Isddd && !n.Isddd {
// Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation.
src = Nod(ODDDARG, nil, nil)
src.Type = typ(TARRAY)
src.Type.Type = n2.Type.Type
src.Type.Bound = int64(len(lls))
src.Type = Ptrto(src.Type) // make pointer so it will be tracked
src.Lineno = n.Lineno
n.Right = src
escassignNilWhy(e, n2, src, "arg to recursive call")
if src != lls[0] {
break DclLoop
lls = lls[1:]
if lrs[i].Left != nil {
escassignNilWhy(e, lrs[i].Left, src, "arg to recursive call")
if src != lls[i] {
// "..." arguments are untracked
for ; i < len(lls); i++ {
for _, n2 := range lls {
if Debug['m'] > 3 {
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(lls[i], FmtShort))
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(n2, FmtShort))
escassignSinkNilWhy(e, src, lls[i], "... arg to recursive call")
escassignSinkNilWhy(e, src, n2, "... arg to recursive call")
......@@ -448,6 +448,9 @@ OpSwitch:
n.Type = nil
return n
n.Left = nil
// type or expr
case OIND:
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