Commit 83cd4ee0 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

6g: generate string data as individual symbols,

so that 6l can discard strings used by dead code.
also, for short strings, generate DUPOK global
symbols so that references to, say, "%s: %s" in
multiple files result in only a single symbol.

parent 0c3a43e7
......@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ int isfat(Type*);
void sudoclean(void);
int sudoaddable(int, Node*, Addr*);
void afunclit(Addr*);
void datagostring(Strlit*, Addr*);
* list.c
......@@ -152,8 +152,6 @@ ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok)
p = gins(AGLOBL, N, N);
p->from.type = D_EXTERN;
if(s == symstringl || s == symstringc)
p->from.type = D_STATIC;
p->from.index = D_NONE;
p->from.sym = s;
p->to.type = D_CONST;
......@@ -1146,11 +1144,7 @@ naddr(Node *n, Addr *a)
a->offset = mpgetfix(n->val.u.xval);
case CTSTR:
a->etype = simtype[n->etype];
a->sym = symstringl;
a->type = D_STATIC;
a->offset = symstringl->offset;
datagostring(n->val.u.sval, a);
case CTBOOL:
a->sym = S;
......@@ -261,23 +261,75 @@ dumpfuncs(void)
/* deferred DATA output */
static Prog *strdat;
static Prog *estrdat;
static int gflag;
static Prog *savepc;
static void
gflag = debug['g'];
debug['g'] = 0;
if(estrdat == nil) {
strdat = mal(sizeof(*pc));
estrdat = strdat;
fatal("data phase error");
savepc = pc;
pc = estrdat;
static void
fatal("text phase error");
debug['g'] = gflag;
estrdat = pc;
pc = savepc;
savepc = nil;
Prog *p;
if(estrdat == nil)
*pc = *strdat;
for(p=pc; p!=estrdat; p=p->link)
print("%P\n", p);
pc = estrdat;
* dump the characters of the string
* pool into the array symstringc
* make a refer to the data s, s+len
* emitting DATA if needed.
datastring(char *s, int len)
datastring(char *s, int len, Addr *a)
int w;
Prog *p;
Addr ac, ao;
static int gen;
struct {
Strlit lit;
char buf[100];
} tmp;
// string
memset(&ao, 0, sizeof(ao));
ao.type = D_STATIC;
ao.index = D_NONE;
ao.etype = TINT32;
ao.sym = symstringc;
ao.offset = 0; // fill in
// constant
......@@ -286,13 +338,37 @@ datastring(char *s, int len)
ac.index = D_NONE;
ac.offset = 0; // fill in
// huge strings are made static to avoid long names.
if(len > 100) {
snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), ".string.%d", gen++);
ao.sym = lookup(namebuf);
ao.type = D_STATIC;
} else {
if(len > 0 && s[len-1] == '\0')
tmp.lit.len = len;
memmove(tmp.lit.s, s, len);
tmp.lit.s[len] = '\0';
snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "\"%Z\"", &tmp.lit);
ao.sym = pkglookup(namebuf, "string");
ao.type = D_EXTERN;
*a = ao;
// only generate data the first time.
ao.sym->uniq = 1;
for(w=0; w<len; w+=8) {
p = pc;
gins(ADATA, N, N);
// .stringo<>+oo, [NSNAME], $"xxx"
// DATA s+w, [NSNAME], $"xxx"
p->from = ao;
p->from.offset = stringc;
p->from.offset = w;
p->from.scale = NSNAME;
if(w+8 > len)
......@@ -302,25 +378,25 @@ datastring(char *s, int len)
p->to.type = D_SCONST;
p->to.offset = len;
memmove(p->to.sval, s+w, p->from.scale);
stringc += p->from.scale;
p = pc;
ggloblsym(ao.sym, len, ao.type == D_EXTERN);
if(ao.type == D_STATIC)
p->from.type = D_STATIC;
* dump the strings into thye pool
* symstingl that consists of a pointer
* to the characters and a count
* make a refer to the string sval,
* emitting DATA if needed.
datagostring(Strlit *sval, Addr *a)
Pool *l;
Prog *p;
Addr ac, ao, ap;
int32 wi, wp, ws;
if(poolist == nil)
int32 wi, wp;
static int gen;
memset(&ac, 0, sizeof(ac));
memset(&ao, 0, sizeof(ao));
......@@ -332,49 +408,61 @@ dumpstrings(void)
ac.offset = 0; // fill in
// string len+ptr
ao.type = D_STATIC;
ao.type = D_STATIC; // fill in
ao.index = D_NONE;
ao.etype = TINT32;
ao.sym = symstringl;
ao.offset = 0; // fill in
ao.sym = nil; // fill in
// $string len+ptr
datastring(sval->s, sval->len, &ap);
ap.index = ap.type;
ap.type = D_ADDR;
ap.index = D_STATIC;
ap.etype = TINT32;
ap.sym = symstringc;
ap.offset = 0; // fill in
wi = types[TUINT32]->width;
wp = types[tptr]->width;
ws = types[TSTRING]->width;
// lay out (count+string)
for(l=poolist; l!=nil; l=l->link) {
if(ap.index == D_STATIC) {
// huge strings are made static to avoid long names
snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), ".gostring.%d", ++gen);
ao.sym = lookup(namebuf);
ao.type = D_STATIC;
} else {
// small strings get named by their contents,
// so that multiple modules using the same string
// can share it.
snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "\"%Z\"", sval);
ao.sym = pkglookup(namebuf, "go.string");
ao.type = D_EXTERN;
// .stringl<>+ol, wp, $.stringc<>+oc
p = pc;
gins(ADATA, N, N);
p->from = ao;
p->from.offset = stringl;
p->from.scale = wp;
p->to = ap;
p->to.offset = stringc;
stringl += wp;
*a = ao;
ao.sym->uniq = 1;
// .stringl<>+ol, wi, $len
p = pc;
gins(ADATA, N, N);
p->from = ao;
p->from.offset = stringl;
p->from.scale = wi;
p->to = ac;
p->to.offset = l->sval->len;
stringl += wi;
// DATA gostring, wp, $cstring
p = pc;
gins(ADATA, N, N);
p->from = ao;
p->from.scale = wp;
p->to = ap;
stringl = rnd(stringl, ws);
datastring(l->sval->s, l->sval->len);
// DATA gostring+wp, wi, $len
p = pc;
gins(ADATA, N, N);
p->from = ao;
p->from.offset = wp;
p->from.scale = wi;
p->to = ac;
p->to.offset = sval->len;
p = pc;
ggloblsym(ao.sym, types[TSTRING]->width, ao.type == D_EXTERN);
if(ao.type == D_STATIC)
p->from.type = D_STATIC;
......@@ -390,14 +478,12 @@ dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str)
p->from.offset = off;
p->from.scale = widthptr;
datastring(str, strlen(str)+1, &p->to);
p->to.index = p->to.type;
p->to.type = D_ADDR;
p->to.index = D_STATIC;
p->to.etype = TINT32;
p->to.sym = symstringc;
p->to.offset = stringc;
off += widthptr;
datastring(str, strlen(str)+1);
return off;
......@@ -463,20 +463,6 @@ struct Sig
Sig* link;
typedef struct Pool Pool;
struct Pool
Strlit* sval;
Pool* link;
EXTERN Pool* poolist;
EXTERN Pool* poolast;
EXTERN Sym* symstringl; // string literals
EXTERN Sym* symstringc; // string characters
EXTERN int32 stringl; // size of string literals
EXTERN int32 stringc; // size of string characters
typedef struct Io Io;
struct Io
......@@ -785,7 +771,6 @@ int brrev(int);
void setmaxarg(Type*);
Sig* lsort(Sig*, int(*)(Sig*, Sig*));
int dotoffset(Node*, int*, Node**);
void stringpool(Node*);
void tempname(Node*, Type*);
int Econv(Fmt*);
......@@ -1029,7 +1014,6 @@ Plist* newplist(void);
* obj.c
void Bputdot(Biobuf *b);
void dumpfuncs(void);
void dumpglobls(void);
void dumpobj(void);
void ieeedtod(uint64 *ieee, double native);
......@@ -1060,17 +1044,15 @@ int isfat(Type*);
void clearfat(Node *n);
void cgen(Node*, Node*);
void gused(Node*);
void dumpstrings(void);
void dumpsignatures(void);
void dumpfuncs(void);
void dumpdata(void);
void ggloblnod(Node *nam, int32 width);
void ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok);
void zfile(Biobuf *b, char *p, int n);
void zhist(Biobuf *b, int line, vlong offset);
void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t);
void dumpstrings(void);
void nopout(Prog*);
void datastring(char *s, int len);
int dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str);
int dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x);
int duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v);
......@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
symstringl = lookup(".stringl"); // string literals (ptr to char and count)
symstringc = lookup(".stringc"); // string characters
lineno = 1;
block = 1;
blockgen = 1;
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ dumpobj(void)
......@@ -483,42 +483,6 @@ dumpsignatures(void)
//print("s=%S\n", s);
dumpsigt(progt, ifacet, rcvrt, methodt, s);
if(stringl > 0) {
stringl = rnd(stringl, maxround);
ggloblsym(symstringl, stringl, 0);
if(stringc == 0)
stringc = 1;
if(stringc > 0) {
stringc = rnd(stringc, maxround);
ggloblsym(symstringc, stringc, 0);
stringpool(Node *n)
Pool *p;
if(n->op != OLITERAL || n->val.ctype != CTSTR) {
if(n->val.ctype == CTNIL)
fatal("stringpool: not string %N", n);
p = mal(sizeof(*p));
p->sval = n->val.u.sval;
p->link = nil;
if(poolist == nil)
poolist = p;
poolast->link = p;
poolast = p;
symstringl->offset += types[TSTRING]->width;
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