Commit 8ba5c559 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: work around Linux kernel bug in futex

Fixes #420.

parent 5c2197ac
......@@ -42,20 +42,12 @@ static Timespec longtime =
static void
futexsleep(uint32 *addr, uint32 val)
int32 ret;
ret = futex(addr, FUTEX_WAIT, val, &longtime, nil, 0);
if(ret >= 0 || ret == -EAGAIN || ret == -EINTR)
prints("futexsleep addr=");
prints(" val=");
prints(" returned ");
*(int32*)0x1005 = 0x1005;
// Some Linux kernels have a bug where futex of
// FUTEX_WAIT returns an internal error code
// as an errno. Libpthread ignores the return value
// here, and so can we: as it says a few lines up,
// spurious wakeups are allowed.
futex(addr, FUTEX_WAIT, val, &longtime, nil, 0);
// If any procs are sleeping on addr, wake up at least one.
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