Commit 89c59bc6 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

effective go: explain about values/pointers in String() example

Fixes #1796.

R=rsc, r2, niemeyer
parent 55d43f0c
......@@ -1489,6 +1489,12 @@ to print in the format
(If you need to print <em>values</em> of type <code>T</code> as well as pointers to <code>T</code>,
the receiver for <code>String</code> must be of value type; this example used a pointer because
that's more efficient and idiomatic for struct types.
See the section below on <a href="#pointers_vs_values">pointers vs. value receivers</a> for more information.)
Our <code>String()</code> method is able to call <code>Sprintf</code> because the
print routines are fully reentrant and can be used recursively.
We can even go one step further and pass a print routine's arguments directly to another such routine.
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